Best Valorant Guns On PS5 And Xbox

Best Valorant Guns On PS5 And Xbox


  • Valorant‘s move to console brings a challenging learning curve, especially with mastering different weapons.
  • Judge shotgun excels on consoles with high damage, fast fire rate, and minimal movement inaccuracy.
  • Phantom rifle shines on console with reduced recoil, higher magazine capacity, and silent gunfire.

As a seasoned Valorant player with countless hours under my belt, I can confidently say that the Spectre is a hidden gem in this game, especially for console players. The run-and-gun nature of this SMG makes it almost impossible for opponents to hit me, and its reasonable price tag only adds to its appeal. However, its effectiveness decreases at longer ranges, so I always try to close the gap with my enemies to unleash its full potential.

The transition of Valorant from PC to consoles has sparked a new influx of players eager to explore its mechanics, skills, and especially, its gunplay. Yet, since Riot initially tailored the game for PC, learning the ropes on consoles can present a challenging incline, particularly when it comes to handling the various weapons. Console combat introduces a unique flavor to skirmishes, so weapons that shine on the PC may not necessarily be the optimal choices in console play.

As a gamer diving into the world of Valorant, I’ve learned that choosing the right weapon isn’t solely about grabbing the one with the highest damage output. Different scenarios call for different weapons, and some weapons work magic with specific agents while falling flat with others. Fortunately, on console, it’s a breeze to pick the top guns, as certain ones consistently outperform their counterparts, earning them the title of best-in-class in this game.

6 Judge

The Most Broken Shotgun In Valorant

Run Speed 5.06 m/sec
Equip Speed 1 sec
Reload Speed 2.2 sec
Magazine 5 bullets
Fire Rate 3.5 bullets/sec
Damage at 0-10m (Head/Body/Leg) 34/17/14
Damage at 10-15m (Head/Body/Leg) 20/10/8
Damage at 15-50m (Head/Body/Leg) 14/7/5

In Valorant, the Judge gun is widely disliked but justifiably so, as it’s excessively powerful. It boasts an exceptionally high damage output, an absurdly quick firing speed (considering it’s a shotgun), and minimal movement-related inaccuracy, making it almost perfectly accurate even while moving or jumping. As a result, it stands out as one of the top choices for players using consoles.

When using the Judge, console players don’t need to worry about movement inaccuracy, nor do they need to aim at the opponents’ heads to deal the maximum damage. The only downside to using this weapon is that it performs poorly at long distances, which is expected since it’s a shotgun. To use it at its highest potential, great positioning and game-sense are required, as that allows players to get up close and personal with their opponents. If a player has those attributes in spades, a Judge is all they need to become an absolute menace on the battlefield and obliterate the opposition.

In the game Valorant, it’s more effective to target an opponent’s torso rather than their head with a shotgun. Unlike other types of weapons, shotguns inflict the highest damage on the body area.

5 Sheriff

A Pistol That Can Hold Its Own Against Rifles

Run Speed 5.4 m/sec
Equip Speed 1 sec
Reload Speed 2.25 sec
Magazine 6 bullets
Fire Rate 4 bullets/sec
Damage at 0-30m (Head/Body/Leg) 159/55/46
Damage at 30-50m (Head/Body/Leg) 145/50/42

In terms of sidearms, the Sheriff is undisputedly the best choice in console gaming. The reason behind its popularity lies in its exceptional performance, outperforming other pistols in rounds and even holding its ground against any gun with precise aim. It inflicts 150 damage to a target’s head from zero to thirty meters, while beyond that range it deals 145 damage. This implies that most encounters end instantly with a headshot using the Sheriff. To sweeten the deal, it delivers significantly high damage to the body; requiring three shots to defeat a shielded enemy and just two for an unshielded one.

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I’ve come to appreciate the value of a weapon that offers high damage, minimal movement inaccuracy, and a wallet-friendly price tag – especially when it comes to console gaming. Among the various options available, this one truly stands out as one of the best. However, the only potential downside is that mastering its true potential demands a keen understanding of crosshair placement, a skill I’ve found essential in my time playing Valorant. But fear not, fellow gamers, for like many skills in this game, it can be learned with practice and dedication.

4 Operator

The Ultimate Sniper Rifle

Run Speed 5.13 m/sec
Equip Speed 1.5 sec
Reload Speed 3.7 sec
Magazine 5 bullets
Fire Rate 0.6 bullets/sec
Damage at 0-50m (Head/Body/Leg) 255/150/120

In the game Valorant, the Operator is the top-tier sniper rifle, known for dealing the highest damage per bullet. Capable of taking down an opponent with just a single hit to their body, it’s undeniably the strongest weapon in terms of statistics within Valorant.

On both PC and consoles, the Operator weapon is quite formidable, but it might be even stronger on consoles due to their players’ movements being slightly less fluid compared to PC. This inconsistency in movement makes targets easier to hit, which is significant considering that the Operator fires one bullet at a time. Since every bullet counts, the more predictable movement on console can ensure each shot is accurate and effective.

The gun’s biggest strength lies in its ease of use on consoles. In the hands of a skilled player, it can be extremely difficult to counter. However, this does not mean that it comes without any downsides. Since it’s a single-shot gun, players can be caught off-guard by enemies if they’re in a vulnerable position. Furthermore, it’s the most expensive gun in the game, requiring a good economy to be able to afford it consistently. However, with smart positioning and careful economic management, the Operator can become an unstoppable killing machine on the battlefield.

To make optimal use of the Operator, it’s advisable for players to stay close to a protective barrier or concealment. This proximity allows them to swiftly reach a safe spot if they happen to miss their shot.

3 Odin

The Most Feared Gun In The Game

Run Speed 5.13 m/sec
Equip Speed 1.25 sec
Reload Speed 5 sec
Magazine 100 bullets
Fire Rate 12 bullets/sec
Damage at 0-30m (Head/Body/Leg) 95/38/32
Damage at 30-50m (Head/Body/Leg) 77/31/26

In the realm of Valorant, the Odin gun is notorious for causing panic among foes upon even the slightest hint of its sound. This machine gun boasts an impressive fire rate that ranks second only to others in the game, along with substantial damage and superior wall penetration. Granted, it may take a while to master, but once players have grasped its nuances, it can turn into a living nightmare for their adversaries, particularly on console systems.

A less experienced player might not know that in the game Valorant, most walls are able to be shot through. This characteristic makes the Odin a formidable weapon since players can leverage its rapid fire and wall-penetrating ability to attack enemies hiding behind walls. Additionally, this feature lets players with precise crosshair placement control angles effectively, eliminating any opponents who appear in their sight, making the Odin exceptionally beneficial for defenders.

One thing to keep in mind is that the gun makes the player’s movement slow and sluggish, making it difficult to rotate or find cover quickly. With smart positioning, this won’t be much of an issue.

2 Spectre

The Most Reliable Run-And-Gun Weapon

Run Speed 5.73 m/sec
Equip Speed 0.75 sec
Reload Speed 2.25 sec
Magazine 30 bullets
Fire Rate 13.33 bullets/sec
Damage at 0-15m (Head/Body/Leg) 78/26/22
Damage at 15-30m (Head/Body/Leg) 66/22/18
Damage at 30-50m (Head/Body/Leg) 60/20/17

In the game of Valorant, The Spectre is often overlooked but could be one of the most effective Submachine Guns. It boasts a strong rate of fire and moderate movement inaccuracy, making it an affordable choice that dishes out considerable damage. Its playstyle centers around swift movements and continuous shooting. Although it can be employed conventionally with counter-strafing and headshot burst-firing, The Spectre truly shines when players adopt its run-and-gun approach.

On consoles, the Spectre weapon stands out as exceptionally potent due to its run-and-gun gameplay style that makes it challenging for opponents to land hits. However, its effectiveness diminishes at longer distances because of its low damage output. To maximize its performance, players should try to get close to their enemies. This characteristic becomes particularly advantageous on compact maps like Bind and Split in the game Valorant, where firefights often occur at short range.

1 Phantom

The King Of Stealth

Run Speed 5.4 m/sec
Equip Speed 1 sec
Reload Speed 2.5 sec
Magazine 30 bullets
Fire Rate 11 bullets/sec
Damage at 0-15m (Head/Body/Leg) 156/39/33
Damage at 15-30m (Head/Body/Leg) 140/35/29
Damage at 30-50m (Head/Body/Leg) 124/31/26

The “Phantom vs. Vandal” debate has been a hot topic in the community ever since Valorant‘s release. While this debate may never see a clear winner on PC, on console, the Phantom takes the lead as the ultimate rifle.

Although the Vandal is an amazing weapon, several factors give the Phantom an edge over it on consoles. For starters, its reduced bullet spread (compared to the Vandal) makes recoil control much easier, which is a significant advantage when using a controller. It also has a higher magazine capacity and a faster fire rate. But its biggest advantage is its silenced muzzle. It leaves no tracers, making it impossible for enemies to see where its bullets are coming from. Moreover, at long distances, its gunfire is completely silent, so enemies won’t even be able to hear where they’re being shot from.

Although some players contend that the Phantom’s notorious 140-damage headshot is less advantageous than the Vandal’s one-hit kill ability, its adaptability, user-friendly design, and overall value on consoles earn it a top spot as the better option.

The Phantom weapon is ideal for securing kills while staying protected by smoke screens, since its bullets don’t have tracer rounds, making it challenging for opponents to accurately retaliate against the user.

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2024-08-20 12:05