Bleach: Rebirth of Souls Shocks Fans With 8 Missing Icons!


  • Some fan-favorite characters like Ukitake and Yumichika are absent from Bleach: Rebirth of Souls due to their minimal roles in the story.
  • Characters like Kensei and Baraggan were left out possibly due to balance concerns and to focus on more popular Espada members.
  • Orihime isn’t a playable fighter due to her healing abilities, making her unfit for combat against the powerful characters in the game.

Bleach: Rebirth of Souls is the initial game from the popular Bleach series in the last 14 years, and it introduces a sizeable array of legendary characters, such as numerous Soul Reapers and Arrancar. In anticipation for the game’s release, Bandai Namco periodically unveiled character trailers each week; however, with the multitude of characters that Ichigo encounters throughout his adventure, it became clear that not all would be included.

To put it simply, Bandai Namco has assembled a starting lineup of 33 characters for the game, each with their own distinct abilities and quirks. Many popular choices are included, but there are a few notable absences that might catch fans off guard. These are the Bleach series characters who currently can’t be played in Bleach: Rebirth of Souls. However, it’s possible that these characters could join the game as downloadable content at a later time.

8. Jushiro Ukitake

The Developers Felt Ukitake Didn’t Have Quite Enough To Go Off To Warrant Adding Him In

  • First Appearance: Episode 40

In the question, when asked why character Jushiro Ukitake from Squad 13 was missing in the game “Rebirth of Souls“, producer Katsuaki Tsuzuki stated it was because most of Ukitake’s combat skills weren’t showcased until the Thousand Year Blood War. Given that the game is centered around events preceding Aizen’s defeat, which happens well before the final war, this reasoning seems plausible since Ukitake doesn’t engage in many fights during that story segment.

As a devoted fan, I must admit that during Shunsui’s intense duel with Starrk, Lilynette landed a few blows that he skillfully dodged. However, his lung illness often left him sidelined throughout most of the Thousand Year Blood War series. Yet, with the exciting addition of new characters from the arc being released as DLC, there’s a glimmer of hope that our captain may grace us in the future. If he miraculously taps into the power of Mimihagi in battle, it would undoubtedly be an unforgettable moment for fans like myself.

7. Yumichika Ayasegawa

The Beauty-Obsessed Soul Reaper, Yumichika, Will Be Watching From The Sidelines

  • First Appearance: Episode 26

It appears that, when considering the prominence of Soul Reapers, Yumichika was considered somewhat insignificant, not given much focus in the story. In fact, he was among the first Soul Reapers to lose a fight in the series, during the Soul Society arc.

Because Yumichika didn’t become a lieutenant, it’s clear why his Squad 11 comrade, Ikakku, got there first. Although Yumichika still has a small chance of appearing as downloadable content, it’s not surprising that he was excluded to give room for some popular characters instead.

6. Zommari Rureaux

Zommari Is Once Again Overshadowed By His Much More Popular Espada Comrades

  • First Appearance: Episode 197

In the anime series “Bleach,” Zommari has often appeared to be an underappreciated antagonist. While he held his own against the powerful Byakuya, he doesn’t get nearly as much attention on screen compared to characters such as Grimmjow and Ulquiorra. During the selection process of which characters to feature, the creators decided that Zommari wasn’t widely liked enough to warrant inclusion in the storyline.

It’s somewhat underwhelming that Zommari, who can control a person’s limbs or body with just one glance, didn’t use this power here. However, creating a balanced ability without it becoming overpowered would have been difficult. Perhaps keeping him out of the action this time was the best choice for maintaining balance in the story.

5. Kensei Muguruma

The Powerhouse Of The Vizards Won’t Be Making An Appearance

  • First Appearance: Episode 122

In the main series, the Vizards are significant characters, but only Shinji is playable in “Rebirth of Souls”. If there was another character from this group of transformed souls who should have been included, it would be Kensei. During the Fake Karakura Town arc and the final war, Kensei’s powerful fighting style was showcased, captivating all who witnessed it.

When Kensei unleashes his Bankai, Tekken Tachikaze, every punch he throws causes a small explosion, which he can use to maintain a safe distance from his opponents. Although it would have been thrilling to test out pummeling enemies across the screen with a series of powerful hooks, sadly, Kensei won’t be available as a playable character in the game at this time, at least not yet.

4. Yammy Llargo

Espada Number 0 Takes A Backseat While The Other Espada Take To The Battlefield

  • First Appearance: Episode 113

Among “Bleach” fans, it’s fair to say that Yammy is a contentious figure, but understating the controversy would be an understatement. During the Arrancar arc, the Espada’s power and Reiatsu determine their rank, with lower numbers indicating greater strength. This is why the unexpected revelation of Yammy as number 0, followed swiftly by his elimination at the hands of Byakuya and Kenpachi, left many fans feeling that his character was underdeveloped and failed to meet the high expectations associated with such a prestigious rank.

In deciding which characters to include in their latest game, Bandai Namco likely deemed it wise to exclude this character, allowing them to devote more resources to the more widely recognized members of the Espada. Although the prospect of encountering Yammy’s actual Resurrección form in the game would have been thrilling due to its colossal nature, few anticipated Yammy’s inclusion given his notoriety. Consequently, it isn’t all that shocking that he has been omitted from the game.

3. Isshin Kurosaki

Ichigo’s Father Steps Back So That His Son Can Take The Spotlight Instead

  • First Appearance: Episode 1

As a gamer, I find it strange that we haven’t got the chance to play as Isshin yet, even though his true identity as a Soul Reaper isn’t revealed until the Arrancar Invasion. However, one possible explanation for this could be that Isshin doesn’t demonstrate enough forms or transformations to make him an exciting and diverse character in the game’s story mode.

In a standard game of Rebirth of Souls, combatants exhibit a variety of forms and abilities in their fierce battles. At this stage of the plot, while Isshin demonstrates impressive fighting prowess, a significant portion of his full power is yet to be disclosed later on. Moreover, some fans speculate that creator Tite Kubo might have exciting plans for Isshin in the upcoming episodes of the anime, which could explain why Bandai Namco has chosen to keep him out of action for now.

2. Baraggan Louisenbairn

The King Of Hueco Mundo Is The Most Surprising Omission From The Game

  • First Appearance: Episode 145

Despite appearing for just one story arc, Baraggan – an Espada member and once ruler of Hueco Mundo – rapidly wins over fans with his intimidating appearance and extraordinary powers. Given that many other Espada figures are already included in the series, it’s somewhat surprising that Baraggan wasn’t added to the roster. However, this might be because his abilities are so incredibly powerful they could disrupt the game’s balance.

Baraggan’s Resurrección form has the ability to accelerate aging on anything he touches, making a person’s hand turn into bones within just a few seconds if he were to grasp it. Although there might be a method to counteract this, like incorporating a poison mechanism, Bandai chose not to include him initially in the game, possibly to create excitement among fans by introducing him at a later stage during the game’s development.

1. Orihime Inoue

Orihime Plays More Of A Supporting Role In The Story, So She Won’t Be Appearing On The Battlefield

  • First Appearance: Episode 1

It seems to have posed a challenge deciding whether to make Orihime a playable character in the game, given her popular status among fans and her long-standing role within the main crew since the beginning. However, it’s important to consider that she isn’t primarily known as a fighter, at least not in terms of traditional combat skills. Instead, Orihime’s unique abilities like Shun Shun Rikka are geared more towards healing, with only limited offensive capabilities showcased, particularly during the Soul Society arc. Compared to characters like Ichigo or Soul Reapers, her fighting proficiency is significantly lower.

From my gaming perspective, it wouldn’t feel right to pit Orihime against characters like Byakuya or Yamamoto, who could easily end her life with a single blow in the original series. So, it seems like Orihime won’t be playable in this game, but she’ll still be a crucial part of the main story, particularly during the Arrancar arc where she holds significant importance.

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2025-03-19 17:57