Best Theories About The Pokemon Franchise

Best Theories About The Pokemon Franchise


  • Graveler and Machoke may have been intended to be traded to evolve, explaining their similarities. Theory rank: 8/10
  • Team Rocket likely created Porygon to sell at the Game Corner in Celadon. Theory rank: 8/10
  • There may be more than 8 gyms, as Gary Oak shows badges not seen by Ash or Red. Theory rank: 9/10

As a long-time fan of the Pokémon franchise and someone who’s spent countless hours battling my way through Kanto and Johto, I can’t help but find these theories fascinating!

For many years now, the Pokémon brand has been a significant part of pop culture. It all began in 1999 with the release of Pokémon Red and Blue, which later led to an extended anime series, comics, trading cards, numerous other games, and much more.

As a dedicated gamer immersed in the world of my favorite game franchises, I can’t help but ponder the countless theories that fans have crafted over time. These theories range from plausible explanations for inconsistencies within the series to intricate expansions of the game’s universe. Some are merely speculative daydreams, but others draw upon facts hinted at in the games or anime itself. Each theory is assigned a likelihood score out of ten – the higher the rating, the greater the chance that this theory might just be true!

10 Graveler & Machoke Were Meant To Be Traded With One Another

The Evolved Forms Have Similar Features When Traded

Best Theories About The Pokemon Franchise
  • Theory Ranking: 8/10

Since the debut of the Pokemon franchise with “Pokemon Red & Blue”, certain Pokemon have only evolved after being traded. In Generation 1, there were four such Pokemon: Haunter, Kadabra, Machoke, and Graveler. The transformation of these two (Haunter and Kadabra) into their evolved forms seems quite logical given their resemblance to their advanced states.

In a slightly different phrasing: Graveler and its earlier form are essentially rocky creatures with limbs, while Golem suddenly develops a lizard-like appearance, which is also seen in Machoke. Interestingly, Machamp doesn’t seem to be modeled after a reptile, but it does possess four arms, much like Graveler. Some speculate that the designers intended for Graveler and Machoke to be traded to evolve, but their data got mixed up, leading to Golem displaying some reptilian traits and Machamp having four arms and a mouth reminiscent of Graveler.

9 Team Rocket Create Porygon To Sell At The Game Corner

The Game Corner Is Owned By Team Rocket

Best Theories About The Pokemon Franchise
  • Theory Ranking: 8/10

It is no secret in the original games that Team Rocket own the Celadon City Game Corner and they use it as a front for their secret headquarters. It is a plot point in the story after all. One of the prizes awarded to the player are Pokemon and the most expensive of these is Porygon.

In most of its Pokédex entries, it’s mentioned that Porygon is artificial or man-made, but there’s no information about who created it. Given the circumstances and the fact that Porygon can only be obtained from a building owned by Team Rocket in Generation 1, many fans speculate that Team Rocket might be behind its creation. It’s important to note that Team Rocket does employ scientists, so it’s possible they developed Porygon as a means to generate income within the Game Corner.

8 There Are More Than 8 Gyms

Gary Had Different Badges To Ash In The Anime

Best Theories About The Pokemon Franchise
  • Theory Ranking: 9/10

In a Pokemon game, trainers progressively fight through eight gyms, with no option to skip or choose a different order. However, in the Pokemon anime, there seem to be more than eight gyms depicted. Characters like Gary Oak display badges that aren’t among the same eight collected by Ash and Red from the games during their adventures.

As a longtime fan of Pokémon games, I’ve always found it fascinating to ponder about the vast world of these games that exists beyond the small towns and cities we see during our journey as trainers. Having spent countless hours exploring Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, and now Galar, I can’t help but wonder about all the hidden gems that lie in wait for us to discover.

7 Venonat Was Supposed To Evolve Into Butterfree

The Two Pokemon Look Very Similar

Best Theories About The Pokemon Franchise
  • Theory Ranking: 9/10

The resemblance between these two Pokemon is striking. Both Butterfree and Venonat share identical shapes for their antennae, eyes, mouth, hands, feet, and color patterns. It’s believed that Butterfree was intended to be the evolved form of Venonat, not Venomoth, according to the theory.

The explanation for why this change occurred after the launch of Red & Blue is likely due to the fact that Venomoth (the evolution of Metapod) was perceived as unappealing as one of the earlier discovered Pokemon. To counterbalance the ominous Beedrill, which is also found early in the game, a more adorable counterpart was needed. Regardless of the motive, it’s clear that Venonat and Butterfree share such striking resemblances that they seem like they could be closely related species.

6 Ash Was In A Coma

The Rest Of The Anime Series Was A Dream

Best Theories About The Pokemon Franchise

  • Theory Ranking: 3/10

In this theory, it’s proposed that Ash Ketchum’s whole journey with Pikachu might have been a dream he had while in a coma. The first episode of the anime series shows Ash defending Pikachu from Spearow’s army and using Thunder Shock against them, which triggers a huge explosion. This blast, it suggests, is what put Ash into a coma.

Fans speculate that following this pivotal moment, the atmosphere became noticeably brighter, and events took on a more humorous tone. The frequent failures of Team Rocket in their endeavors might be due to the main character’s dream-like state. Ash interacted with numerous legendary Pokémon throughout his journey, yet he never aged, even after experiencing countless adventures across the Pokémon universe. This idea is definitely intriguing.

5 Ditto Are Failed Clones Of Mew

They Are The Only Pokemon To Learn Transform

Best Theories About The Pokemon Franchise
  • Theory Ranking: 8/10

Ditto is a very interesting Pokemon. There isn’t another like it in the world, there isn’t much to its design being a pink blob with minimal facial features. There is speculation that this Pokemon is a failed clone of the Mythical Pokemon Mew, the rarest out of the Original 151.

In the Pokemon universe, Mewtwo is believed to be a clone of Mew, suggesting that earlier attempts at cloning Mew were unsuccessful. This theory is supported by the shared abilities of Mew and Ditto, such as their capacity to transform, identical color schemes (both normal and shiny), and balanced stats. While Game Freak has yet to confirm this theory, there’s strong evidence suggesting it could be true or was intended to be at one point.

4 Giovanni Is Ash’s Father

Explains Why Jessie & James Were Never Successful

Best Theories About The Pokemon Franchise
  • Theory Ranking: 4/10

An intriguing hypothesis, originating from the 90s, posits that Giovanni, head of Team Rocket, might be Ash Ketchum’s biological father. However, this theory lacks substantial proof. In the anime series, Ash and Giovanni have crossed paths, but their relationship has never been clarified in this regard. The main evidence supporters of this theory cite is the mystery surrounding Ash’s biological father and the need for a candidate to fill this role.

In the final episode of Ash’s anime series, his dad is briefly mentioned and leaves him a hat as a parting gift. His mother hints that he has embarked on his own adventure, which Ash unfortunately missed. This strongly suggests that the Rocket Boss is not Ash’s biological father. The supporting argument is that Giovanni dispatched Jessie and James to watch over their son, indicating they had no intention of capturing Pikachu for long-term purposes.

3 Blue’s Raticate Died

The Pokemon Disappeared After The Battle On S.S. Anne

Best Theories About The Pokemon Franchise
  • Theory Ranking: 6/10

In the classic games, Pokemon Red & Blue, your adversary was always accompanied by a Raticate during our battles, except on the S.S. Anne. After that encounter, the next time we crossed paths wasn’t until the Pokemon Tower – a place for deceased Pokemon. Interestingly, in my battle with Blue at the tower, his faithful Raticate was nowhere to be found and hasn’t been seen since.

According to the theory, when Blue fought Red on the S.S. Anne, his Raticate perished in the battle. To honor his fallen teammate, Blue is believed to have visited the Pokemon Tower for a burial ceremony. While there’s substantial proof supporting this idea, it’s important to note that in actual gameplay, Blue simply stored his Raticate away since Raticate isn’t very effective in the more advanced stages of the game.

2 Suicune, Raikou & Entei Were Originally Eeveelutions

Vaporeon, Jolteon & Flareon Share Typings

Best Theories About The Pokemon Franchise
  • Theory Ranking: 7/10

In the storyline of Pokemon Gold & Silver, it’s told that three Pokemon tragically perished in a fire within the Burned Tower of Ecruteak City. This event led to the legendary Pokemon Ho-Oh bringing them back to life as the Legendary Beasts – Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon. However, the game does not reveal what type of species the original Pokemon belonged to.

It is theorized that they were Vaporeon, Jolteon & Flareon, the three original Eeveelutions. They share the same types as Suicune, Raikou and Entei; they are all four-legged beasts. It makes perfect sense. Another factor is that Ecruteak City has ties to Eevee. The Kimono Girls that the player encounters in the game each have an Eeveelution and the player battles them all in the same city which hosts the Burned Tower.

1 The Pokemon War

Lt. Surge Mentions He Fought In A War

Best Theories About The Pokemon Franchise
  • Theory Ranking: 7/10

When Lt. Surge discusses his Electric Pokemon during the third gym battle in Kanto, he references a past conflict, but it’s unclear which war he is referring to. Some fans believe that there may have been a Great War prior to the events of Red & Blue, as suggested by the scarcity of adult males in the region. This theory is supported by the fact that the player character, Red, does not have a father, and it’s possible that many other male adults either perished or are still engaged in this war.

1. No additional details about this conflict have surfaced. Imagining a Pokemon game based on this conflict is intriguing, but since the Pokemon Company hasn’t delved into this aspect, it seems like an unrealized fantasy now.

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2024-08-07 08:38