Characters Who Must Get More Screen Time In The Final Saga Of One Piece

As One Piece enters its climactic phase, each second matters significantly. This isn’t only about maintaining a good pace but also delving deeper into character development. There are captivating characters within the series who haven’t yet fully realized their potential, waiting in the wings.

Since some key characters have been largely absent from the action until now, there’s a risk they may not get enough development time in the remaining storyline. Hurrying their character arcs could diminish their full potential and disappoint fans who eagerly anticipate seeing more of these characters unfold.

The main focus of the show revolves around the exciting journeys of the Straw Hat crew, yet there are other captivating characters who deserve more attention as the story approaches its climax.

8. Monkey D. Dragon

The Revolutionary’s Key Player

As a passionate One Piece gamer, I can’t help but feel that Dragon, the head of the Revolutionary Army, the world’s most wanted man, Luffy’s father, and sworn adversary of the World Government, deserves more screen time as we approach the climax of this epic series. With over a thousand chapters and episodes under our belts, his enigma remains unresolved, leaving us eager for more insight into this enigmatic character.

He operates covertly for now, but his true abilities remain unknown; we can only imagine what his Devil Fruit holds. In the grand finale, Dragon’s tale will play a significant role, requiring the richness and attention it deserves to fully appreciate such an impactful character.

As the final chapter approaches, it’s crucial that Dragon’s significance isn’t overlooked in favor of maintaining a swift pace. If so, the series might end up with key characters who haven’t been fully explored and developed.

7. Dracule Mihawk

The Lone Warlord

At the beginning of the Straw Hats’ adventures in East Blue, Mihawk captivated everyone with his duel using a butterbread knife against Zoro and his trio of swords. Now that Mihawk has joined the Cross Guild, he is more involved in events that could significantly influence the course of the series than ever before.

Despite the mystery surrounding Mihawk’s rivalry with Shanks, the extent of his power, and his personal ambitions being unresolved, this enigmatic character, who is adored by fans despite having minimal screen time, should be more fully integrated into the story by Oda. It would be a missed opportunity if Mihawk were merely portrayed as Zoro’s ultimate adversary.

It’s quite possible that the two skilled swordsmen won’t clash in the climactic battle, as their adversaries might not present a formidable enough challenge. In the end, it could be hinted that Zoro has outclassed his counterpart.

6. Aokiji (Kuzan)

The Rogue Admiral

In the storyline, Oda presents Aokiji as a complex character with shades of morality. While he left the Marines following his loss against Akainu, it appeared that he didn’t completely abandon the world by intervening to stop Doflamingo from executing Smoker.

Currently, he’s found himself in the company of Blackbeard, and there remains some mystery as to whether this association is genuine or part of a larger strategy; is he genuinely with Blackbeard, or is he merely acting a role? These questions demand answers.

As a gamer, I firmly believe that Aokiji’s character journey shouldn’t be hastily pushed through to the climax, skimping on the depth and nuance that makes him unique. His motivation for aligning with the most perilous man alive should not be simplified as a mere convenience; instead, it needs to be a complex exploration of his personal views on justice. Rushing this part would be a disservice to the richness of his character and the impact he could have on the storyline.

5. Momonosuke

A Key To The Ancient Secrets

As a gamer immersed in this world, I find myself awestruck by the Shogun of Wano’s unique ability to listen to the voices of all things. This extraordinary talent sets him apart from legends like Gol D. Roger and his father, Kozuki Oden. Such a power clearly marks him as a crucial figure in the climactic storyline that lies ahead.

At Zou, he conversed with Zunesha, a venerable entity, when the Crew of Jack the Beast Pirate launched their attack on the island. This encounter sparked more curiosity than clarity: why is he able to perceive these voices, and what significant role does he play?

Ignoring Momonosuke’s ties to the Void Century during the climactic battle for broader conflicts could prove detrimental. His role extends beyond ruling Wano; it’s about uncovering his true identity as well.

4. Pudding

An Unfinished Story

Charlotte Pudding boasts a unique talent crucial for the upcoming climax. Her extraordinary triple-eyed nature grants her the possibility of unleashing the power to decipher ancient symbols known as poneglyphs.

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but feel the poignancy that comes with the anticipation of Pudding’s return. Her connection to Vinsmoke Sanji lends an extra depth of sentimentality to this moment in our beloved series. Their fleeting yet significant bond on Whole Cake Island offers a fresh perspective on both characters, leaving us with lingering emotions unresolved.

At present, Pudding is being held captive on Hachinosu, and she’s largely been absent from the screen since the Whole Cake Arc. However, this situation should be rectified.

3. Blackbeard And His Crew

A Growing Threat On The Grand Line

Without a shadow of a doubt, Blackbeard is set to become a major figure in the climactic chapter of this series. Unfortunately, his involvement up until now has been infuriatingly inconsistent, and his crew seems to be faring particularly poorly.

Beyond the encounters between Blackbeard and Law, as well as Aokiji versus Garp, the majority of Blackbeard’s actions and those of his crew have mainly taken place off-screen. Despite being known as some of the most notorious pirates, there has been relatively little exploration or insight into Blackbeard and many members of his crew.

It’s common knowledge that the upcoming series will explore Blackbeard’s past, and it’s crucial we establish the right level of tension. This way, the climactic battle in the concluding arc can live up to its potential.

2. Shanks

The Mysterious Emperor

Among the enigmatic characters in the series, Shanks stands out as a key figure who initiates the protagonist’s journey. However, ever since the series began more than two decades ago, very little has been revealed about Shanks; we only know about him through whispers of his legendary status and power.

As the grand finale approaches, I’ve come to realize that the air of enigma surrounding Shanks served its purpose in the past. But now, it’s time for the curtains to fall on that act. His duel with Eustass Kid was nothing short of thrilling, yet it felt more like a showcase of Shanks as a character rather than a true battle.

The link between Elbaf significantly heightens interest in Shanks’ character, but this recent arc only scratches the surface of his life story. To fully understand him, we should explore his motivations, his part in the power struggle, and crucially, how he factors into the climactic battle. This revelation shouldn’t be hastily presented.

1. Koby

The Future Marine Leader

Koby’s metamorphosis from a shy youngster into a promising Marine is among the most inspiring transitions in the series. Despite his significant personal development, he often found himself sidelined, and even when he gained prominence in Hachinosu, Aokiji and Garp were the real scene-stealers.

In order for Koby to fully embody his role as Oda’s chosen successor to Garp’s values and the future leader of the Marines, it’s crucial that we now shine the spotlight on him more during the climactic storyline. This way, we can properly develop his character and ensure he lives up to expectations.

Furthermore, it’s crucial that Oda doesn’t hasten the development of his character or make him insignificant compared to other prominent characters in the story. As the old order (World Government) is expected to fall and a new one emerge, Koby should play a pivotal role in these developments.

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2025-03-21 14:09