Best Units For Norse Civilization In Age Of Mythology: Retold

Best Units For Norse Civilization In Age Of Mythology: Retold

Key Takeaways

  • Berserks are crucial early-game builders and cavalry counters in Age of Mythology: Retold.
  • Throwing Axemen excel at ranged attacks and base defense, ideal for sustaining early to late-game strategies.
  • Valkyries are top-tier Norse Myth Units, providing healing support and versatility against different enemy units.

As a seasoned player of Age of Mythology, I can confidently say that the Norse civilization has some truly formidable myth units at their disposal, each with its unique strengths and abilities that can tip the balance of power on the battlefield.

The recently released strategy game titled “Age Of Mythology: Retold” is drawing in both veterans of “Age Of Mythology” and novices, eager to construct armies inspired by mythological cultures and various pantheons of deities. However, with an abundance of units, buildings, and upgrades to manage, it can prove quite a conundrum without clear advice on the most effective areas to concentrate on.

Adapting to the distinctive characteristics of the Norse civilization might take some time, as it varies significantly from other civilizations, especially in the composition of its units. Given the extensive modifications from the initial Age of Mythology, even seasoned players may find themselves puzzled about which Norse units are the strongest.

8 Berserk

Strong Base Infantry

Best Units For Norse Civilization In Age Of Mythology: Retold
  • Can Be Trained Via Town Center/Longhouses
  • Costs 50 Food, 30 Gold

In the game “Age Of Mythology: Retold”, The Berserk holds significant value within the Norse Civilization. Unlike other civilizations where workers or villagers collect resources and build structures, in the Norse civilization, infantry units like the Berserk are responsible for construction duties early on in the game.

Constructing forward bases becomes safer for villagers, and Berserks are capable of defending themselves during this process. They appear as early as the Archaic Age and have the ability to counter cavalry, thus hindering enemy scouts or swift attacks at the onset. This makes them an essential part of Norse Civilization players’ early game strategy. Their effectiveness can also be enhanced based on the Norse God that the player chooses to worship.

7 Throwing Axemen

Ranged Infantry Units

Best Units For Norse Civilization In Age Of Mythology: Retold
  • Can Be Trained Via Longhouses
  • Costs 50 Wood, 40 Gold

In the game “Age Of Mythology Retold”, The Throwing Axeman stands out uniquely for several factors. Firstly, it’s the only unit that functions as infantry yet possesses a ranged attack. Secondly, its power against other infantry is notably stronger than the Berserk’s counter-cavalry capabilities.

Additionally, they serve as another infantry unit that constructs for the player, making them a logical evolution from the Berserk units as the game progresses. Their ranged attack inflicts hack damage, which makes them ideal for defending a base since they can harm approaching enemy forces, strike through walls, or eliminate siege weapons that are positioned at a distance during an assault.

6 Valkyrie

Healing, Swift Myth Unit

Best Units For Norse Civilization In Age Of Mythology: Retold
  • Can Be Trained Via Temples
  • Costs 200 Food, 18 Favor

In a simpler and more conversational manner, here’s how you could rephrase it: Among the array of captivating beings in Norse Myth Units, none shine quite as brightly early on as Valkyries. These swift, horse-riding female warriors from Norse mythology (who you might recognize from the MCU) are not just formidable fighters against most units but also have a unique skill that speeds up healing for friendly troops at an impressive speed.

The Norse civilization often finds itself short on healing options, rendering the Valkyries indispensable, particularly when facing civilizations abundant in healers such as the Egyptians. These Valkyrie units can match the pace of cavalry or accompany any Norse army, consistently restoring health to various units. Notably, for other Norse mythical units like Mountain Giants, which are costly to assemble, the Valkyries serve as an exceptional backup.

5 Jarl

Strong Against All Humans

Best Units For Norse Civilization In Age Of Mythology: Retold
  • Can Be Trained Via Hill Fort
  • Costs 50 Food, 80 Gold

Jarls, not initially accessible until later in the game, stand out as the top cavalry options for the Norse civilization. Their strength is versatile, effective against most units in the game due to their ability to counter any human unit. Additionally, they boast a high armor and health rating, making them an essential unit when facing various opponents, especially at higher difficulty levels.

In Age of Mythology: Retold, it might not be immediately clear due to common perceptions, but the Jarl, particularly when upgraded, stands out as an exceptional cavalry unit. Remarkably, this unit excels against both human and mythical creatures, boasting a significant advantage that makes a band of them a formidable force. This trait is particularly beneficial since there are fewer swift Norse hero characters in the game.

4 Hersir

The Standard Bearer

Best Units For Norse Civilization In Age Of Mythology: Retold
  • Can Be Trained Via Temples/Great Halls
  • Costs 80 Food, 40 Gold

In the game of Age Of Mythology: Retold, the Norse Civilization doesn’t have a large number of hero units at its disposal. However, one exceptional unit is the Hersir, which can be produced in significant quantities. This hero unit stands out not just for being available from the Archaic Age, but also for its strength against myth units and overall versatility. Additionally, similar to other Norse infantry units, the Hersir has the ability to construct as well.

The Hersir plays a crucial role in every Norse military force. It serves as their primary method for dealing with mythical units, allows skilled warriors to establish forward outposts in risky territories, and is the key means for Norse gamers to amass relics. Heroes of the Hersir class also accrue favor through combat and have the potential to spontaneously produce mythical units if they accumulate enough, which is a significant advantage in a civilization where earning favor can be difficult.

3 Fire Giant

Devastating Ranged Unit

Best Units For Norse Civilization In Age Of Mythology: Retold
  • Can Be Trained Via Temples
  • Costs 300 Gold, 28 Favor

In their civilization, the Norse are often found short on skilled archers, which poses a significant challenge for them. Yet, during the Mythic Age, one of the mythical units provides a partial remedy – Fire Giants. These giants are exceptionally powerful in terms of range and can also serve as a rudimentary siege weapon due to the massive impact damage they inflict. As a result, a Fire Giant proves to be a more effective choice for sieges than any Norse-specific siege equipment they possess.

Fire Giants possess an exceptional skill allowing them to launch up to six fiery balls during a single attack. Each ball inflicts both 30 points of slashing damage and 10 points of crushing damage, making the Fire Giant unit exceptionally potent among ranged units in the game.

2 Mountain Giant

Engines Of Destruction

Best Units For Norse Civilization In Age Of Mythology: Retold
  • Can Be Trained Via Temples
  • Costs 250 Food, 25 Favor

Among the outstanding mythical entities at the disposal of the Norse civilization, none surpasses the formidable Mountain Giant. This colossal creature doubles as an exceptional siege weapon, boasting a unique ability to flatten structures, and its immense health pool offsets its relatively low armor. In combat, it can overpower most units within the game. However, keep in mind that these formidable entities come at a premium, necessitating a substantial accumulation of resources for mass production.

As a Norse gamer, I’d say the Mountain Giant is hands down the most formidable creature at my disposal, thanks to two divine entities offering me access at different stages of the game. This makes him a breeze to obtain among mythical units in Age Of Mythology: Retold. With a variety of powerful special attacks, simple acquisition, and the knack for strolling into an enemy stronghold and leveling everything to the ground, the Mountain Giant is the embodiment of the perfect destructive tool.

1 Nidhogg

A Literal Dragon

Best Units For Norse Civilization In Age Of Mythology: Retold
  • Can Be Trained Via God Power
  • Costs N/A

In Age of Myphology: Retold, the flying units may not be numerous, but the ones that exist are exceptionally formidable and tricky to counter. For instance, there’s the fearsome Nidhogg, a massive airborne beast with the ability to unleash fire and single-handedly demolish enemy armies or strongholds. However, its main downside is the challenge in acquiring it, as it can’t be taught; instead, it must be bestowed by a Divine Power following worship of the Minor God H’el during the Mythic Age.

With the new feature of Age Of Mythology: Retold allowing for repeated use of God Powers, the Nidhogg becomes a particularly formidable adversary. It moves swiftly without obstruction by walls and has the ability to sneakily approach and attack crucial enemy locations in a flash, making it the most perilous creature at the disposal of the Norse civilization.

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2024-09-16 18:24