Borderlands Movie Krieg Actor Florian Munteanu Interview

Borderlands Movie Krieg Actor Florian Munteanu Interview

As a die-hard fan of Borderlands, I must say that Florian Munteanu’s interview left me thoroughly entertained and excited about the future of this beloved franchise. His unique insights into the filming process, particularly his anecdote about Kevin Hart’s reaction to his over-the-top facial expressions behind the mask, gave a fascinating glimpse into the making of the movie.

The much-anticipated live-action movie adaptation of Gearbox Software’s Borderlands franchise, initially announced in 2015, has finally hit the big screen. This full-length feature film takes audiences on a journey through the Space Western landscape of Pandora, showcasing its vibrant characters and the action-packed, humorous style that the series is renowned for. Co-written and directed by Eli Roth, with distribution by Lionsgate, this movie follows some well-known characters as they embark on an adventure across the legendary planet of Pandora.

Previously known boxer Florian Munteanu recently chatted with Game Rant, discussing his role in the upcoming ‘Borderlands’ movie and how he transformed his fighting abilities and acting techniques to bring the character of psycho Krieg to life on the big screen. He spoke about his past projects and his affinity for the renowned looter-shooter game, explaining why Krieg and the ‘Borderlands’ universe in general are a perfect match for him and cinema. Below is an abridged and clear version of the interview.

Borderlands Film Actor Florian Munteanu Was Already a Big Fan of Krieg and the Series

Q: Were you a fan of Borderlands before joining the film? Have you played any of the games?

Munteanu: I’ve known about Borderlands and have played the games, including Krieg who is now my preferred character. Admittedly, I didn’t foresee this back then, but yes, I was acquainted with them. Upon the release of DLC for Borderlands 2, I must confess that he was indeed my most favored character due to his captivating personality – his appearance, eccentricity, and overall vibe resonated with me.

By around 2014, I ceased gaming due to its heavy time commitment. Unlike watching a series, it’s not something you can pick up casually at the end of the day and watch for an hour or two. Instead, it requires consistent time investment, immersion in the game world, and daily effort to re-engage with the game. I was well-acquainted with the game Borderlands, but the time commitment was no longer feasible for me.

Q: What’s your favorite or the coolest aspect of Borderlands to you?

Munteanu: In my opinion, what stood out most about Borderlands when it was first released were its distinct coloring and artistic style. It left a strong impression on me because I hadn’t encountered anything quite like it before, giving off a vibe similar to a Quentin Tarantino film. The unique blend of brutality and dark humor certainly added to its appeal, making the games stand out in a league of their own. I believe this is a major factor behind their success, as there simply isn’t anything else quite like them – at least not yet.

Sure! So, you asked if I could provide more details about the differences between Krieg’s portrayal in the movie compared to the games. Of course! In the games, Krieg is presented as a psychotic, anarchist hybrid who leads the Warriors of Chaos, but in the film adaptation, his character seems more focused and less chaotic. This shift could be due to creative choices made during the adaption process, such as altering aspects of his personality or background for narrative coherence within the movie’s plot.

Munteanu: I previously noted that gaming requires considerable time investment, yet it’s rewarding because you can devote your time deeply to the characters and the game world. In contrast, films have limited screen time, which means the attention is divided among characters. This limits the opportunity to delve into why a character behaves as they do in depth.

In the games, you delve into Krieg’s past, uncovering the traumas that shaped him, including his creation of a dual personality. To put it simply, his insanity and brutality remain consistent throughout. Personally, I believe it’s well-executed. Since I have played the character, let’s wait and see what others think once they experience it.

Realizing Krieg For the Silver Screen

A: In addition, you’ve noted that your martial arts training was used in shaping the character. Could you explain how this influence manifested during the shooting process?

Munteanu: In the filming of Borderlands, I handled a weapon for the first time. Before that, my characters were Viktor Drago in both Creed 2 and Creed 3, and Razor Fist in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. Interestingly, while Razor Fist’s arm functioned as a blade, I was using my actual arm, wearing a green-screen glove for visual effects.

In Borderlands, I held my first virtual weapon that increased my reach, making it tricky to manage distances and punches. This is crucial when choreographing fight scenes in films, since we’re not actually striking or harming individuals (though Krieg might disagree, with a chuckle).

I definitely had to adapt to that. I remember coming in about three weeks prior to the start of shooting and adapting to his fighting style, his unpredictability also. He moves a lot differently, you know, his actions are uncontrolled, there’s not a lot of thinking behind it; it’s much more instinctual. The best way in my opinion to describe it is just craziness or madness, and the fun part about that is you can let loose. You don’t have to think too much about it, you can just kind of go as crazy as possible. That’s something I really enjoyed.

A: You found him quite intriguing in the film, didn’t you? And I must say, I thought Krieg’s dialogue fittingly portrayed a psycho character. Were those lines improvised during the filming, or were they written in the script beforehand?

Munteanu: We definitely messed around with those ideas, no doubt about it. However, when it comes to such creative aspects, I believe Eli possesses a brilliant mind for it. He has an exceptionally innovative way of thinking and problem-solving, which is particularly suited to the horror genre as he’s always striving to discover something more terrifying, like new methods of torture or similar themes. For the Borderlands movie, I firmly believe Eli was the ideal choice for such lines.

A: Due to Krieg’s psychopathic personality, you always wear a mask. Since this makes it challenging to show emotions conventionally, can you describe how this affected your portrayal and understanding of his character?

Munteanu: Earlier, I pointed out that there are two crucial aspects when it comes to combat scenes filmed – maintaining the right punching distance and having a precise vision. Essentially, what you perceive is what you can manage. However, during this particular scene, I was wearing a psycho mask for the first time, which added an extra challenge.

When your vision becomes slightly distorted, it can make things very tough. Finding the appropriate mask and material during filming was quite a task. Since Krieg’s movements are intense and over-the-top, I had to mimic these same actions, which was complicated because the mask was always in motion as well. This definitely presented some difficulties.

Initially, we switched from a robust mask made of material to a more flexible foam one that conformed better to my face. However, let me tell you, wearing that mask drove me insane! [laughs] It wasn’t about feeling secure, like “My facial expressions can’t be seen, so there’s no need to concentrate on them.” Instead, I found myself putting a lot of energy into my facial expressions.

Q: Can you share any good stories that might have occurred while filming?

Munteanu: Let me share an entertaining example connected to my previous discussion. When I performed Krieg’s pickup lines for audio-only versions, I didn’t use a mask, resulting in clearer audio quality. One scene involved us being in Roland’s car, and Kevin Hart looked at me as I delivered my lines while wearing the mask. This was the first time he saw what I was doing behind the mask, and it took him a while to react because he found my exaggerated facial expressions so amusing. In other words, rather than “hiding” behind that mask, I was fully embracing the role and expressing myself enthusiastically.

Florian Munteanu on Possible Future Borderlands Adaptations and His Upcoming Projects

Q: Do you see a future for the Borderlands “cinematic universe?”

Munteanu believes strongly that there should be a future for the Borderlands universe due to its potential as an expansive setting. With numerous characters available, it offers an opportunity for in-depth exploration. What made the Borderlands games popular is each character having their own storyline, allowing players to connect and choose favorites based on these narratives.

In this film, featuring several main characters, it’s challenging to delve into each one thoroughly within a single storyline. However, there might be opportunities for follow-ups or additional stories down the line. I believe there’s potential for further exploration, but initially, the audience needs to decide if the movie lives up to their expectations. Fans can be quite discerning when it comes to adaptations, so we’ll have to wait and see how this one unfolds.

Q: Given that there was a DLC centered around Krieg, do you think it would be interesting to have a standalone game or additional story featuring him instead?

Indeed, it seems intriguing to create a spin-off or prequel focusing on the character Krieg for a deeper exploration of his personality and background. It’s not only my professional opinion as an actor portraying him, but also my personal enthusiasm as a fan, that makes me eager to witness such a story unfold.

Q: Can you give us any hints or teasers about any of your other upcoming and future projects?

Currently, I’m enthusiastically sharing information about “Borderlands”, but earlier in Europe, I was also hyping up the next season of “Vikings”. Soon, I’ll be moving onto my next endeavor, which I’m afraid I can’t reveal too much about right now, but it’s a project that has me really thrilled because it involves a significant role and is quite personal to me. It’s something we all have to wait for in the future.

Q: Anything else you might want to add before we end off?

Munteanu: I encourage fans to approach the Borderlands movie with an open heart, as I understand that suspicion can sometimes arise. At times, this suspicion may lead to negativity, which can become a habit without a clear reason. I’m well aware of the deep affection for Borderlands and its characters held by the fans, and I know how meaningful they are to you. Sometimes, a game or certain characters within it can provide comfort during challenging times. The same goes for a movie. If you’re a fan of the games, I believe all you need is to give this film a chance, and you will be rewarded with an enjoyable experience.


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2024-08-07 16:25