Clash Royale: Best Decks for Evolution Bonanza

Clash Royale: Best Decks for Evolution Bonanza

As a seasoned Clash Royale player, I find this Evolution Bonanza deck truly intriguing! With its swift cycle time and strategic defense options, it’s a breath of fresh air for any beatdown enthusiast.

Excitedly speaking as a fan, I’m thrilled to announce that the Evolution Bonanza has returned in Clash Royale! With over 20 evolution cards currently in play, deck-building possibilities are endless for fans of Evos. However, it’s important to remember that not all Evos are created equal, and certain decks will undeniably hold a clear edge during this exhilarating event.

It’s crucial to choose wisely when selecting Evo cards for your deck. For instance, although Evo Royale Giant and Evo Goblin Giant are both strong cards, it’s not advisable to include both high-elixir beatdown win conditions in the same deck as they might lead to an unbalanced setup. To help those who struggle to secure a win, we’ve put together some top-performing Evolution Bonanza decks in Clash Royale for your consideration.

Best Evolution Bonanza Decks in Clash Royale

Clash Royale: Best Decks for Evolution Bonanza

Here are the three top decks that you can run in the Evolution Bonanza challenge in Clash Royale:

  • Goblin Drill Bomber Cycle
  • Royal Recruits Wall Breakers
  • Evo Royal Giant Valkyrie

You’ll find more information about these decks below:

Goblin Drill Bomber Cycle

Clash Royale: Best Decks for Evolution Bonanza

Due to the introduction of Evo Goblin Drill, its use has significantly increased among players who focus on cycle decks within Clash Royale. Few opponents pose significant challenges for this card, and it becomes particularly potent during the double and triple elixir stages of the game, exerting heavy pressure. The win potential of this challenge is further enhanced by other Evos that can be utilized alongside it.

Here are the cards you’ll need for this deck:

Card Name Elixir Cost
Evo Ice Spirit 1
Evo Skeletons 1
Evo Zap 2
Evo Bomber 2
Arrows 3
Evo Knight 3
Evo Goblin Drill 4
Evo Tesla 4

The goal of this deck is to move swiftly and aggressively, with a focus on rapid, repeated attacks. By consistently deploying Goblin Drills against your opponent’s Towers, you create a spammy playstyle that wears down the Tower over time. It’s important to note that you won’t be able to destroy the entire Tower in a single attack, but each assault will gradually weaken it.

In this deck setup, the Evo Bomber functions as a backup victory strategy when correctly timed with your Bomber attacks. The deck offers robust defense against opponent’s offensive builds, thanks to its affordable defensive units. If you prefer, you can swap out the Evo Knight for the Evo Valkyrie. Given that the deck lacks options for dealing with swarms, it’s wise to include Arrows in your deck, even though it doesn’t evolve.

Use the Tower Princess Tower Troop with this deck for the best results.

Royal Recruits Wall Breakers

Clash Royale: Best Decks for Evolution Bonanza

In simpler terms, some gamers adore using Royal Recruits in their Clash Royale gameplay, while others find it annoying to play with or against. However, there’s consensus among players that an upgraded Royal Recruits can be incredibly powerful when you structure your deck around it.

Here are the cards you’ll need for this deck:

Card Name Elixir Cost
Evo Skeletons 1
Evo Wall Breakers 2
Evo Zap 2
Evo Firecracker 3
Evo Knight 3
Evo Tesla 4
Evo Wizard 5
Evo Royal Recruits 7

Royale Recruit decks are particularly effective at mounting a counter-attack and applying pressure on two or more lanes when the game enters the double and triple elixir phases. However, many decks relying on Royale Recruits as their primary win condition find it challenging to put pressure on opponents during the single elixir stage. Enter Evo Wall Breakers: they help these decks maintain control during the early stages of the game.

With this two-card cycle, you can persistently advance while making your opponent play defensively. Combining Evo Firecracker and Wizard gives you enough versatile damage to deal with various swarm units. However, since the average elixir cost is 3.4, the deck leans towards being expensive. Instead of recklessly deploying cards in the middle, it’s better to construct it cautiously from behind your King Tower.

This deck uses the Cannoneer as the Tower Troop.

Evo Royal Giant Valkyrie

Clash Royale: Best Decks for Evolution Bonanza

Despite numerous reductions in its hit points (HP), the Royal Giant remains a tough opponent due to its strength. Since common defense cards like Evo Skeletons aren’t much help against it, decks that include the Royal Giant gain significant value during the Evolution Bonanza event in Clash Royale. When combined with an Evo Valkyrie, it becomes one of the strongest beatdown decks for this particular challenge.

Here are the cards you’ll need for this deck:

Card Name Elixir Cost
Evo Skeletons 1
Evo Bats 2
Evo Bomber 2
Evo Zap 2
Evo Firecracker 2
Evo Tesla 4
Evo Valkyrie 4
Evo Royal Giant 6

This deck in Clash Royale is designed for quick, aggressive attacks, as it only requires an average Elixir cost of 3.0. Since it’s a beatdown deck, you’ll be able to move through your cards swiftly to reach your Evolutions to counter any opponent’s plays. However, even with its speedy cycle, it’s crucial to exercise caution during the single Elixir phase of the game, particularly if your opponent has an Evo Goblin Cage, to avoid taking unnecessary damage.

All of your cards in the deck are good for defense. You’ve got both Evo Skeletons and Bats to take out the tanks. The Evo Bomber and Firecracker work well against swarms, and the Valkyrie is an excellent mini-tank. However, since all your cheap troops die to Arrows, you want to spread them far from each other in the arena. For your spell, you’ve got the Evo Zap, which you’ll want to cycle constantly to ensure you have it ready for your Evo Royal Giant push.

We recommend going with the Dagger Duchess Tower Troop for this deck.

In the “Evolution Bonanza” contest, participants can experiment with all the game’s Evos to discover their favorite. By tinkering with the evolution cards and testing various mixes and harmonious interactions, players will eventually craft a deck tailored to their unique playing style.

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2024-08-30 04:03