Best PvP Weapons In Space Marine 2

Best PvP Weapons In Space Marine 2

As a battle-hardened Space Marine veteran with countless skirmishes under my belt, I can confidently say that each of these weapons has its unique place in the heat of battle. The Heavy Bolter is like the reliable old warhorse, a stalwart companion when things get tough. Its ability to mow down enemies at close range is second to none, but it’s that crawling business when entering ADS mode that can leave you feeling vulnerable.

In the “Eternal War” mode for Space Marine 2 , participants can engage in intense player-versus-player combat with six teams of six players each, utilizing an extensive collection of weapons provided within the game. While each weapon possesses its unique strengths, certain ones stand out in specific areas or categories.

Following the unveiling of Space Marine 2’s Player vs Player (PvP) gameplay, participants will initially be equipped with fundamental gear across each class. Consequently, certain weapons might not be accessible straight away. However, for those eager to rule the PvP arena or simply seeking items to progress, here is a rundown of the top weapons for the Eternal War mode.

9 Chainsword

Reliable And Deadly In Melee

Best PvP Weapons In Space Marine 2

  • Deals good melee damage
  • Fourth combo hit is slow and easy to avoid
Available Classes
  • Tactical, Assault, Bulwark, Vanguard

In PvP mode, melee combat might not be the primary focus, but when necessary, players will find themselves involved in close-quarters fighting. In such situations, the Chainsword proves particularly effective at repelling assailants. It delivers a solid blow and, although it can sometimes be blocked or dodged, it’s incredibly handy in emergencies. In fact, it’s more useful than the Combat Knife in certain instances.

In this particular location, the Chainsword holds its own against other melee weapons. They’re all about equally useful, but the Chainsword stands out because it can be wielded by a wider variety of classes.

8 Bolt Pistol

Light And Surprisingly Lethal

Best PvP Weapons In Space Marine 2
  • High rate of fire
  • Fast reload
  • Low damage per shot
  • Relatively short range
Available Classes
  • All

Although it may appear less powerful, the Bolt Pistol is surprisingly dependable compared to what some players might expect. It lacks the extended range and force of a standard Boltgun, but it can effectively eliminate enemies in close quarters due to its rapid firing speed and satisfactory magazine size.

In the game ‘Space Marine 2’, the Assault marine’s class doesn’t stand out as the top choice, but when equipped with a Heavy Bolt Pistol, they can effectively eliminate enemies with pinpoint accuracy while soaring above them, as this weapon matches the power of the Heavy Bolt Pistol wielded by their larger counterparts.

7 Plasma Pistol

The Pocket Face Melter

Best PvP Weapons In Space Marine 2
  • High damage per shot
  • Often runs into ammo issues
Available Classes
  • Bulwark, Heavy

The Plasma Pistol is incredibly destructive when used skillfully by a precise shooter, and its power amplifies further if users make use of its potent charged blasts. This handgun can be trusted by Bulwarks and Heavies as they navigate the map, particularly against adversaries who are engaged with other targets. Failing to land a charged shot can have severe consequences, as not only does it deplete ammo faster, but it may also cause overheating, leaving the weapon inoperable for a brief period.

At long distances, the sluggish travel pace of the Plasma Pistol’s bullets affects its efficiency, yet because it excels in close combat situations, this limitation is typically unimportant.

6 Plasma Incinerator

Slow But Powerful Battle Rifle

Best PvP Weapons In Space Marine 2
  • High damage per shot
  • Massive charged shot damage
  • Relatively slow projectiles
  • Missing is very punishing
Available Classes
  • Tactical

In simpler terms, the larger variant of the Plasma Pistol operates similarly but delivers stronger blows and holds a larger ammunition capacity. The Plasma Incinerator stands out as an exceptional weapon for Tactical marines in both Operations mode and Eternal War.

This projectile weapon works optimally at medium distances, but it’s advisable to employ it at longer ranges if your opponent is not expecting it.

5 Bolt Carbine

Short-Ranged Shredder

Best PvP Weapons In Space Marine 2
  • High rate of fire
  • Fast TTK
  • Low damage per shot
  • Low range, high recoil
Available Classes
  • Tactical, Sniper

The Bolt Carbine is a small-sized firearm known for its rapid shooting speed, making it ideal for swiftly eliminating nearby objectives without needing to engage in hand-to-hand combat. It’s an excellent choice for tactical or sniper players maneuvering on the flanks, but it becomes less effective when dealing with targets at a distance.

The weapon in question shares a strong resemblance to the Occulus Bolt Carbine of the Vanguard class. Both are crafted for rapid-fire attacks against nearby adversaries, but the Bolt Carbine edges out its larger equivalent slightly due to its superior shooting speed.

4 Instigator Bolt Carbine

Burst-Fire Headhunter

Best PvP Weapons In Space Marine 2
  • High accuracy
  • Good damage at range
  • Punishing to use in close range
  • Long delay between bursts
Available Classes
  • Vanguard

The Instigator differs from the Bolt Carbine in that it primarily operates on a burst-fire mode, rather than continuous fire. Although it discharges nearly as quickly, this feature makes it more suitable for medium-range skirmishes. It’s a great choice for Vanguard players who favor strategic positioning over aggressive charges towards the enemy.

This weapon excels particularly against tougher enemy types within the PvE modes of “Space Marine 2,” and it maintains its effectiveness against opponents in PvP. However, it may not perform as well in close quarters due to its extended burst-fire delay, so remember to always have your Bolt Pistol ready.

3 Heavy Bolter

Maximum Firepower

Best PvP Weapons In Space Marine 2
  • Good DPS
  • Fire rate ramps up while shooting
  • Drastically slows users down
  • Very inaccurate when fully spun-up
Available Classes
  • Heavy

In terms of securing clear lines of vision, the Heavy Bolter stands out as an excellent weapon choice. While it may not boast the highest damage per bullet, it more than compensates with its rapid rate of fire and ample ammunition supply. Failure to seek cover can result in heavy damage for players, while those wielding the Heavy Bolter can effectively ward off melee attacks as well.

On the contrary, when players adopt the Heavy Bolter’s aim-down-sights (ADS) stance, they are compelled to move slowly, exposing them to danger. Moreover, due to its modest ability to eliminate enemies alone, successful kills often require collaboration with teammates.

2 Multi-Melta

The King Of Close Quarters

Best PvP Weapons In Space Marine 2
  • Very high damage per shot
  • Accurate without aiming
  • Very short range
  • Slow rate of fire
Available Classes
  • Heavy

In the game ‘Space Marine 2’, the Multi-Melta transforms Heavy units into close combat specialists, equipped with a weapon that functions similarly to a shotgun. This weapon is so potent that it can quickly eliminate any marine with just a few rounds fired, making it extremely deadly in close quarters. If Heavies can successfully flank their opponents, they have the potential to wreak havoc on the enemy team with the Multi-Melta.

The two weapons, this one and the Melta Rifle, serve identical functions, but they have distinct differences. While both are used in similar ways, the Melta Rifle designed for Tactical classes offers enhanced agility as a trade-off for reduced potency.

1 Bolt Rifle

Best All-Around Primary Weapon

Best PvP Weapons In Space Marine 2
  • Good damage per shot
  • Very accurate
  • Relatively slow rate of fire
Available Classes
  • Tactical

In the game Space Marine 2, the Bolt Rifle may not have taken the crown as the top Tactical weapon overall, but in Player versus Player (PvP) matches, it stands out due to its effectiveness in landing headshots. The rifle’s robust damage output and high accuracy make it a hidden powerhouse for players who can land their shots accurately.

As a gamer, I find the Heavy Bolt Rifle has a similar deadly impact, but the other one feels more beginner-friendly with its quicker firing speed. Ultimately, it comes down to personal taste which one gamers opt for when choosing between the Bolt Rifle and its heavy counterpart.

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2024-09-12 14:24