Civ 7 Difficulty: Should You Play On Deity?

Before diving into a game of Civilization VII, players have numerous options to customize their experience. Among these settings are difficulty levels, with a total of six available in Civ VII. Ranging from the beginner-friendly Scribe to the challenging Deity mode, which serves as the game’s equivalent of an ultra-nightmare setting.

In Civilization 7, while the default level of challenge is Governor, players have the freedom to adjust this to their preferred level of difficulty. However, it’s important to note that altering the difficulty doesn’t fundamentally change the game mechanics; instead, it enhances the AI opponents with significant artificial advantages. If you’re not well-versed in Civ 7, these bonuses could be challenging to counteract.

Civilization 7 Difficulty System, Explained

As a devoted fan of Civilization VII, I’d like to share some insights about the difficulty settings. These settings primarily influence the benefits that AI players receive within the game. It’s important to understand that adjusting the difficulty level does not alter the AI’s decision-making process, nor does it deplete your resources, modify the map layout, or impact any aspect of the actual gameplay experience. Instead, it serves to challenge you by providing the AI with additional advantages based on the selected difficulty level.

As I crank up the challenge in Civilization VII, it seems like the AI isn’t getting any wiser; instead, they’re being handed extra resources under the table, so to speak. It’s almost like the game is giving them an unfair advantage.

In the Deity setting, adversary leaders are initially endowed with significant amounts of influential Resources such as Culture and Science. However, their behavior remains unchanged, just as it does on less challenging settings.

In challenging situations, opponents may exploit these extra resources to gain an edge, but their strategies won’t necessarily be more intelligent. They might construct or acquire things quicker, or advance through the Tech tree at a faster pace than usual. Yet, due to consistent behavior, skilled players can still outmaneuver them.

All Civilization 7 Difficulty Levels

Difficulty Approximate Experience
Scribe 1 – Beginner
Governor 2 – Standard
Viceroy 3 – Intermediate
Sovereign 4 – Advanced
Immortal 5 – Expert
Deity 6 – Maximum Difficulty

How To Change Difficulty Level

In the game creation screen of Civilization 7, you can only modify the difficulty level. Following your selection of a Leader and their Civilization, the last menu for game settings will display. Within this settings screen, the Difficulty Setting is the initial choice available.

Future updates might introduce new challenges, but it’s uncertain at this point. Meanwhile, other game-making tools are being worked on as well.

So, Which Civ 7 Difficulty Should You Play?

If you’re unfamiliar with 4x grand strategy games or haven’t played a Civilization game previously, consider setting the Civilization 7 difficulty level to Scribe. This adjustment will minimize the advantages other civilizations typically gain at higher levels of difficulty, making it easier for new players to grasp the game without undue pressure.

In simpler terms, when you play Civilization 7, the default difficulty level is usually set to Governor. This difficulty level can be compared to the Prince level in earlier Civilization games. If you’re a veteran player of Civilization games or if you’re familiar with the grand strategy genre, starting at the Governor difficulty would be a suitable choice for you.

In Civilization 7, playing on the Normal setting with Governor as your choice ensures a fair and equally challenging game since enemy players receive no additional benefits.

In the game of Civilization 7, progressing from Viceroy, Sovereign, to Immortal levels, you should pick the tougher difficulties based on your personal confidence and ability. As you advance, you’ll see that enemy Leaders receive increasingly powerful base difficulty bonuses.

At its highest level, Civilization 7 players encounter adversary leaders boasting colossal advantages in their initial outputs and resources. This represents the peak of challenge, though diving headfirst into this difficulty level might not be the most prudent choice.

Regardless of your proficiency in Civ, Civilization 7 represents a significant leap for the series. The fundamental aspects of gameplay and the way you engage with it have undergone a complete transformation compared to its predecessors.

Instead of diving headfirst into the highest difficulty level (Deity) right away when playing Civ 7, it would be beneficial to invest some time in the easier settings first, mastering all the new and revamped mechanics. Once you’re comfortable with the game’s expectations for victory, then you can challenge yourself by tackling Deity mode.

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2025-02-07 00:24