Borderlands 3: All Gun Manufacturers, Ranked

Borderlands 3: All Gun Manufacturers, Ranked

As an old-school Borderlands player with countless hours spent hunting for legendary Jakobs weapons, lemme tell ya, there’s nothin’ quite like hearin’ that classic twang as you let loose a barrage of bullets. Now, if you’re lookin’ to clear out a mob real quick, pair up a Jakobs shotgun with FL4K’s Fade Away, and watch the chaos ensue! One shot, and bam! Enemies scatter like cockroaches at a lights-on party.

In the game Borderlands 3, you’ll encounter nine separate primary weapon producers. Each of these companies designs their guns with special mechanics and bonuses that can be quite amusing and often influence the outcome of intense battles. However, it’s important to note that preferences for these manufacturers are subjective. That being said, some brands in Borderlands 3 generally outperform others, as has been observed in its previous versions.

To clarify the muddle surrounding various weapon types that Gearbox has altered throughout their previous games, this guide will clear up any uncertainty and showcase legendary weapons linked with each manufacturer, helping you make informed choices.

After the sneak peek of Borderlands 4, fans are buzzing about potential new concepts or revivals of old ones. With these discussions in mind, as well as our desire to highlight a few lesser-known manufacturers (not just gun brands), we decided it was time to update and reshape this list.


  • Best Weapons: Psycho Stabber, Gargoyle, Tizzy, Major Kong, Pestilence, Sawbar

In the Borderlands 3 game, a fresh addition to the series are the Weapons from the Vault (WfV). Notably, these weapons, fashioned by scavengers, have some of the most stylish aesthetics due to their grungy cyberpunk design that blends an assortment of elements. A significant advantage is that they don’t require reloading, although if you hold down the trigger for too long, they may overheat. Consequently, they aren’t as ammo-friendly as other manufacturers and tend to have lower accuracy.

These items may catch the eye, but they’re not the most practical due to their perceived low-quality, inconsistency, and unreliability. Despite issues with their accuracy and rapid ammo usage, players might still opt for them due to their high damage potential. COV weapons are primarily designed for close-quarter engagements. It’s advisable to carry one during Fight For Your Life scenarios, as you can quickly empty a magazine on a nearby enemy without wasting time reloading.

Among the outstanding COV legendary weapons, the Pestilence stands out, particularly when paired with a Gamma Burst FL4K build or an elemental Amara. The Sawbar , reappearing from Borderlands 2 as a COV weapon, continues to shine. Additionally, the Psycho Stabber, returning from earlier games, isn’t overly powerful on its own. However, its sharp-edged end delivers a staggering 120 percent melee damage, making Amara exceptionally lethal if she focuses on melee attacks.

8 Tediore

  • Best Weapons: Bangarang, Baby Maker, Poybius, Ten Gallon, Anarchy

In Borderlands 3, despite BL3’s diverse array of weapons, Tediore guns are often regarded as the most distinctive due to their unique characteristics. Unlike in Borderlands 2 where Tediore guns would discard themselves when ammo ran out instead of reloading, causing an explosion – with the explosion’s intensity depending on the remaining bullets – Borderlands 3 expands this idea by allowing Tediore weapons to carry out additional actions apart from just exploding mid-air.

Some of these unusual weapons can function either as a trap, set to detonate on impact, or behave erratically, bouncing around instead. Notably, Tediore is famed within the game for introducing guns that have legs. Rather than exploding, these guns now transform into temporary allies, functioning as either standing or mobile turrets.

Among the top-tier Tediore legendary weapons are the Polybius, the Baby Maker, and the Ten Gallon. Interestingly, a rare purple Tediore shotgun deals the most damage of all these. Should players manage to find one with Shock damage and pair it with a Transformer shield, they can easily break through WOTAN’s formidable shield.


  • Best Weapons: OPQ System, Ruby’s Wrath, The Freeman, Atlas Replay

Enthusiasts were thrilled to discover that ATLAS weapons reappeared in the sequel of Borderlands. Following the narrative of Tales From The Borderlands, Rhys assumed the position of CEO at ATLAS. Equipped with ATLAS firearms, they now feature homing bullets that lock onto enemies once a tracking bullet has been used. This means all fired bullets will now zero in on the targeted enemy, making it more manageable to deal with the numerous enemies that dart and change positions.

ATLAS weapons usually deliver a lot of damage, with even some non-legendary ones standing out. This is advantageous since their homing bullets rarely score critical hits (except for FL4K). However, if fortune favors you, you might come across ATLAS weapons that possess homebound grenades, and their potency is evident. Interestingly, the top-tier legendary ATLAS weapons are its launchers: Ruby’s Wrath and The Freeman.

In the Fight For Your Life game, these two launchers perform exceptionally well because they don’t require much aiming from the players, as both ATLAS and Hyperion take care of tracking automatically. While ATLAS excels in this area, it doesn’t offer anything significantly different compared to Hyperion. Regarding the quality of weapons under this brand, there are only a few standouts, and many lack elemental damage.

6 Maliwan

  • Best Weapons: Beacon, Plasma Coil, Flipper, Free Radical, Hellshock, Recursion, Cutsman

As a hardcore gamer, I’ve always appreciated the raw elemental power that Maliwan guns bring to the table. In this new game, they’ve taken it up a notch – now, instead of being stuck with one type of damage, we can switch between various elements! It’s a fantastic addition, but it comes with a catch: these switches often require a bit of a charge time, which can be a tad disrupting during intense battles.

When you’re using an elemental character like Amara, it’s wise to have a Maliwan weapon on standby. These weapons not only pack a punch with their potent elemental damage, but they also significantly boost the chances of causing status effects. Initially, Maliwan weapons weren’t as impressive as they are now, but they’ve since improved and offer some of the best weapons in the game, except for perhaps shotguns.

In the Maliwan Takedown, the top choices for weapons are surprisingly the Maliwan-made ones: the Recursion and Cutsman. The Recursion shotgun is simply overpowered due to its incredibly high damage output. Similarly, the Cutsman appears to inflict some of the highest elemental damage in the game.

5 Hyperion

  • Best Weapons: The Face Puncher, The Crossroads, Brainstormer, The Butcher, Redistributor

As a die-hard fan, I’ve always appreciated the precision and satisfying handling of Hyperion weapons ever since Borderlands 2. This advantage is back in Borderlands 3 with an extra bonus – you can now guard while aiming! In my initial playthrough, this feature was incredibly useful, though not so much when things got tougher in Mayhem Mode. In Mayhem, enemies attack from all sides relentlessly, rendering the shield perk less effective.

The equipped shield is the true source of defense in the endgame. The only exception to the shield perk is the one that absorbs bullets as ammo, which is mostly useful — unless players happen to be Moze. There are only a few truly great Hyperion legendary weapons that are worth using in Mayhem Mode such as The Butcher, The Face Puncher, and The Crossroads. Other than that, Hyperion is hit-and-miss as the game gets tougher.

It should be noted, however, that this is one of the best brands to opt for when it comes to shotguns.


  • Best Weapons: The Hornet, Star Helix, Barrage, Night Hawkins, Breath of the Dying

In Borderlands 2, Dahl weapons were decent but lacked complexity; however, in the third game, they’ve become one of the top-tier manufacturers. This is because they deliver high damage with minimal recoil, making them powerful and easy to handle. Dahl weapons are known for their sharpness, smooth operation, and excellent accuracy, making them a joy to use.

One exciting aspect of this new game is the inclusion of multiple firing options, particularly useful for DAHL. Players typically have access to three types: fully automatic, semi-automatic, or burst fire. This flexibility lets players choose weapons according to their preferred playstyle. Notably, DAHL creates exceptional legendary SMGs and assault rifles such as the Barrage, Night Hawkins, Breath of the Dying, and Venomous Hornet.

Incidentally, the power of Malak’s Bane has been significantly boosted, making it comparable to the mighty Lyuda in terms of effectiveness.

3 Vladof

  • Best Weapons: Lyuda, Lucian’s Call, The Dictator, Faisor, Infinity

From a gamer’s perspective, I gotta say that Vladof weapons can be a bit hit or miss. What sets them apart is their staggering fire rate, which is unmatched by any other manufacturer. However, this high-speed action comes at a cost – ammo consumption. But for FL4K players like me, it’s a different story. With Fade Away in play, those Vladof guns can become downright insane! Their quasi-shotgun blasts make them incredibly potent in close and mid-range combat, offering versatility that few others can match.

The problem is that the high fire rate usually comes at the cost of lower damage. Certain weapons like The Ogre and Shredifier rapidly spray bullets but don’t deal enough damage to warrant use. One’s best bet is the Lyuda, which was the best sniper rifle in the game at launch. The Lucian’s Call is also a fantastic assault rifle that’s very ammo-efficient. Still, with an abundance of unique perk-laden weapons, high DPS, as well as elemental and splash damage, some of these guns can steamroll crowds of foes.

2 Torgue

  • Best Weapons: Flakker, Devil’s Foursum, and the Lob

Torgue weaponry is straightforward – they’re primarily designed for massive blasts. To clarify, they were already strong in Borderlands 2, but have since been significantly improved. In the previous game, these weapons only discharged explosive bullets, however, their distance and firing speed left much to be desired.

In Borderlands 3, they’ve added a new feature called “sticky bullets” to Torgue guns, which detonate upon reloading. This feature makes it easier for players to quickly defeat powerful bosses and enemies, particularly with a Torgue assault rifle. Demolition Moze is the ideal character for maximizing the potential of Torgue weapons. It’s become clear in Borderlands that the key to victory frequently lies in blowing things up.

1 Jakobs

  • Best Weapons: Unforgiven, Maggie, King’s / Queen’s Call, Stagecoach, Lucky 7, Hellwalker, Bekah, Skullmasher

Should someone aim to have an old-west vibe, they might choose a Jakob’s weapon. These weapons contribute the “Old West” atmosphere in the game Borderlands. While they may not fire quickly, they compensate with high damage, particularly when it comes to critical hits. If players manage to score a critical hit with a Jakob’s weapon, that bullet will bounce off surfaces instead.

This advantage significantly increases ammo efficiency and allows for some fortunate kills without requiring much effort. An effective strategy is to combine a Jakobs shotgun (which disperses multiple pellets) with FL4K’s Fade Away ability. If you encounter a group of enemies, firing at one enemy will cause the bullets to scatter towards the others, effectively clearing out several targets with a single shot.

In the game Borderlands 3, you’ll find a multitude of terrific Jakobs weapons. Among them are the Unforgiven, Maggie, King’s Call, Queen’s Call, and the Wedding Invitation – a legendary sniper rifle that was introduced during the Broken Hearts Day event. Despite not having elemental bonuses, these guns pack quite a punch and offer an enjoyable shooting experience.

Special Mention: Pangolin And Anshin

Borderlands 3: All Gun Manufacturers, Ranked

In the world of Borderlands, these lesser-known manufacturers may trace their roots back to the initial game, but they’ve largely kept a low profile. This is due to the fact that unlike the mainstay manufacturers, they don’t produce the primary weapons found in Borderlands. Instead, they’ve introduced a selection of class and grenade modifications as well as shields. The limited equipment they’ve released can be quite diverse, with a few exceptional items hidden among them.

Pangolins are recognized for their unique armor-like structures that offer an impressive amount of protection, but this comes with a drawback of slower recharge time. For instance, the Mana Well shield can store up to tens of thousands at its maximum level. Interestingly, one of their notable shields, called the M.E.A.T. Shield, doesn’t provide any capacity for storage, yet it significantly increases health and offers a slight boost in movement speed once it runs out.

In the realm of Japanese craftsmanship, the Anshin stands out as a unique piece with characteristics that are typically reversed. Its shielding ability is minimal or absent in terms of capacity, yet it boasts an incredibly long recharge time. The Rough Rider, a signature item from their workshop, is highly sought after. It doesn’t provide any direct energy but excels in reducing damage received and increasing health reserves instead.

Special Mention: Eridian Fabricator

This alien weapon is a peculiar enigma disguised as a multi-layered firearm, for it’s not a weapon that inflicts harm, but instead, it shoots other guns. In the intriguing world of Borderlands, players can manufacture countless weapons, ranging from various gun types to rare finds.

Just as you’d guess, this intricate weapon system, designed by the Eridians, plays a supporting role more like a footnote compared to a traditional manufacturer. However, it’s an exceptional device for equipping players with an abundance of powerful guns.

The Fabricator is an effective and beneficial way to use your Eridium. It dispenses ten guns ranging from common (green) to rare (purple) for just ten Eridium, while its secondary firing mode offers one to four legendary or mission-specific weapons at a higher cost of 250 Eridium. Use your Eridium thoughtfully!

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2024-09-01 05:54