Best Reasons To Do A High Honor Run in Red Dead Redemption 2

Best Reasons To Do A High Honor Run in Red Dead Redemption 2

Key Takeaways

  • Arthur’s dialogue shifts significantly based on player choices, showcasing two different sides of his character as he navigates redemption.
  • High honor Arthur prioritizes kindness, resulting in potentially beneficial in-game bonuses and a unique gameplay experience.
  • Making pivotal story choices impacts Arthur’s relationship with Dutch and his ultimate fate, highlighting his complexity as a character.

As a seasoned gamer who’s ridden through the dusty plains of the Wild West countless times, I must say that Red Dead Redemption 2 is a masterpiece that tugs at your heartstrings and leaves you pondering long after the final credits roll.

Arthur Morgan is a multifaceted individual with underlying imperfections. Throughout the game “Red Dead Redemption 2,” he has been closely associated with the Van Der Linde gang, who, though not all evil, may not be the most positive influences on Arthur, given his internal struggles and conflicts.

As I roam the Old West in Rockstar’s epic saga, Red Dead Redemption 2, my journey is all about redemption. Though I’ve got a checkered past, I strive to make the right choices and do what’s best, hoping to prove myself worthy. Whether I’m seen as an honorable cowboy or not depends on me – every decision I make impacts my ‘honor meter.’ This meter not only reflects my character’s private life but also shapes both the storyline and gameplay experiences in significant ways.

This list contains spoilers for Red Dead Redemption 2’s main story.

10 Arthur’s Conversation With The Sister

Take A Gamble That Love Exists

Best Reasons To Do A High Honor Run in Red Dead Redemption 2

Following Monroe’s rescue, a poignant scene unfolds between Arthur Morgan and Sister Calderon, one of several emotionally charged moments in the game. This particular scene showcases Arthur opening up about his fear of death and his lack of faith in any higher power.

Sister Calderon empathizes with his feelings of inadequacy, reassuring him that his actions, contrary to his self-perception, are always beneficial towards others. However, when playing with a questionable moral compass, the scene features Reverend Swanson who doesn’t aim to uplift Arthur spiritually but rather reminds him that he will live and die by his own choices.

9 Arthur’s Dialogue

May Aswell Protect The Payment

Best Reasons To Do A High Honor Run in Red Dead Redemption 2

In a game with a high honor rating, the main character’s demeanor and speech usually undergo a significant change across the storyline, particularly following Arthur’s tuberculosis diagnosis. A character of high honor like Arthur speaks more gently and places greater emphasis on preserving his gang members’ lives rather than pursuing monetary gains.

As I follow Arthur Morgan’s storyline closer to John Marston at the end of his journey, it becomes evident that he’s an empathetic and trustworthy figure, always looking out for John and his family. The high-honor version of him seems like a man who’s come to terms with his past, choosing to make amends and do good for those around him. His grief is palpable when a fellow gang member dies, whereas a low-honor player sees Arthur more preoccupied with the loss of money.

8 Story Implications

The Canonical Journey

Best Reasons To Do A High Honor Run in Red Dead Redemption 2

In essence, Arthur’s character in Red Dead Redemption 2 is portrayed as fundamentally virtuous, which significantly enhances the authenticity of his narrative. The game effectively depicts his persistent self-reflection on his wrongdoings and how Dutch’s influence shaped him negatively over time. This narrative closely follows the classic pattern of a hero’s journey.

In contrast, Arthur’s regrettable actions are not limited to the main storyline; they extend throughout his entire life, leading up to the events depicted. A player with a low honor might find a reflection of a lifetime of unchanged ways in Arthur. On the other hand, a high-honor playthrough aligns perfectly with the concept of Arthur’s evolving ideals, as he grapples with moral conflicts that ultimately clash with Dutch, who becomes increasingly delusional and tyrannical.

7 How The Gang Reminisce

Arthur Didn’t Care About Revenge

Best Reasons To Do A High Honor Run in Red Dead Redemption 2

In the epilogue, players assume the character of John Marston, interacting with different gang members. Through these encounters, Rockstar reveals to the player the opinions that these characters held about Arthur during his lifetime.

While strolling through Blackwater, Charles and another individual engage in a conversation. Charles speaks about Arthur and the incidents from the preceding chapter. He criticizes John for his pursuit of revenge, stating that honorable Arthur viewed it as a futile endeavor, unlike low-honor Arthur who might have sympathized with John’s quest for vengeance. The quote inscribed on Arthur Morgan’s grave is also distinct and now reads, “Blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness,” whereas the lower-honor inscription says, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

6 The Deer Spirit

Caregiving Nature

Best Reasons To Do A High Honor Run in Red Dead Redemption 2

When a player is confirmed to have tuberculosis, they may begin experiencing visions featuring one of two spiritual entities. The Deer symbolizes the revered figure of King Arthur in Native American folklore. In many Native-American stories, deer are portrayed as kind guardians connected with tranquility and solace.

At times when Arthur finds himself grappling with his true self, he tends to remember certain conversations, and these exchanges alter based on the player’s level of honor. In cases where the protagonist is high-honor, he reminisces about his fellow gang members confiding in him, portraying a more positive perspective that everyone seems to have towards Arthur. This also serves as an excellent platform for the game to demonstrate Arthur’s self-reflection and the significant growth he has experienced since the Blackwater Massacre incident.

5 The Last Ride

The Many Things He’s Learned

Best Reasons To Do A High Honor Run in Red Dead Redemption 2

Following my heartfelt farewells to Abigail and Sadie, I embark on my iconic last journey back to camp. This poignant sequence, brimming with emotion and certain to stir the soul, takes on a more hopeful and heroic tone as the screen is bathed in a comforting warm orange glow when played in high-honor mode, accompanied by a more uplifting song. As a gamer experiencing this, I can’t help but feel a lump in my throat.

Arthur ponders over the numerous instances where people expressed immense gratitude towards him and assured him that he was a fine individual. This demonstrates that although Arthur usually downplays such compliments when they come, in truth, he yearned to be kind. As his last moments approached, being good became the most significant aspect for him.

4 Exploration Bonuses

That Haircut Is Now 50% Off

Best Reasons To Do A High Honor Run in Red Dead Redemption 2

In the vast game world, elevated respect comes with perks, ranging from fresh attire ensembles to a whopping 50% reduction in all shops. It can prove incredibly advantageous, particularly for those who prioritize high morality early on in the game. However, maintaining this respect might require a significant investment of time, especially when it comes to regularly greeting every resident in Valentine town.

A 50% discount across all shops is a substantial advantage, whether you’re buying garments, protective gear, or steeds – it’s incredibly useful and perfect for anyone aiming to achieve the elusive platinum trophy. It also acts as a gentle nudge about the opinions of those around you.

3 Story Choices

Should Probably Spare Them

Best Reasons To Do A High Honor Run in Red Dead Redemption 2

The protagonist is presented with numerous decisions throughout the game, and it’s usually clear which ones are good or bad. Often, these choices revolve around whether or not the character, Arthur, decides to show mercy towards someone.

Generally, Arthur Morgan abstains from committing cold-blooded murders; instead, he disapproves of Dutch for doing so, as he witnesses his respected mentor and role model’s mental stability and moral values deteriorating over time. Dutch had instilled this characteristic in a younger Arthur, although it seems that he doesn’t always adhere to it himself.

2 Relationship With Dutch

Arthur Gave Dutch All He Had

Best Reasons To Do A High Honor Run in Red Dead Redemption 2

A heartbreaking aspect of the story is watching Dutch, who served as a father figure to Arthur, gradually descend into chaos and attempt to pull the entire group into his downward spiral. Following Hosea’s demise, there was no one left to control Dutch’s unstable nature or engage in rational discourse with him.

In a new take on the narrative, we delve deeper into the story through the eyes of noble Arthur, fiercely devoted to his mentor. Through thick and thin, he stands by his side. Eventually, the truth about Dutch comes to light. The pair often clash throughout the tale, as Arthur consistently calls out Dutch’s hypocrisy and the destructive path the leader of the Van Der Linde gang seems to be treading, putting everyone around him at risk.

1 The High Honor Ending

In The End, He Did

Best Reasons To Do A High Honor Run in Red Dead Redemption 2

Arthur hands over his hat and satchel to John Marston prior to scaling the rocky cliffside, intending to confront Micah and lure gunmen away from Marston’s escape. Opting to aid John rather than returning for the money, all while maintaining a high sense of honor, symbolizes the most iconic conclusion in the game Red Dead Redemption 2.

Following an exhausting battle against Micah Bell, Arthur finds himself gasping for breath on the ground, striving to witness one last sunrise as it peeks over the horizon’s edge. In his dying moments, he catches a glimpse of a deer in the woods, symbolizing that despite everything, he had always aspired to do what was right. Arthur chose to believe in love, and his final act was an expression of that belief: He aided John and his family in their escape.

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2024-10-11 18:35