Bethesda Removes Margret Thatcher Doom Mod

Bethesda Removes Margret Thatcher Doom Mod

Key Takeaways

  • Bethesda removed Doom 2’s Thatcher Techbase mod due to concerns of “real-world politics”
  • The mod was extremely popualr, with the UK’s Jeremy Corbyn playing it at some point.
  • Bethesda’s non-stance might be taken as a stance by some, rendering the removal’s point moot.

As a gamer who grew up in Scotland during Thatcher’s reign, I can’t help but feel a sense of frustration and disappointment at Bethesda’s decision to remove the Thatcher Techbase mod from their official mod browsers. This mod was more than just a game for many of us affected by her policies; it was a cathartic release, a symbol of resistance against a political figure who brought hardship to my hometown and countless others like it.

Bethesda removed the Thatcher Techbase mod for Doom 2, a modification that featured Doom Guy battling the demonic version of the Iron Lady, from their official mod libraries for Doom 1 and Doom 2.

To the developer of the mod, Jim Purvis, Bethesda explained that they had to remove it due to real-world political reasons.

Ever since its debut in 2021, the mod has received near-unanimous acclaim from Doom enthusiasts, particularly those hailing from Ireland and the UK – even gaining approval from figures like Jeremy Corbyn.

In a reimagined scenario set in the U.K., Thatcher’s Techbase brought back Margaret Thatcher from the depths of the Tenth Circle of Hell. They assigned the role of stopping this formidable adversary, one of humanity’s most significant dangers, to Doom Guy. This task aimed to return her to the fiery abyss. Alongside the main mission, they introduced various new weapons, levels, demonic entities, and a range of difficulty settings for an enhanced gaming experience.

It’s probable that Bethesda is choosing to remove the mod due to concerns that its presence on their official platforms might be perceived as a political endorsement. While many dislike Thatcher, there are still those who hold her in high regard.

This change came barely a month after the Doom 1 and 2 bundles dropped on PC and consoles.

First The Milk, Now This!

Bethesda Removes Margret Thatcher Doom Mod

People who aren’t acquainted with Margaret Thatcher may find it puzzling to understand what could motivate someone to create a Cyberdemon hybrid out of her.

To grasp Thatcher, envision her as the British equivalent of Ronald Reagan, with a slightly different political slant. While Thatcher and Reagan shared similar economic ideologies, Thatcher’s other policies leaned towards a more authoritarian approach.

At home, she reduced welfare support, lessened labor union power, and sold off numerous public industries. The author of this critique has a personal tie to the Iron Lady.

Born in Scotland, Purvias’ early years were significantly influenced by the aftermath of Thatcher’s rule. His hometown, Coatbridge, was particularly vulnerable because it relied heavily on industries severely affected by the policies enacted during Thatcher’s tenure. Unfortunately, these industries never fully recovered from their setbacks.

Thatcher’s policies were based on the idea of “Trickle-Down Economics.”

In the course of her tenure as prime minister and even after she left office, Purvia was frequently depicted in a negative manner by her critics, using imagery that was dark and demonic. From political cartoons to comic strips, she was often shown with horns and hooves, suggesting a sinister or malevolent character.

It’s good news for PC gamers since they can still engage in endless battles against Thatcher, unfortunately though, Bethesda’s decision solely impacts console players as they are unable to access unofficial modding platforms.

Interestingly, despite Bethesda’s stance against “real-world politics”, the creator of Doom, John Romero, didn’t abstain from engaging with it.

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2024-09-02 13:39