Cryptocurrency MCOIN ranks 997 place by market capitalization. The price of MCOIN has decreased by 92.75% from the maximum value on 12 November 2023. Today the price for 1 MCOIN is 0.1948 USD. Yesterday the rate was 0.2105 USD for 1 MCOIN. MCOIN/USD traded in the range of 0.19400.1963. The difference compared to the previous day was -7.46%.


Cryptocurrency Sidus ranks 996 place by market capitalization. The price of SIDUS has decreased by 98.34% from the maximum value on 1 January 2022. Please be extremely careful. Today the price for 1 SIDUS is 0.003205 USD. Yesterday the rate was 0.003277 USD for 1 Sidus. SIDUS/USD traded in the range of 0.0031990.003205. The difference compared to the previous day was -2.20%.

NS PREDICTION. NS cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency SuiNS Token ranks 990 place by market capitalization. The price of NS has decreased by 56.85% from the maximum value on 16 November 2024. Today the price for 1 NS is 0.2291 USD. Yesterday the rate was 0.2385 USD for 1 SuiNS Token. NS/USD traded in the range of 0.22910.2306. The difference compared to the previous day was -3.94%.

STEP PREDICTION. STEP cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Step Finance ranks 989 place by market capitalization. The price of STEP has decreased by 98.90% from the maximum value on 28 April 2021. Please be extremely careful. Today the price for 1 STEP is 0.1080 USD. Yesterday the rate was 0.1178 USD for 1 Step Finance. STEP/USD traded in the range of 0.10800.1080. The difference compared to the previous day was -8.32%.

XTER PREDICTION. XTER cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Xterio ranks 976 place by market capitalization. The price of XTER has decreased by 44.87% from the maximum value on 8 January 2025. Today the price for 1 XTER is 0.3317 USD. Yesterday the rate was 0.3651 USD for 1 Xterio. XTER/USD traded in the range of 0.33170.3318. The difference compared to the previous day was -9.15%.


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