Best Rings for a Melee Build in Deathbound

Best Rings for a Melee Build in Deathbound

As a seasoned adventurer in the mystical realm of Deathbound, I can confidently say that the rings you wield are not just trinkets, but game-changers. Each one offers unique benefits tailored to various playstyles, and understanding their intricacies is key to mastering this challenging game.

In the game Deathbound, the gear you choose has a significant role due to its limited availability. Although you play as seven characters simultaneously, there are only three gear slots available for your character, and an additional two for Rings. The Artefact Slot is also part of this allocation. Consequently, selecting the appropriate Ring is crucial in this Soulslike game, especially when you factor in the Mystic and Ancient Upgrade Effects. Essentially, each Artefact or Ring offers two distinct ‘routes’ or choices in Deathbound.

In this game, each Ring comes with two unique effects: Mystic and Ancient. These effects are always active when the Ring is equipped. However, as you focus more on one aspect, it becomes costlier and offers fewer upgrade options for the other side. Essentially, you’re required to make a choice regarding the functionality of your Rings if you wish to enhance them. Today, let’s discuss the optimal Rings and their upgrade paths, particularly for a melee-focused character.


Ring Taken From Remains

More Sync Equals More Morph Strikes

Best Rings for a Melee Build in Deathbound
Name Mystic Effect Ancient Effect
Ring Taken From Remains Every X percent Health lost from attacks grants +X percent Sync. +X percent Spell Power.

Initially, you’ll encounter the Ring Taken From Remains in the game Deathbound, a ring that many players will keep equipped throughout their gaming experience. Although the Ancient Bonus of this Ring doesn’t benefit melee builds in any way, the Mystic Bonus certainly does.

As a devoted fan, I must say that the Sync generated from HP loss, even at the basic upgrade level for this Ring, is quite conspicuous. However, with just a few upgrades, this Ring significantly enhances my access to Morph Dodges, Morph Strikes, and Ultra Morph Strikes in combat. These abilities are undeniably beneficial for any Deathbound build, but they’re particularly crucial for melee builds because the more Morph Strikes I can execute, the longer I can maintain a relentless barrage of attacks.

Zealot’s Ring

You’ll Want All The Poise You Can Get

Best Rings for a Melee Build in Deathbound
Name Mystic Effect Ancient Effect
Zealot’s Ring Dealing Physical Damage reduces Essence’s Heat by +X percent. +X percent Max Poise.

Following is the Zealot’s Ring. With its Ancient Bonus Effect clearly noticeable, the Mystic Bonus Effect is primarily significant for characters handling Heat, but not my melee Essences. However, the Ancient Bonus Effect significantly enhances any build. Greater Poise makes it harder for you to be interrupted during your attack sequences, enabling a continuous barrage of attacks on enemies while skillfully dodging using Morph Dodges and Morph Strikes to dodge incoming damage.

In most cases of Deathbound, it’s more beneficial to go all out with Morph Dodge/Morph Strike rather than adopting a cautious approach. However, without precise timing, you might end up taking some hits. This is where the Zealot’s Ring proves useful. Given that a melee build relies on this aggressive playstyle, the Zealot’s Ring is highly effective, as it supports and enhances such a strategy.

Commander’s Ring

Either Become Tankier or Gain Rewards On Good Defense

Best Rings for a Melee Build in Deathbound
Name Mystic Effect Ancient Effect
Commander’s Ring +X percent Defences against projectiles. Gain +X Sync when performing a Perfect Block.

The Commander’s Ring is unique among these items because both its properties are advantageous for a close-combat playstyle. The Mystic Bonus reduces the nuisance of projectiles, while the Ancient Bonus enhances the defensive aspects of Deathbound, making it more rewarding to use the game’s defense mechanics. We found the Ancient Bonus particularly useful, so if you’re deciding where to focus upgrades, we suggest prioritizing that aspect. The Perfect Blocking feature in Deathbound is a valuable asset for three out of five melee characters, offering significant assistance against specific enemies and bosses with aggressive attack patterns or misleading hitboxes.

Alter Ring

Morph Strikes are Just Incredibly Strong

Best Rings for a Melee Build in Deathbound
Name Mystic Effect Ancient Effect
Alter Ring +X percent Morph Strike. Morph Strike hits may apply Random Effects to both you and the target. Morph Strikes and Dodges have an X percent chance to grant +X Sync.

In the heart of the game “Deathbound“, you’ll encounter the Alter Ring, a device primarily designed to amplify Morph Strikes. As we’ve previously discussed, Morph Strikes are incredibly powerful in this game, so a Ring that boosts them further is undeniably beneficial. The Mystic Bonus of this Ring carries an element of risk and reward, as it also activates random effects on you, but often, the benefits outweigh the risks. However, the Ancient Bonus Effect is consistently excellent, making it wise to invest more upgrades into this aspect rather than focusing too heavily on the Mystic Effect side of the Ring. In summary, while it doesn’t guarantee a Morph Strike or Morph Dodge in every battle, its frequent activation makes shifting between Essences during combat much more feasible, thereby simplifying the game overall.

Circle of Freedom

Really Only for the Ancient Effect

Best Rings for a Melee Build in Deathbound
Name Mystic Effect Ancient Effect
Circle of Freedom Every X percent Health lost from attacks decays X Heat. +X percent Defence and Damage when fighting multiple enemies.

Lastly, let’s examine the Circle of Freedom, a ring that becomes available in the latter part of Deathbound. At first sight, it appears unfavorable, but upon reflection of your journey through Deathbound, you’ll notice how frequently you engage multiple enemies simultaneously, particularly in late-game zones. Consequently, the Ancient Bonus Effect of this ring is quite beneficial, as it will rarely be inactive. Enhanced defense and damage during multi-enemy encounters is a significant boost for any melee build, but it also benefits most builds to some extent. However, if you plan on using this ring with the two mage-type Essences, we advise investing in the Mystic Bonus Effect as well.

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2024-08-09 04:04