Best Ways To Make Money In Elite Dangerous

Best Ways To Make Money In Elite Dangerous

Key Takeaways

  • Study aliens for profit with Exobiology, hunt creatures, and scan plants for credits.
  • Farm Thargoid Spire Sites for quick cash, earn up to 500M credits in an hour.
  • Join Pilots Trade Network, stack missions for high credits in groups, and earn up to 4B.

As an old-time Elite Dangerous player, I’ve seen my fair share of credits roll in and out over the years. From the humble beginnings of scraping together enough for a new ship upgrade, to the grandeur of raking in hundreds of millions an hour with a well-oiled operation, I’ve been there, done that.

In Elite Dangerous, you’ll find an immense collection of content and a vast array of vessels, armaments, and components to select from. However, veterans of the game are aware that ships can become quite costly, with some top-tier ships priced in the hundreds of millions of credits just for purchase, and requiring over a billion credits to fully equip.

The good news is that Elite Dangerous offers a wide selection of unique gameplay loops to choose from, most of which are great ways to earn the credits needed to purchase whatever a player might need. Though much of the content might seem out of reach to players just starting out, getting started and building a fortune isn’t actually as hard as it seems, and there are many activities to suit a variety of playstyles.

With Update 18.09 enhancing Spacecraft Response Vehicles (SRVs), planetary landing checks, and Virtual Reality (VR) experiences, players eager to experience Elite Dangerous’ pricier gameplay aspects might want to explore efficient methods for accumulating cash faster. Some effective strategies include scouting for alien life, farming resources at Spire sites, conducting favorite resource runs, and visiting hotspots according to a well-known trading network run by the community.

1 Exobiology

Study Aliens For Profit

Best Ways To Make Money In Elite Dangerous

In the expansion pack for “Elite Dangerous,” titled “Odyssey, ” players are able to explore alien lifeforms, which effectively turns the game into an immersive experience akin to “Star Trek. One interesting aspect of the “Exobiology” feature is that collecting Genetic Samples from various lifeforms can lead to a substantial amount of Credits. To begin your creature-hunting journey, you should ideally have a medium-sized ship equipped with a Fuel Scoop, an FSD (Faster-Than-Light Drive), an Artemis Suit, a Planetary Vehicle Hangar, and a Detailed Surface Scanner.

Once discovering planets with Biological Signatures, players should employ their Detection and Scanning System (DSS) to create a heat map illustrating the density of flora in the area. The darker the blue shade indicates a higher concentration of flora. Comprehensive scans require three scans to complete, so it’s advisable to finish before exploring other planets. For maximum profit, it’s best to scan all discovered flora completely prior to submitting the data. Remember, safety is crucial; perishing during the session will keep records and maps intact but forfeit any chances of earning Credits and advancing in Rank.

2 Spire Site Farming

Make A Quick Buck Eliminate Thargoid Spire Sites

Best Ways To Make Money In Elite Dangerous

Engaging in battles against extraterrestrial beings such as the Thargoids certainly offers players a substantial amount of Credits. However, targeting and dismantling their bases, specifically Thargoid Spire Sites, can yield even greater rewards than expected. In just an hour of farming Thargoid Spire Sites, players could potentially gain up to 400 to 500 million Credits, especially when equipped appropriately and working with a well-coordinated team. Players may also seek out cooperative teammates from communities like the Anti-Xeno Initiative, which boasts a community solely focused on combating Thargoids.

A player’s ideal build for Spire Site Farming depends on a lot of factors, but mainly if they’re fighting with a smaller or larger crew. Inexperienced Commanders can use a Krait Mk2 with human weaponry, while more coordinated teams usually run with Anacondas with Guardian tech. Upon arriving in the location, players should take out the Thargoid Banshees first before attacking the Orthruses, the latter of which is the main target of Spire Site Farming. Although they don’t have weapons, their formidable defenses mean players have to strategically wait for their shields to go down while avoiding its shutdown field, anti-guardian field, and attack reinforcements that they call to their aid.

3 Robigo Runs

Fast-Paced Passenger Missions With Totally Not Illegal Passengers

Best Ways To Make Money In Elite Dangerous

For players who enjoy adventuring but aren’t sure of their destination, Passenger Missions could be a profitable choice. Among these missions, the highly recommended ones are the Robigo Runs due to their seemingly innocent character. These missions involve transporting passengers from stations in Robigo to a tourist attraction in Sothis, approximately 60 Light Years apart (each around 450 Light Years from Sol). Due to the dispersed layout of these stations, Robigo Runs can be efficiently combined, enabling players to potentially earn up to 90 Million Credits per hour with successful trips.

There’s a catch, though – players have to carry illegal passengers (criminals, etc.). And getting scanned with criminals on board can spell not only a mission failure but total annihilation of the player’s ship. This is where the challenge comes in – the best way to complete Robigo Runs would be using a Python equipped to make the Robigo-Sothis trip in two runs, with as much space for passengers and not much of anything else. Such a setup should allow players to finish their runs as soon as possible, but this also leaves them defenseless in combat. The trick here is speed – when players manage to scan the beacon, they should return to Robigo Mines, refuel, get paid, and don’t get scanned.

4 Pilots Trade Network

Earn With Like-Minded Individuals

Best Ways To Make Money In Elite Dangerous

Instead of most approaches that primarily concentrate on accumulating money, joining the Pilots Trade Network is more about building stable income streams rather than directly gaining Credits. The Pilots Trade Network serves as a model for an in-game community within Elite Dangerous, where players collaborate and engage in diverse missions to optimize Credit earnings thanks to each other’s participation. By dedicating time to learning the ins and outs of PTN, members can achieve a high reputation across various factions, enabling them to access high-paying missions. With sufficient Credits earned, they may even customize their ships for various mission types.

With a well-equipped team on board, players might find themselves taking on multiple missions that can potentially yield anywhere from 50 million to 4 billion credits each – however, achieving this consistently requires significant investment of time, research, and resource allocation. For beginners, merely participating in PTN and casual gameplay could result in a passive credit income surpassing their typical playthroughs due to the higher-reward missions likely available to the teams they’ll be partnered with.

5 Exploration

Visit Planets To Scan Them For Money

Best Ways To Make Money In Elite Dangerous

Among the standout features of Elite Dangerous lies its vast expanse, mirroring the entire Milky Way galaxy and offering players over 400 billion potential star systems to traverse. For novice players, delving into the galaxy can be a lucrative and low-risk endeavor. Equipped with a fuel scoop and Detailed Surface Scanners (DSS), players can scan planets closely for additional financial rewards.

When ships enter a new system, they’ll perform an initial survey, but for maximum profit, it’s crucial to equip the Full Spectrum Scanner first to gather comprehensive data. Then, scan the planets with the DSS (Deep Space Scanner). Pay special attention to Earth-like and Water worlds, as they can yield over 3 million credits each when thoroughly scanned. To maximize earnings, venture beyond the Bubble and explore systems yet unexplored by other players, as these offer a substantial credit reward.

6 Ground Combat

Engage In Conflict To Make Money Off Engagements

Best Ways To Make Money In Elite Dangerous

With the addition of the Odyssey DLC, you can now explore atmospheric planets on foot or stations, and one way to generate income is through ground combat. This can be achieved by finding systems that are in a state of war, then using Frontline Solutions at a station to get transported to a ground battle zone.

Keep in mind that ground combat can be risky and that players will likely need G3 gear to do well in high-intensity conflict zones. With the right gear and some practice, ground combat could net players a decent haul of somewhere around 20-30 million credits an hour.

7 Anti-Xeno Combat

A Great Source Of Income For Skilled Players

Best Ways To Make Money In Elite Dangerous

Players might find themselves drawn to engaging in alien conflict, battling the Thargoids – an extraterrestrial race that human beings are at war with within the game Elite Dangerous. This activity, often referred to as Thargoid hunting, can be quite demanding, so it’s advisable to have some combat background before diving in. The most skilled Thargoid hunters stand to earn up to 100 million credits per hour, but this level of expertise requires significant skill and dedication to reach. For beginners in the anti-alien conflict, it’s wise to start with manageable encounters. Facing off against Thargoid Scouts is relatively straightforward, and from there, players should gradually advance to fighting Interceptors.

Interceptors are challenging to deal with and need customized builds to effectively thwart them. Ships such as the Chieftain or Krait Mk.II are solid choices. Ensure you have some engineering on modules, a substantial amount of hull and module reinforcement packages, and an Auto Field-Maintenance Unit. You’ll find various weapons to select from, but the Guardian gauss cannon and remote flak launcher might be the best picks. It may take some time and likely a few respawns to get accustomed to it, but Thargoid hunting is a lucrative and thrilling pastime for those who can conquer it.

8 Mining

Get Ore To Sell Through Laser Mining

Best Ways To Make Money In Elite Dangerous

Mining is one of the more lucrative sources of income, and with the right ship and setup players could earn well over 100 million credits an hour. There are two main types of mining, core and laser. Laser mining is the easiest and most profitable, but core mining is more engaging and may be preferable for some. The best ships for mining are the Python or Type-9, though for beginners something like the Cobra Mk.III is a good choice.

For laser mining ships, essential equipment includes refinery units, prospector and collector limpet control systems, surface scanners, and plenty of cargo storage space. Core mining ships are a bit more complex and call for abrasion blasters, seismic charger launchers, and pulse wave scanner installations. To laser mine, look for asteroid belts with overlapping hotspots, use prospector limpets to identify the right asteroid, then just shoot the lasers to begin extraction. Core mining is more advanced, involving explosives, so it might be wise for beginners to hold off on this until they’ve gained more experience.

9 Bounty Hunting And Massacre Missions

Hunt Targets For Money

Best Ways To Make Money In Elite Dangerous

Bounty hunting in the game can be quite thrilling and enjoyable, despite its riskier nature. This activity isn’t overly challenging against lower-level targets, even for beginners, making it a good early source of income. When it comes to weapons for PvE (Player vs Environment), multi-cannons and pulse lasers are usually the best choices, although there are several other effective options available as well.

It’s equally crucial to design ships effectively. Properly engineered thrusters significantly enhance maneuverability, while engineered weapons pack a much stronger punch. A well-equipped ship can yield a player over 100 million credits per hour in bounty hunting and massacre missions. Massacre missions become exceptionally profitable when undertaken by a group of four players, as the rewards escalate significantly. With a squad of four skilled players, it’s possible to earn hundreds of millions of credits an hour.

10 Trade Routes

Travel Across Routes To Generate Reliable Income

Best Ways To Make Money In Elite Dangerous

Making money through trading is one of the simpler methods and a dependable income source. Instead of embarking on individual trade missions, seek out established trade routes for greater efficiency and profitability. Within the game, you can discover these routes using trade data, but external tools like EDDB or Inara provide an easier and more lucrative approach to finding profitable trade routes.

For Type 7 players (approximately 18 million credits in assets), it’s straightforward to discover profitable trading routes yielding approximately 20 million credits per hour. As you progress, enhancing your trade vessels will lead to even greater financial gains. Trading offers a comfortable gameplay approach with substantial earnings as its key advantage. The sole potential issue might be the rare pirate encounters, but they’re generally manageable.

11 Booze Cruise

Take Advantage Of Wine Price Hikes

Best Ways To Make Money In Elite Dangerous

The term ‘Booze Cruise’ refers to a player-arranged event that’s quite profitable, happening approximately once a month. This happens when the game world Rackham’s Peak goes into a public holiday mode, causing wine prices to dramatically increase. To capitalize on this, there’s a monthly journey where fleet carriers are filled with wine and transported to Rackham’s Peak for sale. The earning potential is immense, with many players making billions of credits in just a few days.

As an enthusiast, I’ve got to mention a fascinating challenge: Reaching Rackham’s Peak, which is an incredible 5000 lightyears from Sol. The only way to get there is by boarding a fleet carrier, making it a journey that requires help from others. Luckily, the Pilots Trade Network, a player group known for organizing such events, can help you connect with those offering their carriers as transportation. It’s like joining a cosmic carpool, and I can’t wait to embark on this interstellar adventure!

12 Passenger Missions

Carry Passengers To Various Locations For Profit

Best Ways To Make Money In Elite Dangerous

Passenger missions share some resemblance with trading, but they might be simpler and potentially more lucrative. These missions are obtained at space stations and involve transporting passengers to specific locations. To accomplish these tasks, players must possess suitable passenger accommodations.

For an efficient journey, the Python ship with a jump range surpassing 30 light-years is optimal. In this vessel, players can potentially earn approximately 100-120 million credits per hour once they’ve established a good reputation at the space station. Passenger missions are lucrative, straightforward, and profitable. This makes it an excellent choice for players seeking a less demanding activity; however, others might find it repetitive.

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2024-10-09 21:55