Best Sponsors in Spectre Divide, Ranked

Best Sponsors in Spectre Divide, Ranked

As a seasoned gamer with over a decade of first-person shooter experience under my belt, let me tell you, having the right sponsor can make all the difference between victory and defeat. And when it comes to gathering vital intel and setting up strategic plays, there’s no better choice than Ryker Industries!

Spectre Divide offers a fresh perspective in a genre not often explored. For quite some time, CS2 and VALORANT have held a significant grip on the tactical shooting scene.

However, “Spectre Divide,” with its innovative approach of duality and the clever replacement of traditional heroes with Sponsors, could potentially carve out a niche for itself within this genre.

As a player, I find that sponsors serve as the unique gameplay options at my disposal, rather than relying on characters with predefined skill sets. Instead, I have the freedom to handpick and utilize these skill sets directly according to my preferred style of play.

Of course, not all Sponsors are created equal. After all, Spectre Divide is a competitive multiplayer game, and there are always some Sponsors better than others from a competitive point of view.

8 Muu Robotics

A Knock-off Bloom Technologies

Best Sponsors in Spectre Divide, Ranked

PatchesDeploys a drone that heals you and teammates in its radius.
DazzlerThrows a drone that travels in a straight line and explodes, flashing enemies.
Hyper DomeDeploy a dome shield that blocks incoming shots.

It’s not entirely useless, and you can certainly play with it, but compared to Bloom Technologies, it’s just a subpar version.

In essence, the Muu robotic system doesn’t seem to contribute much to your team. Patches only heals within a limited area, Dazzler takes an excessively long time to stun enemies and its shield is merely satisfactory at best. To put it concisely, you might find greater value for your team by choosing Bloom Technologies over this option.

In informal situations, it’s perfectly acceptable to experiment with Muu Robotics, but when it comes to Ranked mode, where team balance is crucial, it might not be the ideal choice.

7 Vector Dynamics

Amped Up With Nanotech

Best Sponsors in Spectre Divide, Ranked
Dual AmpAmp yourself and get 15% fire rate. While the ability is active, you can instantly teleport your Spectre to your location.
Vector WallCreate a wall in front of you that travels forward in a straight line blocking enemy vision.
Nano SphereDeploy a dome shield that blocks incoming shots.

Essentially, the challenge faced by Vector Dynamics is similar to that of Muu Robotics: they both struggle to offer substantial value to their teams due to the limited effectiveness of their abilities. Often, the tools they provide are tailored to specific situations and don’t consistently yield the results that other partners can deliver.

For example, Vector Wall can be effective in certain aggressive advances, but its success greatly relies on the map design. Maps like Spectre Divide frequently have expansive and open spaces where the wall doesn’t perform optimally. Generally speaking, all three abilities of Vector Dynamics have their merits, yet there are usually better alternatives to consider.

Yet, Vector Dynamics could prove beneficial when you devise innovative tactics or maneuvers aimed at puzzling your opponents’ strategy.

6 Ghost Link Collective

Fool Your Enemies

Best Sponsors in Spectre Divide, Ranked
PartitionDeploy a wall that blocks off areas and denies enemy information, similar to smoke. Touching the wall has a blinding sort of effect.
DupeDeploy a mirage clone of yourself. You can also perform a fake Spectre teleport and leave clones when you teleport.
DeadzoneThrow a molly that distorts the vision of any enemy standing in its radius.

Ghostlink Collective stands out as an unconventional choice among sponsors due to its unique capabilities that have the potential to secure your victories. However, these abilities are successful only with a great deal of creative application. Moreover, the kit is quite complex and demands extensive learning, which makes it less popular among many players.

“Ghostlink Collective’s standout feature is called ‘Dupe.’ This function enables users to generate deceptive images and propagate false information among their adversaries.

This skill allows you to eliminate corners, deceptive base maneuvers, and generally cause chaos across the map. It’s indeed quite effective, though it requires a good deal of ingenuity and can depend on specific circumstances.

If you’re limited to just three potential sponsors, it might be wiser to choose one that’s a bit more dependable. I recommend Ghostlink Collective primarily when you already have a well-thought-out strategy in place.

5 Umbra Reconnaissance

Take Control Of Sites With Information

Best Sponsors in Spectre Divide, Ranked
Recon WingThrow a drone that sticks in the wall and reveals enemies.
PulsefinderEquip a scanner that reveals enemy locations through the walls.
Glare MarkerPlace a drone that flashes everyone in its radius. The flash goes through the wall as well.

Essentially, Umbra Reconnaissance serves as a proactive data-gathering unit, analogous to Ryker Industries in its role of intelligence collection and site neutralization. However, it offers a more assertive approach in executing these tasks.

In other words, you could gather intel by scouting ahead using Umbra Reconnaissance. This tactic offers flexibility, as it supports both stealthy and proactive approaches. Some gamers find this advantage more appealing than what Ryker Industries provides.

The highlight ability is definitely the Pulsefinder, allowing you to scan through walls for enemies. Along with this, the Glare Marker can also prove to be useful as it allows you to flash through walls from a safe position. In short, it is a pretty solid kit, but it comes with a learning curve.

4 Pinnacle International

Offense Is The Best DefenseBest Sponsors in Spectre Divide, Ranked

Splinter GrenadeAn explosive grenade that you can throw to deal damage to enemies. On exploding, the grenade splits into more shells that explode and deal damage.
Andrena LinkEquip an adrenaline shot that you can use to heal yourself.
Flash GrenadeJust as the name suggests, you can throw it to flash enemies.

Pinnacle International, as it’s often referred to, serves as a ‘basic’ or ‘vanilla’ sponsor. It provides simple, straight-forward features that are relatively easy for newcomers or players transitioning from other shooting games to grasp. Thus, I would strongly suggest Pinnacle International to beginners and those moving from different shooter games.

This equipment is designed for intense combat situations, enabling you to initiate duels and hold an upper hand in gunfights. Essentially, your main responsibility with this sponsor is to start fights and create opportunities for your team by engaging first. The flashbang and grenades are provided to assist you, and if you get hit, you can swiftly recover using the healing mechanism.

3 Morrgen United

Massive Outplay Potential

Best Sponsors in Spectre Divide, Ranked
Smoke ShiftThrow a grenade that creates a smoke cloud. Right-click throws your puck and smoke at the same time, allowing you to teleport inside the smoke instantly.
MeltdownA caustic fluid molly that deals damage to players standing over it
Hidden GraspPlace a mine that goes invisible after deployment and slows enemies if they walk over it

What sets Morrgen United apart as a top-tier sponsor is their unique talent, the Smoke Shift. This skill allows for instant teleportation within one’s own smoke, making it virtually undetectable by enemies, which can prove incredibly advantageous in various situations.

Instead of tossing a smoke screen onto the plant and embarking on a stealthy disarmament mission (ninja defuse), you could employ the use of smoke as a means to swiftly penetrate sites and perplex adversaries. There are numerous tactics that can be executed simply by utilizing smoke effectively.

From my gaming perspective, I’ve found that Meltdown and Hidden Grasp are reliable skills in my arsenal. They’re great for securing strategic positions on the map, controlling key areas, and making a strong stand during the post-plant phase.

In summary, Morrgen United stands out as an exceptional choice for sponsorship in Spectre Divide due to their impressive display of collaborative teamwork.

2 Bloom Technologies

A Versatile Kit

Best Sponsors in Spectre Divide, Ranked
Hex BarrierDeploys a shield that blocks incoming damage
Twin MendHeal yourself or your teamates easily.
Swarm GrenadeA smoke grenade that causes damage to any player who enters it. A combination of molly and smoke, essentially.

Bloom Technologies provides a diverse and adaptable collection of tools. Regardless if you’re a player who prefers a bold approach, engaging in duels, or a more tactical one, waiting for opponents to falter, it caters to all gaming styles.

The skills you acquire are quite clear-cut: You’ll have a shield for self-defense, healing for longevity, and a bomb for causing harm. It may seem basic, but it’s surprisingly efficient.

In essence, Bloom Technologies is an essential addition to your team composition. Including it ensures robust backup, allowing you and your colleagues to concentrate on other aspects of your respective roles.

To put it another way, since there are just three sponsorship opportunities per game, making this selection streamlines our strategy. Having one spot secured allows us to focus more on deciding the rest of our choices.

1 Ryker Industries

Information is Vital

Best Sponsors in Spectre Divide, Ranked
Wave SpikeA sonar dart that pulsates three times, highlighting enemies with its sight.
Hull MineDeploy a proximity mine that damages any player who steps on it. It explodes three times, dealing 15 damage each.
Swarm GrenadeEssentially, an alarm bot that slows enemies down when they approach it.

In a first-person shooter, enemy info is vital, and Spectre Divide is no exception. And, when it comes to information gathering, there is no better sponsor than Ryker Industries. While Umbra Reconnaissance does the same job, Ryker simply does it better.

In the game, the recon tool called either the “Recon Dart” or “Wave Spike,” has a broader coverage area and transmits more data compared to Umbra’s Recon Wing. Additionally, there’s also the Hull Mine, which can be lethal on its own.

Simply position it close to access points, and observe as adversaries suffer severe damage when attempting to push past.

As a gamer, I can really ramp up the danger by strategically positioning a Swarm Grenade close by. This not only slows enemies down if they approach it, but it also creates a zone that Ryker’s kit can lock down. In essence, this gives my teammates the advantage of focusing on other parts of the map without having to worry about that area for a while.

Instead, Ryker necessitates a tactful and patient approach in gameplay, which means he may not suit those who prefer a more aggressive, fire-first style. In essence, strategy is key with Ryker; collect information, devise strategies, and always watch your back.

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2024-10-07 13:39