Black Myth: Wukong How To Beat Red Boy

Black Myth: Wukong How To Beat Red Boy

As a seasoned veteran of Black Myth: Wukong, I can confidently say that the Red Boy boss fight is one for the history books! This elusive foe has left many players scratching their heads and cursing their luck, but fear not, fellow warriors! With this guide, you’ll be able to best the Red Boy and move on to even greater challenges.

In the fifth chapter of “Black Myth: Wukong,” Red Boy serves as the second-to-last boss. Although his name is brought up multiple times throughout the chapters, he doesn’t make an appearance until the final moments. Despite his intimidating appearance, Red Boy is one of the most challenging bosses you’ll encounter in the game.

As a gamer diving into Black Myth: Wukong, brace yourself for an unavoidable battle against the formidable Red Boy. Unlike other bosses where you might have the choice to skip them, this one’s non-negotiable if you’re eyeing the next chapter. Luckily, I’ve put together a guide packed with all the strategies you’ll need to triumph over Red Boy and keep your adventure going!

Where To Find Red Boy In Black Myth: Wukong

Black Myth: Wukong How To Beat Red Boy

The character known as “Red Boy” is positioned close to the Keeper’s Shrine of the Fallen Furnace Crater, a significant landmark within the Field of Fire region. To get there, players should stay on the primary route and follow the Bull King’s assumed daughter. Upon arriving at the battleground, a cinematic sequence will play, unveiling the truth about the so-called daughter. It turns out that Red Boy was actually impersonating the Bull King’s child. Once the scene concludes, combat will ensue.

The fight will begin immediately, so make sure
to equip the best weapon

How To Beat Red Boy In Black Myth: Wukong

Black Myth: Wukong How To Beat Red Boy
  • Can use fire-infused attacks
  • He is extremely quick

As a gamer tackling Black Myth: Wukong, I’ve noticed that Red Boy isn’t the biggest boss around, but his size doesn’t hinder him in the slightest. Instead, he’s incredibly agile and can unleash a flurry of attacks without pausing, making it tough for players to find an opening. To add to the challenge, nearly every attack from Red Boy is imbued with fire, so if I’m not careful, I’ll end up catching Burn.

Red Boy Moves Rapidly While Fighting

Black Myth: Wukong How To Beat Red Boy

In the game Black Myth: Wukong, one of his irritating moves involves jumping and generating multiple copies of himself that he sends hurtling towards players. To avoid getting hit by these attacks, players must carefully time their dodges. It’s advisable to maintain some distance as this will allow you to spot all the clones. Once they start moving, it’s a sign for you to prepare to dodge.

Black Myth: Wukong How To Beat Red Boy

Another annoying move that can cause players problems is the fire blast, in which Red Boy releases a stream of fire, causing significant damage. It is better to stay out of range whenever he performs this attack. Red Boy will primarily use his staff to attack. He strings up a variety of combos, some of which end with him releasing streaks of fire. Given how Red Boy utilizes fire in combat, the is a splendid choice for the fight. It will temporarily make players immune to the Burn. This particular item can be found by beating Elder Jinchi, the secret boss of Chapter 1. Also, players should bring for improved Burn resistance. After beating Red Boy, players have to gear up to fight the Yaksha King.

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2024-09-06 20:24