Best Skills For The Samurai Class In Keylocker

Best Skills For The Samurai Class In Keylocker

Key Takeaways

  • Samurai is a defensive starting class in
    , focusing on reloading abilities and improving counterattacks.
  • Impulse Response increases counter damage, while Reckoning guarantees a critical hit on the next move.
  • Synthetic Biology disperses nanomachines for healing over time, stabilizing Bobo in dire situations in

As a seasoned RPG enthusiast with over two decades of gaming under my belt, I can confidently say that the Samurai skill tree in Keylocker is a masterpiece of strategic design. Each skill offers unique benefits that cater to various playstyles, making each encounter feel fresh and exciting.

Keylocker is a fresh indie RPG that shares similarities with Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, featuring an engaging turn-based combat system where timing is crucial. Players can land powerful critical hits or shield themselves from enemy attacks without suffering damage, given they time their actions correctly. Initially, players will control Bobo, who has the ability to assume any of four roles, including the Samurai class.

For a beginner’s adventure with Keylocker, the Samurai class is an excellent choice due to its defensive nature, similar to how it’s designed in other RPGs. Instead of gaining abilities through leveling up, players will acquire Keys that can be invested into a skill tree. Let’s explore the Samurai’s skill tree and identify which skills are most beneficial for players to focus on.

7 Edgeworth

Edged Weapon Skills Reload 10% Faster

Best Skills For The Samurai Class In Keylocker

In the game, you’ll find that Edgeworth is the initial skill you’ll acquire, automatically unlocking for you. Similar to other skill trees in RPGs, each ability within Edgeworth can be upgraded by investing points into them, making them more powerful. The concept behind Edgeworth revolves around the fact that skills related to edged weapons will recharge faster after use.

In the skill system, you’ll discover related talents that speed up the reload time for specific weapons. For instance, Melody of the Stars expedites the reload of skills associated with Violins, Cellos, and Harps. If a player favors a particular weapon while playing as a Samurai or any other class, it’s advisable to invest in one of these weapon-specific reloading abilities alongside Edgeworth.

6 Life Force

Raises HP, Improves Counterattacks, And Life Attacks But, Lowers Electricity

Best Skills For The Samurai Class In Keylocker

In many role-playing games (RPGs), there’s a fundamental attribute often referred to as the “Life Force.” This attribute serves to boost your Health Points (HP) or, as it’s called in Keylocker, Life Points (LP) or Life Energy. Essentially, players possess two health meters: LP and EP, where EP stands for Electric Points.

As a gamer, I find myself in a world where my attacks target either the opponent’s resources or their vitality, much like how the Yu-Gi-Oh card game lets you attack your foe’s cards to obliterate them, or their Life Points directly. My Life Force skill amplifies my counterattacks, but at the expense of reducing EP. Another useful skill is Chariot Epidermis, which can boost Bobo’s Armor Points (AP), offering a protective layer against the EP drain if I choose to use Life Force.

5 Chain Reaction

Perfect Hits Cast Entangle

Best Skills For The Samurai Class In Keylocker

In a combat situation, Chain Reaction equips your weapon with the Entangle ability. This means that entangled enemies will be unable to move across the battlefield, and they also won’t be able to retaliate or counterattack while in this state.

As a gamer, I’ve found that nailing a Perfect Hit is the key to casting Entangle, which can be quite challenging at times, especially if you’re familiar with the Mario RPG series. However, mastering certain weapons can help improve my timing, and the advantage of Entangling an enemy makes it worth the practice.

4 Impulse Response

Improves Countermeasures

Best Skills For The Samurai Class In Keylocker

As a devoted fan, let me share my excitement about mastering the Impulse Response technique! When crafting my samurai character, I’ll initially wield a sword and an intriguing musical instrument – a guitar. The sword serves primarily for defensive maneuvers like counters or parries, terms often used to describe these moves. On the other hand, the guitar is equipped to strike enemies head-on!

When players assume the Parry position, they retaliate against an enemy if the enemy attempts to attack them. Boosting the Impact Response raises the damage of a counter by 25%, and this is just for the initial level. The Parry or other counter actions are most effective when players can’t move around on the battlefield, which resembles the grid-based systems often seen in tactical role-playing games.

3 Reckoning

Guarantees A Critical Hit On The Next Move

Best Skills For The Samurai Class In Keylocker

The weapon will acquire the Capacity for Critical Strikes, which ensures that the subsequent strike is always a critical hit, not just a probability. A critical hit could potentially determine the outcome in a life-or-death scenario.

As players accumulate more critical hits, their opponents will fall faster. This concept is familiar to RPG enthusiasts, from games like Pokemon and Final Fantasy onwards. Additionally, other skills within the Samurai skill tree enhance critical attack capabilities, including Prophetic Edge.

2 Asymmetric Training

Increase Speed And Overdrive

Best Skills For The Samurai Class In Keylocker

Asymmetric Training refers to a special ability that players can acquire to give their Samurai class a hint of ninja agility. The description for this ability suggests it’s a stealthy, assassin-esque trait, enhancing the character’s speed. Speed, as a statistical attribute, influences the sequence in which actions are taken within the Keylocker game.

In simple terms, the faster a character moves, the quicker they can perform actions, sometimes even allowing them to act twice in succession. Enhancing Speed through Asymmetric Training boosts this speed. A related skill is Oni-Science, which enables weapons to afflict Wither on opponents, slowing their speed. Consequently, a player moves faster indirectly as the enemy’s speed decreases.

1 Synthetic Biology

Healing Over Time

Best Skills For The Samurai Class In Keylocker

In simpler terms, Synthetic Biology could be described as an advanced technique, akin to a special skill in the Samurai’s arsenal. This skill introduces nanomachines into Bobo, which gradually heal her, fitting with the cybernetic nature of the world. It’s somewhat like the Regen spell commonly seen in various Final Fantasy games.

In the game Keylocker, Synthetic Biology won’t replace the use of restorative items such as milkshakes, but it can provide a more stable recovery option for Bobo during critical situations. Various methods for healing in a game, be it through skills, passive abilities, or items, are always advantageous to players. This is a concept that experienced role-playing game (RPG) veterans will be familiar with.

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2024-09-19 18:05