Cat Quest 3 interview: “We keep a dictionary of cat puns!”

Cat Quest 3 interview: “We keep a dictionary of cat puns!”

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent traversing virtual worlds, I can confidently say that The Gentlebros’ Cat Quest franchise has truly struck a chord with me. The latest addition, Cat Quest 3, is an absolute gem that masterfully balances progression and challenge while keeping the core feel of the series intact.

The studio behind the beloved Cat Quest series, The Gentlebros (based in Singapore), has garnered worldwide acclaim among gamers. Recently, we had the opportunity to interview Desmond Wong, CEO of The Gentlebros, as well as one of their artists and designers who contributed to Cat Quest 3’s development.

How do you balance and scale up as the game progresses with a natural feel?

In most cases, we design games to start with easy tasks and gradually introduce harder ones, branching out from the player’s initial location. So, regardless of where the player chooses to venture, they’ll face progressively tougher opponents as they move deeper into their chosen path.

Since Cat Quest 3 offers an expansive open-world setting, it allows players to venture into higher-level zones unintentionally during early gameplay. To address this issue, we adjust the entire visual landscape to signal that they’ve stepped into a perilous new environment.

1. Approximately how many hours do you think it’ll take for players to see the credits, and for dedicated pixel hunters like us, how long might completion take?

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent on various titles, I can confidently say that this game promises an engaging and immersive experience. Based on my own playstyle, I estimate it would take me around 10 hours to reach the credits. However, for those who aim for 100% completion, I reckon they’ll need to invest anywhere from 15-20 hours. The addition of New Game+ and the upcoming Mew Game will undoubtedly extend my playtime even further, offering new challenges and adventures that I eagerly look forward to exploring. This title seems like a perfect fit for both casual players looking for a satisfying conclusion, as well as completionists seeking a more comprehensive gaming journey.

Cat Quest 3 interview: “We keep a dictionary of cat puns!”

Given the large and dedicated fanbase for this series, how crucial is it to preserve its distinctive atmosphere while also broadening the gameplay experience by incorporating elements such as space battles?

To maintain the charm that makes the Cat Quest series appealing while still making each new release feel unique can be quite challenging. If we retain too many similarities, the sequels might seem monotonous and unexciting; however, if we alter too much, there’s a danger the game won’t feel like a continuation of Cat Quest.

In creating Cat Quest 3, our aim was to introduce a novel aspect that harmonized with the pirate motif while also enhancing and progressing the fundamental mechanics of a Cat Quest game. Remarkably, incorporating a ship addressed these requirements, but we didn’t settle there. We scrutinized every essential element of the series to identify areas where improvements could breathe new life into Cat Quest 3. For instance, altering the camera angle was one such change; now players can see a wider expanse, transforming how they approach exploration!

Is the concept for the third installment centered around pirates? By any chance, are there any ideas you’ve been saving up related to that theme that you haven’t shared yet?

Absolutely! The realm of Cat Quest is vast and brimming with numerous possibilities! To avoid ruining any surprises, let me share that our plan includes developing up to nine unique Cat Quest games.

Hey there! As a gaming enthusiast who’s thoroughly enjoyed the cooperative mode in this series so far, I can’t help but wonder: Is there any chance we might see an online co-op feature added post-launch, perhaps within three updates or so? It would be fantastic to team up with friends from all over!

As a devoted admirer, I can’t help but rave about the delightful couch co-op feature in the Cat Quest series. For now, it seems there are no immediate intentions to roll out an online version.

Cat Quest 3 interview: “We keep a dictionary of cat puns!”

How difficult was it to design the ship combat. It’s another thing to balance, so was that tricky?

Ship combat was one of the earliest problems in the game. In the first iteration, the ship would auto-target any enemy in a 360-degree radius. Although this made combat very easy, it also made it extremely boring after a couple of encounters.

As a seasoned game developer with over a decade of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that implementing a skill-based approach to combat in games has always been one of the most rewarding and challenging aspects of game design. In this particular case, requiring players to physically maneuver their ships before firing not only added an exciting layer of strategy, but also introduced a sense of danger and urgency that truly made players feel like they were in control. The risk vs. reward system was a masterstroke, as it forced players to carefully consider each move, weighing the potential benefits against the very real threat of being taken out by enemy fire.

Will there be any nods to previous games, or easter eggs for fans to uncover?

In our upcoming game, you’ll notice numerous tributes to previous Cat Quest series and other well-known games as well. We can’t wait for players to uncover all the hidden Easter eggs we’ve included!

Did you get any feedback from the demo that has been actioned in the game?

We received an abundance of comments, and luckily, we’ve had a chance to review most of them! One recurring comment was about the small text size, but here’s some good news: we’ve rectified that issue! In fact, it has been Steamdeck Verified, ensuring that the text is now easily readable, even on smaller screens.

Regrettably, certain aspects may prove unalterable within the game, but we’re confident that after playing through the entire experience, you won’t view those elements as problems any longer.

Cat Quest 3 interview: “We keep a dictionary of cat puns!”

How have you found reaction to the demo, generally?

As a gamer, I’ve gotta say it was an absolutely fantastic experience! My inbox has been overflowing with heartwarming messages from fellow gamers praising our latest Cat Quest as the best one yet. The post-launch preview event we organized was equally awesome, garnering positive feedback from everyone who attended. Truly, it feels great to know that we’re on the right track!

1. Are you ever fed up with feline-themed jokes? Can anyone truly grow weary of such humor? Does our team include someone who specializes in this area? (In a friendly and conversational tone)

We seldom grow tired of them because we’re more concerned about running out of fresh ideas. Fortunately, each game brings something entirely novel, expanding the pool of potential puns at our disposal.

Within our group, each of us has become a specialist, yet we maintain a shared collection of humorous idioms or puns for quick access by all team members.

Have you pondered about implementing challenging zones that might be beyond a player’s skill level, or do you believe that the ability to roam freely and experiment is more crucial?

Embracing challenges and unexplored territories contributes to the world’s sense of vastness. As creators, it takes courage to allow players room for error. Overly restricting gameplay can transform the experience from an immersive exploration into a structured exhibit of predefined tasks.

Cat Quest 3 interview: “We keep a dictionary of cat puns!”

Are there any plans for additional content or updates after the game’s release? What are your thoughts on incorporating Downloadable Content (DLC) and expansions in the future?

Already diligently developing the renowned ‘Mew Game’ feature, included in every Cat Quest title. The Mew Game offers players an opportunity to replay the game with added challenges, amping up the difficulty level. It’s a mode that boasts high replay value and is greatly desired by enthusiasts of Cat Quest!

As a passionate gamer, I truly appreciate post-launch content when developers have ideas that didn’t make it into the game at launch, but they continue to add them later. It shows their dedication and commitment to enriching the gaming experience for us players.

Many thanks to Desmond Wong for taking the time to answer our questions.

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2024-08-07 22:16