Brawl Stars: Best Epic Brawlers, Ranked

Brawl Stars: Best Epic Brawlers, Ranked

As a seasoned Brawl Stars player with years of experience under my belt, I must say these three brawlers – Griff, Berry, and Frank – are truly a sight to behold. Each one brings a unique set of skills to the table that can significantly impact the outcome of any battle.

In the popular mobile game from Supercell, Brawl Stars, an ever-growing roster of 82 characters is available, leaving players with a wealth of options. However, with each character possessing unique skills, it can sometimes be challenging for players to discern which brawlers are the most effective and which ones might not be as strong.

Mid-tier Fighters fall under the moderate rarity category for brawlers. They are more accessible than mythical and legendary characters but slightly harder to get than rare and ultra-rare ones. With a total of 26 mid-tier fighters available in the game, it’s crucial for players to understand which ones they should prioritize unlocking first. This article will discuss the top mid-tier brawlers, examining their strengths, weaknesses, and optimal strategies for use. It will also evaluate each character’s performance across various game modes, taking into account ease of play for newcomers.

10 Edgar

Self-Healing, Damage Dealing

  • Class: Assassin
  • Movement Speed: Very Fast
  • Range: Short
  • Health: 6,600
  • Damage Per Punch: 1,080

Edgar poses a threat up close as he drains the vitality of opponents while simultaneously rejuvenating himself. For his special move, Edgar jumps and gains a temporary speed boost upon landing, enabling him to either rush towards an enemy or flee from a fight based on the circumstances. Additionally, his super ability gradually charges on its own, making it more accessible for him to deploy.

In one-on-one combat within close proximity, Edgar typically emerges victorious due to his high damage output and self-healing abilities. Yet, it’s challenging to play Edgar effectively because of his limited range, especially when opponents maintain a safe distance from him.

9 Bibi

Three Strikes And The Enemies Are Out

  • Class: Tank
  • Movement Speed: Very Fast
  • Range: Short
  • Health: 9,600
  • Damage: 2,800

Bibi is a quick, tank-like character who excels in close combat against aggressive opponents. She wields a baseball bat for her standard attack, dealing significant damage at a short distance and pushing back enemies when her Home Run ability is activated. Her Home Run bar automatically fills up once her ammo is full, acting as an effective deterrent against enemy brawlers. When Home Run is charged, Bibi’s special abilities become active. One of them provides her with a protective shield that reduces incoming damage by 20%, making her more difficult to defeat. The other increases her movement speed by 12%, helping her to catch up with long-range opponents more swiftly.

In place of Bibi’s super attack, she launches a massive wad of bubble gum that soars over great distances, passing through combatants and rebounding off walls until it vanishes. When used in confined areas, it can cause significant harm by ricocheting between walls and injuring adversaries with each impact.

8 Colette

The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall

  • Class: Damage Dealer
  • Movement Speed: Normal
  • Range: Long
  • Health: 6,800
  • Minimum Damage: 1,000

Colette excels at battling robust brawlers because she inflicts damage equivalent to 37% of an opponent’s current health, which means she can deal massive damage to tanks but less to low-health opponents. For her special ability, Colette dashes forward and then returns, dealing damage equal to 20% of a brawler’s maximum health on both the dash and the return. Her hypercharge significantly boosts the power of her super, especially during the Heist game mode, as it inflicts enormous damage on the Safe.

Furthermore, she inflicts 2,000 damage on special targets such as Heist Safes and Nita’s Bear. This makes her exceptionally effective in certain game types and versus particular brawlers. However, due to her targeted nature, there are more powerful choices overall.

7 Belle

A True Marksman

  • Class: Marksman
  • Movement Speed: Normal
  • Range: Very Long
  • Health: 5,200
  • Damage: 2,080
  • Bounce Damage: 1,040

Belle is an effective long-range combatant who excels at retaliating against enemies that cluster together. Upon striking a target with an electrostatic shot from her sniper rifle, the projectile hops to another nearby opponent, causing damage before jumping again (up to a maximum of three times). This tactic compels enemies to disperse if they wish to avoid the bouncing electrostatic charge, which could make them more vulnerable for Belle and her team to attack.

Belle’s super is another compelling reason for choosing her. She fires a shot that labels the opponent it strikes. The enemy tagged takes an additional 35% damage from all sources until they are vanquished or until Belle tags a different foe. This super power is fantastic at assisting Belle and her team in eliminating any brawler, but is particularly effective in swiftly reducing the health of heavy-duty tanks.


Get Away Or Get Hair Sprayed

  • Class: Controller
  • Movement Speed: Normal
  • Range: Normal
  • Health: 7,200
  • Damage Per Tick: 1,040

EMZ stands out among mid-tier brawlers due to her unique hair spray attack. The damage inflicted by this attack depends on the distance between EMZ and her opponents. At close range, she deals a single instance of damage, but at maximum range, she inflicts double the damage and in between, three instances. This makes EMZ excel in medium-range combat, but she faces challenges against aggressive brawlers who can swiftly move closer to her. To counter this, EMZ’s Friendzoner gadget proves effective as it pushes away opponents who get too close.

As a gamer wielding EMZ, my supercharge creates a zone of chaos around me, dealing harm and slowing down any foes unfortunate enough to be ensnared within. This temporary control over the map’s territory lets me dominate the battlefield, making it difficult for enemies to flee when I unleash my hair spray attack. And let me tell you, the damage that attack dishes out to those caught in its midst is nothing short of colossal!

5 Gale

Who’s Up For A Snowball Fight?

  • Class: Controller
  • Movement Speed: Normal
  • Range: Long
  • Health: 7,600
  • Damage Per Snowball: 560

As a gamer, I’ve found that Gale excels at maintaining a safe distance from opponents. His standard attack unleashes six snowballs in a broad spread, making it simple to hit enemies regardless of their position. While he might not dish out massive damage, his quick reload speed and ability to annoy enemies are top-notch. When foes get too close for comfort, Gale’s super comes in handy for pushing them away. The closer they are to him, the more forcefully they are shoved back. To add icing on the cake, his hypercharge has an even broader range and pushes enemies even further with a double blast!

In a simplified manner,

4 Piper

Shoots Long Range Sniper Shots From Her Umbrella

  • Class: Marksman
  • Movement Speed: Normal
  • Range: Very Long
  • Health: 4,600
  • Damage At Maximum Range: 3,400
  • Damage At Minimum Range: 680

Piper is an exceptional long-range marksman, capable of inflicting tremendous damage from a distance. The greater the distance between her and her adversaries, the more potent her shots become, necessitating that she maintain a safe distance at all times. However, should an enemy approach too closely, Piper possesses a special ability. This power propels her into the air, leaving behind four explosive devices on the ground below. This tactic allows Piper to evade danger while simultaneously harming her pursuer.

An alternative tactic for handling a melee combatant in close quarters is using Piper’s Auto Aimer tool. This device fires a shot that forces the closest adversary back and momentarily slows them down. During this period, Piper can either quickly take out the enemy with a few shots or flee from them. Given her long-range capabilities, a Piper who consistently hits their targets is a tough contender to face.

3 Griff

Flings Coins At Enemies With Surprising Effectiveness

  • Class: Controller
  • Movement Speed: Normal
  • Range: Long
  • Health: 6,800
  • Damage Per Coin: 560

Griff is a brilliant all-round brawler who deals massive damage at close range and good damage at medium to long ranges. Griff’s regular attack shoots three waves of three coins each, which spread out the further they travel. This means that at close range, all nine of Griff’s coins will hit an opponent, while at further ranges, fewer coins are likely to land. His Keep the Change star power increases the speed at which the coins are fired, making it easier to hit enemies at all ranges.

For his special attack, Griff launches five money notes that penetrate foes, spreading apart as they move, rotate in place at maximum distance, and then come back to him. The farther these notes travel, the more damage they inflict, increasing Griff’s overall damage potential from afar and momentarily obstructing areas while the bills are spinning.

2 Berry

Throws Delicious Scoops Of Melted Ice Cream

  • Class: Support
  • Movement Speed: Normal
  • Range: Normal
  • Health: 5,000
  • Damage Per Second: 1,320
  • Healing Per Second: 660

In the role of the newest powerhouse in Brawl Stars, Berry serves as a potent choice for support and managing map areas. By hurling gooey ice cream onto the ground, he creates a healing zone for teammates and causes harm to opponents for six seconds. This enables Berry to command territory on the map while ensuring his team’s survival. One of Berry’s disadvantages is his slow reload speed; however, his “Floor is Fine” star power mitigates this by boosting his reload rate by 50% when he stands within his own ice cream puddle.

For Super Ability, Berry dashes forward, causing harm to adversaries while restoring health to his team members in close proximity. In this dash, he also leaves behind a path of melted ice cream that functions identically to his standard attack. This trail can be utilized for advancing, retreating, or setting up boundaries to control map areas. Notably, Berry can replenish his super ability by healing himself and his teammates, allowing him to offer greater support without sacrificing the charge of his super.

1 Frank

A Heavy-Hitting, Hammer-Wielding, High-Health Giant

  • Class: Tank
  • Movement Speed: Fast
  • Range: Normal
  • Health: 13,400
  • Damage: 2,480

Following an enhancement to his attack, Frank has transformed from one of the weakest brawlers in the game into one of the strongest. Initially, when at full health, Frank’s attack takes a delay of 1.3 seconds, providing enemies with an opportunity to flee. However, as Frank’s health diminishes, his attack delay correspondingly decreases. This improvement in attack speed, coupled with his swift reload speed, empowers Frank to dish out massive damage from close to medium range when his health is at 50% or less. Additionally, having half of his health remains a significant advantage for Frank.

Additionally, Frank’s super ability is powerful at warding off adversaries, launching a long-range penetrating strike that not only demolishes obstacles but also stuns any foes it encounters for two seconds. If enemies fail to evade this attack, they become easy targets for both Frank and his teammates. His hypercharge amplifies his super’s potency by striking everything in its vicinity. Frank recharges his super whenever he sustains damage, making it simpler to build up. In essence, Frank is the brawler with the highest health in the game. His potent mid-range attack serves to keep enemies at bay, earning him the title of the ultimate defensive character.

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2024-08-31 03:04