Best Spells To Unlock In Wizard Of Legend 2

Best Spells To Unlock In Wizard Of Legend 2

Key Takeaways

  • Frost Blade is a powerful basic spell with high damage, speed, and knockback.
  • Fireball is a versatile basic spell with range, AOE damage, and crowd control.
  • Flame Breath offers consistent burn damage with wide AoE, ideal for room clearing.

As a seasoned adventurer who’s faced countless hordes of enemies and dodged more projectiles than I can count, let me tell you, the Dragon Circuit and Dragon Defense spells are nothing short of game-changers!

In “Wizard of Legend 2,” you’ll find an abundance of potent spells to learn. However, when you initially start playing, resources are scarce, and the initial selection of spells may appear underwhelming at first sight.

When determining which spells are most advantageous to invest Chaos Gems into, it might prove difficult. However, in Wizard of Legend 2, the top-tier spells tend to be those that players can uncover early on and significantly facilitate future playthroughs. If a spell requires time to unlock, it should offer substantial power, making subsequent runs smoother, thus enabling the player to amass more Chaos Gems with minimal hassle. Using this yardstick, several spells emerge as notable choices among their peers.

10 Frost Blade

A Water-Based Basic To Slap Chop Enemies

Arcana TypeBasic
Arcana ElementWater
Attack TypeMelee
DescriptionSlash with ice blades that cut through enemies!

As a gamer, I find the Frost Blade’s swift and wide arcing swings truly impressive. It deals a hefty blow to regular foes, often sending them tumbling into pits or crashing against walls. What makes it standout is its high damage output, speedy attacks, and knockback effect, making it an exceptional basic spell for clearing out rooms quickly. Even tougher enemies can be strategically slammed against walls, dealing extra damage. Plus, the quick slashes make it a great fit for critical chance builds.

Because Frost Blade is versatile, being both melee and water-based, it can quickly emerge as the standout choice in any build due to an extensive collection of artifacts that enhance its power. Furthermore, its upgrades offer beneficial options such as safer room clearing or increased damage on single targets. Additionally, Frost Blades truly excel when combined with Fueled Rage, transforming the player’s Wizard into a relentless blender for 4 seconds, effectively stunning bosses and swiftly tearing through groups of enemies.

For this weapon to be effective against typical foes, it’s crucial to enhance its ability to deal more damage to bosses.

Of course, it still has a few downsides. Enemies outside the water slash’s range can easily strike back, causing the player to take some chip damage if they aren’t careful. Additionally, players have to be careful with their positioning against bosses. Playing at melee range means the player gets less time to react to attacks than a ranged wizard would.

9 Fireball

An Explosive AoE

Arcana TypeBasic
Arcana ElementFire
Attack TypeProjectile
DescriptionShoot a fireball that explodes on impact!

Fireball is an essential spell that’s definitely worth investing your Chaos Crystals to acquire. It boasts a good range, its third strike delivers a powerful Area of Effect explosion, and its rapid-fire pace will keep most opponents at bay by keeping them stunned as long as the player consistently throws fireballs.

Once you manage to unlock the Fireball ability, it simultaneously opens up a mission requiring you to inflict damage using this skill. Successfully completing this task rewards you with some Chaos Gems.

All of these points make Fireball a great spell to unlock early. Its range will help new Wizards get a good feel for attack patterns and movement, and its upgrade paths will help get through stages with little risk. However, the biggest problem with Fireball is its low damage against bosses, which helps encourage the player to lean into their other spells for boss damage.

8 Flame Breath

Easy Access To Burning Enemies

Arcana TypeSignature
Arcana ElementFire
Attack TypeNone
Cooldown3 seconds
DescriptionExhale a cone of intense flames in front of you, burning enemies caught within its range.

At a glance, Flame Breath might not appear to be a powerful spell. It anchors the caster in one spot during casting, and the range of its conical effect is shorter than expected. However, with a quick 3-second recharge time, a wide damage zone, and the ability to scorch enemies, Flame Breath proves to be an exceptional tool for tormenting adversaries. This persistent burn can translate into increased damage over time when coupled with appropriate artifacts. Even without such enhancements, its broad area of effect is ideal for damaging spawners and groups of foes, and the burn damage can effortlessly dispose of weakened enemies without endangering the player.

This ability requires the player to stand still and shoot a continuous blast of fire in a broad arc. Although it might not be phenomenal against bosses, it proves quite beneficial for eliminating densely populated areas as well as smaller bosses with a single use of the ultimate.

To help alleviate the problems from its sticky casting, it’s possible to dodge after using this spell or cancel its later frames into another spell. Ideally, the second spell will have some built in movement that can help the player get out of danger as soon as possible.

7 Ice Blast

Freeze Enemies, Support Melee Builds, And Easily Clear Rooms

Arcana TypeSignature
Arcana ElementIce
Attack TypeMelee
Cooldown3 seconds
DescriptionDeal damage and freeze enemies in a small cone in front of you.

One effective method to rephrase the given text in a more natural and easy-to-understand manner is:

Players need to understand that this spell doesn’t make bosses frozen, however, it inflicts substantial damage which significantly assists in reaching the required stun limit against them.

As I tap into my icy powers, I transform myself into an invincible iceberg, with chilling winds swirling around me. Then, in a burst of frost, I erupt from the ice, freezing everything nearby and dealing damage to my foes. Admittedly, the destructive force behind this charged attack could be stronger, but the massive area of effect freeze is a godsend for swiftly clearing out rooms without putting myself at risk.

6 Dragon Arc

Wiping Out Enemies WIth A Flurry Of Dragons

Arcana TypeStandard
Arcana ElementFire
Attack TypeProjectile
Cooldown4 seconds
DescriptionSummon a torrent of fiery dragons!
  • Additional Notes:
    • Counts as a dragon type spell
    • Maximum 10 charges
    • Refreshes one charge every .5 seconds
    • Must wait for cooldown to expire before spell can be fired again

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but reminisce about the iconic Dragon Arc from the original Wizard of Legend. In the sequel, it retains its distinctive charm, though this time, it boasts additional supporting relics to amplify its power. This spell falls under the dragon category, which is significant for Ahzi Dahaka’s Eye, a relic that can be acquired relatively early in the game and boosts all dragon spells by 25%. Moreover, its fire-based nature and projectiles make it compatible with other artifacts discovered during later stages of the game.

The Dragon Arc spell stands out due to its ability to reach great distances and penetrate targets, and because of its passive abilities, it benefits from numerous damage sources. With a 4-second cool-down, players can frequently cast this spell against lesser opponents. Against larger enemies like bosses, a brief 2-second wait for the charges to recharge is worthwhile, as this spell excels at dealing significant damage to bosses from any range, making it an excellent tool for bursting them down.

5 Bolt Rail

Unlimited Power At A Wizard’s Fingertips

Arcana TypeBasic
Arcana ElementLightning
Attack TypeChannel
DescriptionChannel a short stream of Lightning

Bolt Rail is an exceptional fundamental attack that becomes available when players pick Lightning as their starting element, or after playing through several rounds if not chosen initially. In either case, this spell proves useful in a variety of scenarios due to its versatile nature. The range allows players to stay at a safe distance from most enemies, while the channel can be broken by dodging in emergencies. The final attack pushes enemies back, offering crucial space during specific instances.

Because this assault strikes multiple times rapidly, it’s ideal for relics that bestow status effects upon each strike and bonuses that raise critical hit probability. Although it might benefit from extending its attack range slightly, mastering the technique of tagging enemies with merely the point of the lightning bolt will make the Bolt Rail a surprisingly secure spell to employ against most adversaries.

4 Lightning Spear

Damage, Crowd-Control, And Plenty Of Ranged Damage

Arcana TypeStandard
Arcana ElementLightning
Attack TypeProjectile
Cooldown7 seconds
DescriptionHurl a lightning spear that makes the target airborne. It inflicts shock damage around the landing point.

Lightning Spear is versatile and can be enhanced in multiple ways. Right off the bat, it deals more damage than expected, and it also pushes opponents upwards and electrifies them, potentially incapacitating foes for a brief period. In some cases, this electric jolt can even eliminate entire groups on its own.

One way to rephrase this description could be: This weapon has two main disadvantages: it’s tricky to aim and has a 7-second cool-down period between uses. It’s recommended for players to use another spell with a shorter cool-down and is effective against single targets. However, when this spell is available, it can quickly eliminate entire groups with minimal effort. Its most advantageous targets are those that spawn enemies or remain in the back line and shoot projectiles.

3 Fuelled Berserk

Wizard Rage Is The Best Kind Of Rage

Arcana TypeStandard
Arcana ElementFire
Attack TypeNone
Cooldown11 seconds
DescriptionEnter a burning rage that speeds up basic arcana.
  • Additional Notes:
    • Buff Duration: 4 seconds

It’s much simpler when the player deals a heavy barrage of damage to the boss, causing them to become stunned. If enough damage is inflicted, this stun state occurs, making the boss vulnerable for additional attacks and even serving to halt hard-to-avoid assaults. A spell like Fuelled Berserk is ideal for regularly accomplishing this effect.

The buff lasts just 4 seconds, yet it significantly boosts the rate at which you can cast your fundamental attacks, transforming them into high Damage Per Second (DPS) weapons. When combined with abilities that enhance basic attack damage and other spells capable of dealing Damage Over Time or boosting burst damage, Fueled Berserk becomes an excellent tool for a player to swiftly defeat any boss using their preferred basic spell.

2 Dragon Circuit

Light Up The Room With Unlimited Power

Arcana TypeSignature
Arcana ElementLightning
Attack TypeProjectile
Cooldown5 seconds
DescriptionSummon a dragon that speeds along a circuit before crashing down on enemies.
  • Additional Notes:
    • Counts as a dragon spell
    • 2 Charges
    • Ultimate version of this spell consumes both charges

In the game, Dragon Circuit is one of the standout signature spells. Unleashed on its own, it summons a dragon that travels in a pattern resembling an endless loop, zeroing in on the closest enemy and impacting them forcefully, causing them to be stunned. Although its basic version offers good control over mobs, it’s the charged ultimate form of this spell that makes it indispensable for certain builds.

As a gamer, when Dragon Circuit is fully juiced up, it devours both charges and unleashes a swarm of dragons spinning in circles around me. These dragons eventually unload a torrent of lightning bolts on all nearby foes, obliterating entire rooms with just one button press. Against bosses, this spell can deal a substantial burst of damage and even help establish a stun window for further attacks.

1 Dragon Defense

The Ultimate Spell For Every Situation

Arcana TypeStandard
Arcana ElementWind
Attack TypeProjectile
Cooldown4 seconds
DescriptionSummon 5 rotating air dragons around the wizard that block projectiles and damage enemies. Double casting the ability will shoot a dragon that slows the target.
  • Additional Notes:
    • Counts as a dragon type spell
    • Can be recast up to 5 times, costing 1 dragon for each recast

As a dedicated fan, I can confidently say that Dragon Defense is the go-to standard charm for me because it excels in making runs smoother and more forgiving. This versatile spell effectively shields against incoming projectiles while delivering frequent blows to make enemies flinch. Whether you’re up close or keeping a safe distance, this spell proves invaluable. Melee enthusiasts will find it boosts their damage output, while long-range builders can count on it to rule any projectile skirmishes.

The 4-second cooldown on this spell isn’t just brief, it immediately starts ticking as soon as you cast it, meaning players can consistently maintain the anti-projectile shield. This rapid-fire casting is further encouraged by the spell’s projectiles, but if a player prefers, they can leave the barrier active for longer to maximize its use. However, the downside of Dragon Defense is that players must work their way through several playthroughs to eventually unlock it.

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2024-10-08 14:34