Civilization 6: Tips to Win on Deity

Civilization 6: Tips to Win on Deity


  • Start strong: Choose the best city location for a solid foundation before venturing out into the world. RNG plays a factor.
  • Build wisely: Focus on culture and supplement any weaknesses in the first city to prevent civilization drag-down later on.
  • Strike boldly: Grab valuable resources early, maintain a strong defense, and consider joining AI wars to gain an advantage in Deity difficulty.

As someone who has spent countless hours navigating the treacherous waters of Civilization 6 on Deity difficulty, let me tell you that the game is a rollercoaster of alliances, betrayals, and strategic decisions that can make or break your civilization.

Achieving victory on Deity level in Civilization 6 is like reaching the peak for experienced players. The AI adversaries receive significant enhancements, making them much more formidable and aggressive. They’re always ready to eliminate the player in a blink of an eye.

Successfully mastering the Grinding Deity mode in Civilization 6 is achievable, but a shrewd player will plan their strategies meticulously from the start. With a few well-thought-out tactics, accumulated experience, and the readiness to abandon outdated approaches, even an average player can triumph over the challenging Deity difficulty level.

1 Situate A Strong First City

A Solid Foundation Going Forward

Civilization 6: Tips to Win on Deity

In selecting the initial city placement, it’s essential to pay close attention, as this city serves as the base for all future development. Finding an optimal starting position for your city is crucial because it significantly impacts what follows. While luck (RNG) plays a part, there are several important factors to consider when deciding on the location of your first city.

As a strategy enthusiast, I always advise positioning my Settler near a river or hill when possible, as these spots offer defensive and production advantages, as well as the potential for key buildings later in the game. For now, it’s wise to steer clear of deserts, tundra, and mountains, as they don’t provide the same benefits. Sometimes, it pays off to hold off on settling a city on my first turn if it means securing an even better location on my second turn.

2 Scout, Slinger, Settler

Get The Affairs In Order

Civilization 6: Tips to Win on Deity

After establishing your initial city, explore the world swiftly since there’s much to accomplish during the Ancient Era in Civ 6. A Scout is ideal for this task as they can discover those highly beneficial tribal villages that offer significant bonuses to gain an edge in the game. Furthermore, they can locate the origins of troublesome barbarians and supply valuable information for potential second city locations.

1. After that, construct a few units of Warriors or Slingers. The god-like barbarians and AI are extremely aggressive, so if there isn’t sufficient defense, the game will end in an unprecedented short span. As soon as we have enough defenders to protect our city, send out a Settler immediately to fuel the growth of our civilization and found another city before anyone else has the chance.

3 Monument First, Weakness After

Culture, Then SupplementCivilization 6: Tips to Win on Deity

Building a Monument in the initial city swiftly may seem tedious, but its significance cannot be overstated. Policies fostering culture can yield substantial gameplay advantages, which can complement the unique features of your starting location or leader’s skills.

Following the establishment of the Monument, let’s address any potential shortcomings to ensure our city thrives. Every city has its challenges – perhaps your production is lacking, in which case, send a Builder to develop some hilly areas, or maybe your city isn’t expanding as quickly as desired, so construct a Granary. Address the critical weaknesses now to prevent them from hindering the development of our civilization in the future.

4 Stake Bold Claims

Grab Resources Before They’re Grabbed

Civilization 6: Tips to Win on Deity

In dealing with the divine, there’s no place for shyness or hesitation. Inevitably, the AI will challenge the player at some stage. Not all leaders are cut out for a Dominance Victory, so every edge counts. Therefore, when it comes to establishing the second city, players should act decisively and assert an aggressive claim that seizes valuable resources from opponents and stimulates the economy.

It might be beneficial to focus on acquiring luxurious assets to maintain a high standard of living within a civilization, as they serve as a useful tool for trade. Additionally, it’s wise to consider developing mountain ranges and bodies of water, as they offer opportunities for scientific advancement and economic growth in the future.

5 Muster the Defenses

The Best Offense Is a Good Defense

Civilization 6: Tips to Win on Deity

As a dedicated player, I can’t stress enough the importance of strengthening my defenses as the moment when the AI launches an attack isn’t too far off. To ensure survival, it’s crucial to continually expand my primary army, learning from the battles against nearby Barbarian Outposts. This strategic move will help shield me from potential warmonger penalties, which can be detrimental in the initial stages of the game and hinder my progress.

In an ideal situation, a robust defense from the army will cause the AI to think twice about attacking the player. But if it doesn’t, a solid defensive force should be able to repel the first attack, giving the option for either a counterattack once siege weapons are constructed or a peace treaty that inflicts more damage on the aggressor than on the defender.

6 Work With the AI

Gang Up On the Others

Civilization 6: Tips to Win on Deity

Though an AI may seem like the player’s biggest foe, it can also prove to be a valuable ally. Achieving victory through diplomacy is possible in the long run, but engaging in conflicts initiated by the AI against other players could help eliminate a rival or secure crucial resources for your civilization.

Working together against AI opponents in the game is more advantageous than facing them individually. In Diplomacy mode at its highest difficulty (Deity), the focus is on thwarting AI hostility towards your civilization and channeling it towards their enemies instead. While alliances can shift rapidly, as long as both the AI and the player are fighting on the same side in a conflict, they pose no threat to each other.

7 Play to The Leader’s Strengths

Adapt And Thrive

Civilization 6: Tips to Win on Deity

In the strategy game called Civilization 6, each character has distinct buildings, military forces, and characteristics that contribute to a specific playstyle. Mastering victory on the highest difficulty setting, known as Deity, involves thoroughly grasping the unique mechanisms associated with each leader and utilizing them to their full potential.

As a devoted admirer of Frederick Barbarossa’s strategy, leveraging the Holy Roman Emperor’s extraordinary combat buff is a must-do tactic. By striking City-States early in the game, I can seize the advantage before opponents have a chance to exploit them. Every leader brings something special to the table, and making the most of their unique abilities is key to success.

8 Build The Production, Science, and Commerce Economy

The Heart of a Good Army Is a Good Economy

Civilization 6: Tips to Win on Deity

In the heart of the gameplay, it becomes evident that a kingdom’s progress slows significantly if its economy isn’t robust. Even when peace reigns, focusing on economic growth is essential, regardless of how exceptional the chosen ruler might be. It’s definitely wise to prioritize constructing structures that enhance Gold or Food production, as they can exert considerable influence over the game’s outcome in the long run.

In the mid and late stages of a game, Gold, Food, Production, and Science are vital for maintaining a powerful army. Rather than just adding more units, focus on enhancing your city’s capabilities by reaching the next technological advancement or ensuring economic stability for your current army. Prioritize developing Industrial Zones, Campuses, and Commercial Hubs to their full potential.

9 Launch Pre-Emptive Strikes

Attack Before Being Attacked

Civilization 6: Tips to Win on Deity

There are no friends in Deity mode. Every turn where the player isn’t attacking is a turn where the player may be attacked. If the AI ever displays weakness, strike, especially if a powerful Hero has appeared.

In easy-to-understand terms: When playing at the highest level against AI opponents, the AI is not something to underestimate. They possess significant advantages across their territories, making vulnerabilities scarce. To emerge victorious, it’s essential to time attacks perfectly – striking when you are strong and the AI is weak. If your gamble succeeds, you will gain numerous new cities and resources, which can quickly accumulate into a powerful lead, paving the way for an unstoppable win throughout the game.

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2024-08-13 07:34