Black Myth: Wukong – Bamboo Groves Walkthrough

Black Myth: Wukong - Bamboo Groves Walkthrough

As a seasoned adventurer with scars to show for it, I can tell you that preparation is the key to survival in these treacherous lands. Before taking on the formidable Whiteclad Noble, make sure to stock up on essential items and hone your skills. Remember, this boss isn’t just tough; he’s got two phases!

Your adventure in ‘Black Myth: Wukong‘ is extensive and merciless. Just as anticipated, the Bamboo Grove, which is the second region of Chapter 1, turns out to be much harder and intricate compared to its precursor. Don’t worry though, the guide below provides all the crucial details about this area to help you navigate through.

Upon vanquishing Lingxuzi, the ultimate foe in the Forest of Wolves realm, and venturing across a courtyard, you’ll stumble upon another Keeper’s Shrine. This sacred site signifies the beginning of Bamboo Grove, the second region within Black Wind Mountain (Chapter 1).

This walkthrough contains spoilers, so proceed with caution.

Reaching Second Meditation Spot and Horse Guai

1. Visit the sanctuary of the Back Hill Caretaker to rejuvenate your health, magic, and water flask. Subsequently, descend the steps, then deviate from the main route by taking the skinny trail to your left and delve into the cavern.

Step indoors and converse with the Horse Guai Non-Player Character (NPC). Remember not to engage in combat as he’s harmless towards you. Once you’ve covered all conversation topics, locate the meditation spot situated right in the center of the room. This is actually the second such spot within the Black Wind Mountain locale.

Reaching the First Golden Box & Acquiring Blessed Gourd

As a seasoned adventurer with countless tales of daring escapades under my belt, I’ve learned that every step forward brings new challenges and treasures. So, let’s head back outside and tread along this path once more. To the right, you’ll find a chest waiting for us. Open it to collect its loot, and then keep on pushing forward. Keep going until we spot a set of stairs leading upwards – climb the first set and leap into the water on the left side. There, interact with the glowing green wisp to snag some precious Will. After that, return to the stairs and ascend further, crossing over the bridge, until we come across a small structure on our right. Interact with the golden box there to gather additional resources for our journey ahead. Let’s keep pressing forward; every step brings us closer to our next great adventure!

Move forward towards the Snake Trail Keeper’s Shrine, just as you did previously. Interact with it for quick-travel purposes. Then climb the stairs and veer right before crossing the bridge. A scene will unfold where an elderly man presents you with a Gourd Blessed with Power. This artifact will aid you in collecting green spirits swiftly and help you claim spirits from challenging enemies within the game.

If you managed to defeat the Roaming Revenant in the last chapter, you have the opportunity to obtain its Spirit at the Shrine of the Guardian now. Don’t forget to select and use it via the Equipment Interface.

Reaching & Defeating Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang

Black Myth: Wukong - Bamboo Groves Walkthrough

After chatting with the elderly fellow, go ahead and cross the bridge and keep going on the straight path. You’ll come across some reptile-like critters as you travel – you can either fight them off or scurry past them; it’s up to you. When you’re under the bridge, instead of pushing forward, turn back and walk in the opposite direction. Over time, you’ll arrive at a pond where a massive frog will assault you.

In this area, you won’t find a more challenging foe than Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang, but don’t underestimate him. Begin by casting the Immobilize spell on him, then transform into Guangzhi using the Red Tiles Spell for an initial powerful attack. Try to inflict as much damage at the outset to simplify the rest of the battle. Be mindful of his frequent jumps and tongue attacks throughout the fight.

Following his defeat, you’ll gain the ability to extract the boss’s spirit with your freshly obtained Sacred Squash. This power enables you to morph into a frog, using its swift tongue attack to inflict significant damage on numerous foes.

Reaching & Defeating Guangmou

Black Myth: Wukong - Bamboo Groves Walkthrough

Starting from where the frog is, head towards your right along the path and proceed straight until you come across a wooded region. After descending to a lower elevation, walk following the stones to your left until you spot an entrance. This slim path is bordered by two statues on either side.

In this region, you’ll often find foes resembling lizards. Feel free to tackle them if you wish, or simply move past them, but it’s advisable to conserve your health for a challenging situation ahead.

Follow the hidden, narrow trail, and eventually, you’ll encounter Guangmou, the second boss in the Bamboo Grove area. Following a brief scene, combat with Guangmou will commence. This adversary is more formidable than the frog, boasting a diverse array of attacks. For example, he can summon snake-like creatures from beneath him that spit poison at you. Most of his attacks can be countered by twirling your staff, but remember to conserve your stamina.

In addition to its attacks, Guangmou may cause a poisoning effect. If you’ve bought the Antimiasma Powder from the store at the Keeper’s Shrine, remember to use it when this happens as it instantly removes the poison status. Defeating Guangmou will give you the Guangmou Spirit as a reward.

Ring the Second Bell & Acquire Luojia Fragrant Vine

Following your victory over Guangmou, you’ll observe three different routes: one that resembles your original trail, another featuring a Torii gate, and a set of steps ascending. At this juncture, opt for the stairs and engage with the bell – this is actually the second bell situated on Black Wind Mountain (Chapter 1).

After passing through the Torii gate, walk along the trail until you get to the Marsh of White Mist Keeper’s Shrine. From there, take the path to your left and interact with the tree to obtain the Luojia Fragrant Vine, a scarce resource for enhancing the Gourd.

Looting a Chest & Meeting a Merchant Monkey

As I tread along the primary trail, I approach a wooden plank crossing. A foe blocks my path there – I’ve gotta vanquish it first. Once defeated, a scene unfolds where I meet another simian character. Fear not, this isn’t an adversary; he’s actually a vendor offering rare goods. For now though, resist the urge to accompany him. Instead, veer leftward across the bridge and crack open the treasure chest to amass precious resources.

Go back to the spot where you initially encountered the monkey and venture into his cave. Here, engage with him and find out what he’s got for you. His services are as follows:

  • Upgrade Gourds
  • Upgrade Drinks
  • Brew
  • Store

Take a look at everything the merchant has to offer, and either buy or make what you believe will be useful for you. Preparing yourself thoroughly is important because a challenging opponent lies ahead.

Reaching & Defeating Whiteclad Noble

Black Myth: Wukong - Bamboo Groves Walkthrough

Head back to the wooden bridge and keep going until you find a body of water resembling a pond. In the distance, there’s a man dressed in white who seems rather ominous. This character is the ultimate enemy of the Bamboo Grove region, often called the Whiteclad Noble. As you get closer, he’ll initiate a scene where it becomes clear that he appreciates poetry deeply.

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I can tell you that this upcoming battle is going to be a doozy. Not only will it require all my skills and strategies, but also because it’s the first boss I’ve encountered with two phases. It’s going to test every ounce of knowledge I’ve gained from countless hours spent in virtual worlds.

Against the Armored Aristocrat, persistence is key as he might require multiple attempts to overcome. Don’t lose heart if victory eludes you initially. Just remember, you can use your staff to counteract his water wave assaults by spinning it. Good luck!

Ringing the Third Bell & Reaching the Secret Area

Black Myth: Wukong - Bamboo Groves Walkthrough

After overpowering the Whiteclad Noble, instead of following the usual route ahead, veer off to the left and venture into that ominous cave. Keep moving forward, vanquishing any foes that cross my path, until I finally arrive at the third bell. With a swift tug, I’ll be magically whisked away to none other than the hidden sanctuary known as The Ancient Guanyin Temple – my first secret nook in this captivating game world.

1. Climb the stairs and visit the Keeper’s Shrine, then. Open the nearby chests, there are three of them. Once done, get ready to face Elder Jinchi in battle.

Keep in mind that this location doesn’t fall under the jurisdiction of Bamboo Grove. After you trigger the Shrine, though, you’ll be able to teleport back to Bamboo Grove and finish exploring here at a later time.

Third Meditation Spot, Golden Box, & Keeper’s Shrine

1. Be sure to revisit the third bell and engage with the suspended wolf’s corpse to obtain the Fireproof Mantle container. Afterward, return to the location where you vanquished the Whiteclad Noble and explore the cave. Opt for the left passageway to gather the green orbs and proceed through the wooded area that follows.

As you come across a crossroads on your journey, veer left to discover the third Meditation Area. Interact with it and locate the golden box sitting on a table. This box will bestow upon you a Celestial Taiyi Pill, enhancing your Mana permanently. Later, retrace your steps and take the path you initially disregarded, following it along until you reach another Keeper’s Shrine. Great job! You have now successfully navigated through the Bamboo Grove and find yourself at the entrance of Black Wind Cave.

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2024-08-25 04:05