Best Versions of Ramuh In Final Fantasy

Best Versions of Ramuh In Final Fantasy

Key Takeaways

  • Summons in Final Fantasy have evolved in visual design and mechanics throughout the series, being unique in each entry.
  • Ramuh is a recurring summon in the franchise with different looks and abilities depending on the game.
  • The importance of summons in the story varies across Final Fantasy games, with some having deeper ties and lore exploration.

As a seasoned veteran of the Final Fantasy universe, I must say that Ramuh is undoubtedly one of the most captivating summons across all these epic games. Having journeyed through various iterations since the early days, I’ve witnessed the evolution and refinement of Ramuh’s character, and it’s a delight to see how each game has managed to breathe new life into this iconic summon.

For a considerable period, summoning entities have played a significant role in the world of Final Fantasy games. Over time, these summons have taken on various shapes and functions, displaying remarkable versatility across diverse titles within this enduring game franchise.

Different summons come with distinct motivations to make them more appealing. For instance, Ifrit is connected to fire, Shiva to ice, whereas Ramuh has traditionally symbolized lightning (although there’s also Ixion from Final Fantasy 10 who shares this element). Despite variations in his appearances across the series, certain games featuring Ramuh are particularly beloved by fans.

6 Final Fantasy 3

Ramuh’s First Appearance

Best Versions of Ramuh In Final Fantasy

In terms of difficulty, the original “Final Fantasy 3” is noticeably tougher than its more recent counterparts in the series. One of the game’s unique features is the introduction of Ramuh, who among the summons, appears quite humanoid. He is portrayed as a wise-looking wizard with a long beard, flowing robes, and a powerful magic staff, making him particularly memorable.

In the game Final Fantasy 3, various characters utilize summons in unique ways based on their chosen roles. For instance, Ramuh serves as both an offensive and support option. If the summoning character is a Sage or Summoner, they will unleash Heaven’s Rage, targeting all opponents. However, when invoked by an Evoker, Ramuh can either use Mind Blast to immobilize enemies or God’s Thunder for direct lightning attacks on them.

5 Final Fantasy 7

The Start Of Flashier Summons

Best Versions of Ramuh In Final Fantasy

In several initial installments of the series, summons played a significant part in the narrative. This trend continued in numerous other games, like Final Fantasy 10 and Final Fantasy 16. However, each version of Final Fantasy 7, with its diverse cast of characters, primarily concentrated on their personal stories and a standalone tale. Summons served as a tool for dishing out significant damage during combat situations instead.

In the realm of Final Fantasy 7, summons were initially showcased as an extravagant spectacle when activated. Yet, Ramuh is not the sole lightning damage summon; the game offers even stronger options. It’s worth noting that he has made a far more impressive entrance in other series installments.

4 Final Fantasy 5

More Stylish & Interesting

Best Versions of Ramuh In Final Fantasy

Back in the world of Final Fantasy 5, I found myself face to face with Ramuh once again, just as iconic and wizardly as ever! This time around, his staff seemed even longer than before, and his beard had a more pronounced presence. Quite the sight to behold, I must say. In one of the game’s forests, he could be found lurking as a random enemy, waiting for the chance to join forces with players like myself!

In “Final Fantasy 4”, Ramuh proved to be an effective summon when accessed, but as the game advanced, he became less useful primarily because there wasn’t a consistent lighting weakness throughout the game. On the other hand, “Final Fantasy 5” excels in several areas, and Ramuh is one of them. Players will find him formidable upon encounter, stronger than any summons they would have at that stage. If players already possess Ifrit, this interaction triggers unique dialogue, indicating that the party has been deemed worthy by Ramuh.

3 Final Fantasy 16

Powerful & Meaningful

Best Versions of Ramuh In Final Fantasy

While some fans might find Final Fantasy 16 a departure from the franchise’s traditional turn-based style, it offers an appealing mix of elements showcased so far. The game places significant emphasis on Summons, each one displaying unique abilities throughout the narrative and offering rich lore for players to explore. On top of that, PC gamers can now experience this title.

In this game, each summon (or Eikon) is connected to another character called their Dominant. Every summon, including Ramu, is fully developed and useful from the time they’re acquired until the game ends. Ramu has a distinct design that breaks away from many previous styles, featuring darker colors and armor pieces.

2 Final Fantasy 6

Strong Ties To The Story

Best Versions of Ramuh In Final Fantasy

In Final Fantasy 6, the summons were referred to as Espers, and they played a significant role in the game’s storyline. Among these Espers, Ramuh stands out with considerable on-screen presence, making an early appearance in the game, and contributing significantly to its backstory. Remarkably, one of the playable characters even becomes part of the team due to Ramuh’s influence.

In this game, Ramuh is the initial summon that players can acquire, remaining useful throughout the entire experience. He acts as a wise mentor, assisting players on their adventure. Among all the Final Fantasy series, this game presents one of the most impactful and memorable versions of the summon.

1 Final Fantasy 9

Strong Ties To The Story

Best Versions of Ramuh In Final Fantasy

Similar to how significant a character Ramuh becomes in the narrative of Final Fantasy 6, he also plays a key role in the storyline here, and is among the initial summon options players can acquire. The damage he inflicts grows with the number of Peridot items the player possesses.

In the “Final Fantasy” series, this installment refers to its summoned entities as Eidolons. Ramuh, in particular, boasts a more intricate design, with the tips of his beard resembling tentacles and adorned with various gem ornaments. His mustache, on the other hand, is portrayed as less dense, floating instead of hanging downward as it often was in previous games. The title “Final Fantasy 9” continues to be a popular choice among fans who hope for its remake, providing a fresh opportunity for newcomers to explore this game firsthand.

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2024-09-30 01:34