Carnival Ode Outfit Guide In infinity Nikki

As a gamer, let me tell you that Infinity Nikki is bursting with options for crafting cool outfits! Some of these stylish numbers I’ve managed to snag by finishing specific missions, while others have been hidden away in treasure chests sprinkled throughout Miraland – just waiting to be discovered!

To create the Carnival Ode ensemble, players must first gather all necessary sketches. Moreover, stylists need an abundance of materials to craft the entire set rather than single items.

Where To Find The Carnival Ode Outfit Sketches In Infinity Nikki

Rarity 3-Star
Style Cool
Label Fashion

In the magical land of Miraland, you’ll discover seven unique items that make up the Carnival Ode ensemble, hidden within treasure chests.

Dawn’s Radiance – Hair

As a gamer, I’ll guide you through my virtual world: Make your way up to the Windrider Mill Top Warp Spire, nestled within the deserted district. Once there, head north and you’ll spot a chest hidden behind a structure. Keep exploring!

  • Aromalily x5
  • Bedrock Crystal: Energy x10
  • Bling x8000
  • Thread of Purity x60
  • Windbloom x5

Connected Agate – Neckwear

In the same location, you’ll discover the Connected Agate on a tiny isle situated south of the Windrider Mill. To get there, make your way to the close-by Skypass at the Windrider Mill and utilize the flying suit from the game Infinity Nikki to glide towards the island.

  • Bedrock Crystal: Energy x5
  • Bling x6400
  • Kerchief Fish x6
  • Quillfin x6
  • Thread of Purity x48

Dark Night Sky – Headwear

To find the treasure chest, make your way from the Stone Steles Warp Spire, located within the Abandoned District. Then, journey south and east, scale the rocks that lie ahead, and descend towards a lower hill. Upon reaching this hill, you’ll be able to spot the treasure chest.

  • Bedrock Crystal: Energy x5
  • Bling x6400
  • Cushion Fluff x3
  • Suspenders Fluff x3
  • Thread of Purity x48

Free Will – Bottoms

Head over to the Colorful Blossom Loom at StoneTree’s Weaving Peak, then glide in an easterly direction towards the structure below. Ascend the vibrant flower-laden shelves to reach the wooden balcony where you’ll find the hidden treasure chest.

  • Bedrock Crystal: Energy x10
  • Bling x6400
  • Floral Fleece x3
  • Thread of Purity x50

Into Midnight – Shoes

Make your way to the Warp Spire in the Village Fork, then head southeast towards the riverside home. Circumvent the house and ascend the incline leading to the elevated hill. You’ll find a treasure chest there; be cautious as there may be adversaries lurking around.

  • Bedrock Crystal: Energy x5
  • Bling x10240
  • Sizzpollen Essence x5
  • Thread of Purity x78
  • Wisteriasol x2

Unnamed Medal – Chest Accessory

1. Teleport to Flamecrest Stonetree Warp Spire.

2. Head north from there, and then glide down.

3. Proceed west along the dirt path.

4. Ascend the stairs you’ll find on your way.

5. To locate a house nearby, continue moving forward.

6. Run behind this house to discover a hidden chest.

  • Ambird Feather x3
  • Bedrock Crystal: Energy x5
  • Beretsant Feather x3
  • Bling x4000
  • Thread of Purity x30

Striped Celebration – Tops

Fly southward beneath the Flamecrest Stonetree Warp Spire, skimming past a cliffside. Keep going until you spot a barber named Jayden. Proceed right, and you’ll find his residence next to him. Break open the crates nearby to reveal a hidden treasure chest.

  • Bedrock Crystal: Energy x10
  • Bling x2560
  • Pearl Wings x8
  • Scarf Worm x2
  • Thread of Purity x24

Carnival Ode Stat

Style Base Stat Max Stat
Elegant 163 1014
Fresh 183 1138
Sweet 164 1019
Sexy 611 3791
Cool 1229 7624

How To Craft The Carnival Ode Outfit In Infinity Nikki

In the vibrant world of “Infinity Nikki”, as a gamer, I’ve got to gather all the essential materials needed to create the lively Carnival Ode outfit. Whether I choose to piece together the entire elaborate Carnival Ode ensemble or just one item from it, the choice is mine!

Materials Quantity Location
Ambird Feather 8 Groom Ambirds anywhere in Miraland.
Aroma Lilly 5 Located on Lilly pads in the water almost everywhere in Miraland.
Floral Fleece 3 Groom a Florasheep in Stoneville or the Abandoned District.
Suspenders Fluff 3 Groom Suspender Weasels in Stoneville or the Abandoned District.
Bedrock Crystal: Energy 50 Do Phantom Trial: Bouldy (Energy) in the Realm of the Dark Challenge.
Bling 44000 Pick up from the open world, do Challenges, open chests, or complete quests.
Beretsant Feather 3 Groom Beretsants Weasel in Stoneville or the Abandoned District.
Cushion Fluff 5 Groom Cushion Squirrels in meadows and forests of Florawish, Stoneville, Abandoned District, and Wishing Woods.
Kerchief Fish 6 Fish in Stoneville and Abandoned District.
Pearl Wings 8 Catch the common butterflies all over Miraland.
Quillfin 6 Fish in meadows, Florawish, Wishing Woods, and Abandoned District.
Scarf Worm 2 Catch from dug ground in Stoneville and Abandoned District.
Sizzpollen Essence 5 Collect from Sizzblooms on a clear night. The plant is available all over Miraland and glows at night.
Thread of Purity 338 Do challenges, open chests, or complete quests.
Windbloom 5 Found in Stoneville and Abandoned District, typically in high ground or windy areas.
Wisteriasol 2 Collect from the cliffs in Stoneville and Abandoned District.

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2025-03-19 13:05