Best Starting Elements in Wizard of Legend 2

Best Starting Elements in Wizard of Legend 2

As a seasoned adventurer with countless hours spent traversing the treacherous Trials, I must say that each element offers its own unique blend of magic and mayhem. If you’re looking for raw power and control in close combat, the Earth Element is your best bet – it’s like being a giant, stomping around and knocking everything over with your Earth Fists!

In the Wizard of Legend 2, players engage in a roguelike action game called the Trials of Legend, either solo or as a team of up to four members. By mastering an extensive collection of elemental spells (referred to as Arcana), you’ll need to vanquish numerous foes and devise potent spell combinations to conquer the Trials and earn the title of Wizard of Legend.

As a thrilled enthusiast diving into the magical world of Wizard of Legend 2 for the first time, you’ll find yourself presented with an intriguing selection of five distinct Elements to choose from at the outset. Your initial collection of Arcana and your inaugural Relic will be determined by this choice, but fear not! With patience and dedication, you can unlock additional options later in your adventure. In this guide, I’ll delve into each of the starting options, explain their effects and usefulness, and offer suggestions for new players based on the unique playstyle that each element presents.


Best Starting Elements in Wizard of Legend 2

As a fan, I’d say, “Picking Fire as my element right off the bat in this game equips me with the Fireball Basic Arcana, the Flame Breath Signature Arcana, and the Flying Kicks Standard Arcana. This setup is all about mid-range combat – I can use Fireball to attack enemies no matter how far they are, Flame Breath to clear out groups and keep them taking damage over time, and Flying Kicks for a quick retreat while still dealing some damage.

This setup is user-friendly and consistently delivers high damage. It’s enhanced by the initial relic “Ifrit’s Matchstick”, which boosts your Fire Arcana by 15%. The Fire loadout for starting, specializes in moderate range damage, and performs well against both individual targets and larger groups. As a result, it’s an excellent versatile option when commencing the game.


Best Starting Elements in Wizard of Legend 2

Should you opt for Water at the game’s outset, Bending Torrent will be your initial Arcana, Ice Blast your signature Arcana, and Dragon Arcs your standard Arcana. Bending Torrent behaves unusually, extending in wide arcs and redirecting to hit additional targets if you press the button again while it’s still active; with some practice, this can prove effective against larger groups. Ice Blast creates a freezing cone that temporarily immobilizes enemies or until they are struck, making it perfect for creating space and aligning enemies for your subsequent attacks. Dragon Arcs shoots fire dragons in the direction you’re facing, boasting an impressive range; this makes it ideal for picking off enemies from afar or dealing massive damage to a frozen adversary.

Selecting the Water element gives you the Beginner’s Relic “Shiva’s Water Flask”, boosting all Water Magic damage by 15%. The initial Water Element equipment is highly effective for dealing damage to large groups of enemies. Use Ice Blast to immobilize challenging opponents and set up your damaging combos. Once you master the unique movement of Bending Torrent, this setup can be incredibly powerful.


Best Starting Elements in Wizard of Legend 2

Opting for the Earth Element provides a powerful yet sluggish melee configuration. Your fundamental Arcana is Earth Knuckles, your signature Arcana is Stonestrike Kick, and Lightning Spear serves as a standard Arcana. Earth Knuckles delivers a potent but leisurely melee strike capable of inflicting substantial damage on numerous targets due to the immense size of your earth fists. Stonestrike Kick is another melee attack that propels you forward, sending adversaries flying backward while causing fracture. Fracture causes affected enemies to sustain harm whenever they move voluntarily or involuntarily. Lastly, Lightning Spear is a powerful ranged attack that lifts foes off the ground and inflicts shock simultaneously. Shock incapacitates enemies by preventing them from taking actions while periodically inflicting lightning damage, and adversaries lifted airborne will remain immobilized as long as you continue to strike them with attacks.

Opting for the Earth Element provides you with the “Gaia’s Spade”, enhancing your Earth Damage by 15%. The Earth’s initial setup primarily targets stunning foes, pushing them around, and delivering powerful melee attacks. This makes it an excellent option if you’re a beginner looking to build a melee character at the outset.


Best Starting Elements in Wizard of Legend 2

Choosing the Air Element at the game’s start equips you with Aeromancer’s Grasp, Zephyr Whirl, and Terra Ring. The initial abilities associated with the Air Element are all close-combat Arcana, making it an ideal selection for engaging enemies closely.

Opting for Air as your element will reward you with “Rudra’s Pinwheel”, enhancing every bit of damage you inflict using Air by 15%. As previously stated, the primary Air Element configuration is tailored towards Melee Spells, performing optimally when you maintain a mobile stance, darting into and away from peril while drawing enemies closer to execute your stronger strikes. Although it may take some practice, mastering this setup can lead to quite the gratifying experience once you’ve nailed the combos.


Best Starting Elements in Wizard of Legend 2

Selecting Lightning as your Element grants you Bolt Rail, Volt Surge, and Blizzard. Bolt Rail is a fundamental Arcane ability that discharges lightning along a path in front of you, allowing it to strike multiple targets at once with strategic placement. To aid in aligning your targets, Volt Surge is a special Arcane ability that hops a bolt of lightning between various targets while causing shock, preventing affected enemies from acting and repeatedly damaging them over time. Although the shock effect of Volt Surge doesn’t last long, it provides ample opportunity to position Bolt Rail or summon Blizzard’s AOE (Area of Effect) on top of your immobilized foes. Blizzard generates a circle of falling ice to harm all enemies within its Area of Effect.

As a fan, I’d be thrilled to let you know that by opting for Lightning, you’ll not only have this character at your disposal, but also the Tanaris Relic Battery, which boosts all your lightning damage output by an impressive 15%. This particular element is geared towards stunning and causing mass damage to groups of enemies, making it a superb choice for managing large numbers of adversaries as you navigate the Trials. However, it’s crucial to keep a close eye on your positioning to maximize its potential.

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2024-10-04 21:03