Best Skills To Unlock Early in Black Myth: Wukong

Best Skills To Unlock Early in Black Myth: Wukong

Key Takeaways

  • Game Science’s Black Myth Wukong is not a traditional Souls-like, but a more forgiving hack-and-slash title.
  • The game features a unique Skill Tree that allows players to unlock skills, buffs, and stances using Sparks.
  • Key skills to unlock early on include Mobile Spin for quick movement, Deft Evasion for agile dodges, and Pillar Stance for strategic advantage.

As a seasoned adventurer who’s battled countless beasts and monstrous bosses, I can’t stress enough the importance of mastering the art of immobilization early on in your journey with Black Myth Wukong. The Crash skill, my friend, is an absolute game-changer when it comes to amping up your damage output against enemies under the Immobilisation spell. And let me tell you, having only one spell until you face the Black Wind King makes this a must-have in your arsenal!

In their eagerness to distinguish it, Game Science, the creators of Black Myth Wukong, emphasized that this game deviates from the Souls series and doesn’t follow the typical formula of a Souls-like game.

The game’s style aligns more closely with action-packed hack-and-slash titles, and it’s typically not as challenging as many Souls series games. One significant distinction can be seen through its Skill System, which is less punishing compared to those games.

As I rack up experience points (XP) and Sparks in this game, I get to use those Spark points to unlock special abilities, boosts, stances, and much more!

However, you may be looking at this jam-packed skill tree and wondering which skills are best to unlock first. Well, in a bid to help you hit the ground running, we’re going to list our picks of the bunch right now.

For clarity, we’ll focus on showcasing abilities that players can utilize during the initial part of the game, roughly equivalent to the first 15 to 20 character levels. This is essentially the beginning stages of the game.

10 Mobile Spin

Twirl That Baton!

Best Skills To Unlock Early in Black Myth: Wukong
Description Allows player to move forward while using deflecting spin
Cost To Fully Upgrade 1 Spark

In our game, the wooden spoon ability is quite contextual and increasingly essential as play progresses. From the outset, players will possess a Staff Spin skill. This ability serves to ward off incoming missiles such as arrows, however, it’s important to note that this skill is quite restrictive since you must remain stationary to utilize it effectively.

However, once you activate Mobile Spin, you’ll gain the ability to twirl your staff like a baton, intercept incoming attacks as you move closer to the enemy, and perform actions smoothly without having to carefully time your movements during the shoot-out.

In the opening chapter, it’s acceptable to not include it initially, but make certain that you’ve managed to access or uncover it before proceeding into the second chapter.

9 Deft Evasion

Dodge, Dip, Duck, Dive & Dodge

Best Skills To Unlock Early in Black Myth: Wukong
Description Makes the first dodge in a string of dodges much more agile.
Cost To Fully Upgrade 2 Sparks

In Black Myth: Wukong, the fighting style closely resembles that of action games labeled as “hack-and-slash”. To excel, it’s essential to be nimble and responsive, as this typically leads to the most successful outcomes.

At first, your evasive maneuvers may seem slow, but once you acquire the Quick Escape ability, you’ll find it effortless to jump clear of most assaults.

As a gamer, I can vouch for this skill: it turbocharges my initial evasive maneuver in a sequence, granting me an extra leap or sidestep, ensuring I get a good distance from potential threats. Whether I’m performing a swift roll to the side or a quick step back, this skill significantly ups my survival game!

As someone who has spent countless hours battling through intense battles, I can confidently say that having a reliable defensive ability like this one is truly invaluable. In the heat of combat, being able to dodge ranged attacks and lengthy combos with ease can make all the difference between life and death. That’s why I strongly recommend spending your hard-earned Sparks on this skill if you want to give yourself a better chance at survival. Trust me, it will pay off in the long run!

8 Pillar Stance

Sitting In The Nosebleeds

Best Skills To Unlock Early in Black Myth: Wukong
Description Unlocks Pillar Stance
Cost To Fully Upgrade 1 Spark

In the exciting game “Black Myth: Wukong,” one effective method of adding variety to your gameplay is by discovering and testing out a novel Stance. This action grants you access to an entirely fresh approach to deploy your concentration and powerful charged heavy assaults, offering a brand-new dimension to your experience.

For now, you can’t access the Thrust Stance, but you will be able to gain the Pillar Stance sooner. Learning this skill is particularly beneficial as it offers great assistance.

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent navigating virtual landscapes, I can attest that the ability to climb above enemies by standing on one’s staff is indeed a game-changer. In my early gaming days, I remember how difficult it was to outmaneuver opponents when stuck at ground level. This feature, introduced in the first chapter of this game, provides an edge that significantly enhances the gaming experience and adds a whole new layer of strategy to the gameplay. It’s moments like these that make me appreciate the creativity and thoughtfulness of game developers who continuously strive to improve our virtual adventures.

As a seasoned warrior who has faced countless battles against powerful foes like Guangmou and the Whiteclad Noble, I can attest to the effectiveness of the skill that allows one to take advantage of their grounded physical attacks while maintaining an elevated position. This strategy is invaluable for staying out of harm’s way, choosing when to engage, and ultimately coming out on top. It takes time to master, but trust me, it’s a game-changer worth investing in. I speak from experience.

7 Swift Engage

Touch, Pause, Engage

Best Skills To Unlock Early in Black Myth: Wukong
Description Increase your engage distance, allowing you to start combos from distance
Cost To Fully Upgrade 1 Spark

In the fast-paced battles of Black Myth Wukong, players may struggle to maintain a close distance against the diverse foes. This could result in missed strikes and elusive combo finishes that you’d prefer to land successfully.

If this is a problem you’ve been having early in the game, the Swift Engage skill can help curb this issue.

As a gaming enthusiast, I can tell you that enhancing this ability significantly expands your melee combo’s reach and instantly locks onto an enemy’s location. For nimble opponents, mastering this skill is crucial because they can outmaneuver you otherwise. When you find yourself with some spare Spark points, don’t hesitate to unlock it for a more strategic gameplay experience.

6 Robust Constitution

Made From Sterner Stuff

Best Skills To Unlock Early in Black Myth: Wukong
Description Increases Your Health Pool By A Moderate Amount
Cost To Fully Upgrade 6 Sparks

In a tough contest like this one, survival is the ultimate objective, and though powerful weapons, protective gear, and intriguing trinkets can aid in that, nothing beats having a higher health points count.

A stronger constitution gives you the ability to withstand errors and attacks that could instantly defeat weaker beings. Therefore, it’s wise to prioritize a sturdy constitution as a valuable asset.

This skill has six notches, with each one raising your HP bar by a moderate amount.

As a fan, I can tell you that boosting the effectiveness even more could be achieved through Celestial Lotus Pills, but since you won’t get hold of them until you conquer the Tiger Vanguard, it would be wise to invest some Sparks at the start to increase your health points instead.

5 Rampant Vigor

I Could Do This All Day

Best Skills To Unlock Early in Black Myth: Wukong
Description Increases Your Stamina Pool By A Moderate Amount
Cost To Fully Upgrade 6 Sparks

While health is great to have, I would argue that in Black Myth: Wukong, Stamina is slightly more important, as having enough stamina to consistently dodge to avoid taking damage is better than having the HP needed to survive that hit.

Mastering consecutive evasive maneuvers gives you control over the rhythm of combat, making Rampant Vigor an essential ability to enhance for this purpose.

Similar to the Robust Constitution, this one features six levels, and advancing through each level will moderately boost your endurance. Additionally, you can amplify these effects using celestial nine-grained pills.

4 Simian Agility

Can’t Touch This

Best Skills To Unlock Early in Black Myth: Wukong
Description Lowers The Stamina Cost Of Dodging
Cost To Fully Upgrade 2 Sparks

To enhance chances of staying alive in the game, players might want to focus on developing the Simian Agility ability.

As an avid player, I can’t help but appreciate the impact this skill has on my gameplay. It reduces the amount of energy I expend when executing a dodge roll. What’s more, it comes with two levels, enabling me to gradually lessen the stamina cost right from the start.

In this game, when I’m running low on stamina and can’t dodge, I feel like a stationary target. But thankfully, I’ve got evasive spells like Cloud Step and Rock Solid up my sleeve, ready to save me from danger.

As a gamer, I find it smart to maximize my evasion options in the initial stages of the game. Each evasion spares some of my precious stamina, and every bit saved might tip the scales in tough battles.

3 Crash

Make The Most Of Your Free Hit

Best Skills To Unlock Early in Black Myth: Wukong
Description Increases Damage Output When Enemies are Immobilized
Cost To Fully Upgrade 2 Sparks

In the following stages of our game, we’ll introduce two abilities linked to the Immobile Charm, a potent spell that players can acquire relatively early.

As a seasoned gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that investing in a spell that freezes your adversaries is an absolute game-changer. This particular enchantment has been a staple in my arsenal for years, proving its worth time and time again.

Performing the Crash skill is very effective because it boosts your total damage inflicted on any foe subjected to the Immobilization spell.

1. Additionally, it comes with two indentations, allowing for a doubled effect when an adversary is chilled. Since it’s the sole magic you’ll have before confronting the Black Wind King, it would be advantageous to master it promptly.

2 Stagnation

Don’t Move A Muscle

Best Skills To Unlock Early in Black Myth: Wukong
Description Each Light attack when an enemy is Immobilized Increases the Duration of the Next Immobilization Spell
Cost To Fully Upgrade 2 Sparks

Next, let’s introduce our second place pick, Skill called Stagnation, which I favor for early game immobilization. This choice is due to its stackable nature during combat, making it exceptionally useful when activated against tougher enemies like bosses.

Landing a light attack on an enemy will prolong the duration of your upcoming Imobilization spell, with each successful strike potentially adding up to five instances of this enhancement.

Utilizing a talent akin to Evanescence, this ability is truly impressive. It allows you to freeze powerful foes solid for extended durations, giving you ample time to gradually deplete their health without any risk to yourself.

Using this tactic, you won’t be able to deliver finishing moves or powerful strikes because they disrupt the enchantment. However, if you learn to adjust, you can hold your opponents in check for an extended period that might seem endless to them.

1 Composure

Achieving A True Flow State

Best Skills To Unlock Early in Black Myth: Wukong
Description Allows Players to Dodge Without Interrupting Melee Combos
Cost To Fully Upgrade 1 Spark

With practice in the battles of Black Myth Wukong, you’ll discover it’s advantageous to establish openings or spaces where you can execute your full melee combo without any disruptions.

Each melee combo concludes with a potent jumping attack that typically pushes or staggers opponents backward. Yet, if an enemy strikes back and you evade, it usually disrupts the combo sequence, requiring you to begin afresh.

If you cast the spell for composure, you’ll be able to evade incoming assaults, and significantly, you won’t break your combo sequence while doing so. This enables you to maintain control, set the rhythm of the battle, and deliver more consistent staggering effects without having to prematurely halt your attacks before they reach their full impact.

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2024-08-23 13:09