One Forgotten Dead Space Spin-Off Could Find New Life in VR

Lately, the game “Dead Space” has resurfaced as a popular topic due to the introduction of a “Dead Space”-inspired addition in “Battlefield 2042″‘s Season 7: Turning Point. This update has sparked conversations among fans about the potential creation of a new version of “Dead Space 2”, following the successful relaunch of the original “Dead Space” in 2023. However, before moving on to develop a “Dead Space 2” remake, there’s another previous “Dead Space” title that could be revitalized with an innovative VR makeover to captivate both old and new fans. This is a proposed VR adaptation of “Dead Space: Extraction”.

When Is the Next Base Game Update for The Sims 4?

Nearly ten years have passed since the launch of The Sims 4, yet it continues to captivate its audience with consistent updates from the developers. These enhancements come in both free and paid forms, ensuring that players are constantly introduced to fresh activities, abilities, decorative items, and wardrobes, maintaining the game’s allure.

Metal Gear Solid BTS Footage Shows Hideo Kojima Designing Maps And Camera Angles With Lego

Hideo Kojima is an enthusiastic Lego builder and accumulator, and a making-of video from Metal Gear Solid’s production reveals that Legos had practical applications there as well. The mastermind behind the interconnected Death Stranding projects and the enigmatic upcoming game OD continues to impress in the creative sphere, expressing his intention to keep pushing boundaries so long as his fervor for invention remains.

Best Times Video Game Boss Characters Were Playable

Any avid gamer is familiar with the fact that bosses are frequently pivotal elements in this form of entertainment. Engaging in battles against these adversaries can be an intense experience in video gaming. In specific situations, certain bosses have the ability to transform into playable characters. The feasibility of this occurrence relies on the game genre. For instance, fighting games or LEGO action adventure games have mechanics that make it simpler for a boss to assume the role of a player.

A ManEater Sequel Wouldn’t Have to be a Retread of the First Game

One surprise sensation of 2020, “Maneater,” offers an unanticipated shark experience that everyone was craving without knowing it. In this game, players assume the role of an anonymous bull shark, feeding and growing stronger by devouring various creatures and self-proclaimed Captain Quint wannabes in the waters surrounding the comical blend of several Floridian coastal towns, named Port Clovis.

Kratos’ Greatest Achievements In God Of War, Ranked

The God of War series, featuring the legendary character Kratos, is widely recognized as one of the best in video game history. Kratos, an unforgettable hero, captivated audiences during the PS2 era with his one-dimensional, rage-driven personality. However, as he evolved, shedding his violent past and embracing a more mature and complex persona, Kratos transformed into one of the most intriguing video game protagonists ever, leaving fans eager for more.