Closer the Distance review

Closer the Distance review

As a seasoned gamer with a heart full of empathy, I found Closer the Distance to be a poignant and deeply moving experience that resonated profoundly with my own life experiences. Losing someone you love is an unparalleled pain, but this game captures the raw, messy, and beautiful process of grieving in a way that feels authentic and true.

I recall browsing social media and finding an interview with Andrew Garfield discussing his mother’s passing. He explained that grief is simply the love you can no longer give them, which was a profound perspective on such a sad event. This idea resonated with me as I played Closer the Distance. The game illustrates how the loss of a young woman impacts an entire small community, doing so sensitively. It highlights the way love endures even in the face of loss, and how people learn to cope with the love they can no longer express.

At the outset of “Closer the Distance,” you observe the raw emotions that her parents and sister experience upon learning about Angie’s death. Emotions such as denial, bewilderment, grief, rage course through the family in quick succession, and the shockwave of their pain spreads to those who knew Angie closely in Yesterby, the village where she once resided. As an observer, you are granted insight into each character’s struggle to comprehend the incomprehensible sorrow they all share.

Closer the Distance review

Through Angie, you manage the process of switching between characters, engaging with all of them, and making decisions. Initially, you decide on your sister Connie’s actions during the initial hours and days following our ability to communicate. As time passes, each character in Yesterby has specific objectives they aim to achieve, but only those we can interact with can be acted upon. One of Conny’s early tasks involves speaking with everyone to assess their emotional state, such as Zek, who harbors strong feelings for Angie.

In this game, each character has basic needs like sleeping and eating, as well as unique individual ones. As time goes by and more characters become interactive, you’ll need to decide how to assist them, prioritize tasks, and determine who might benefit most from your help, all while looking after yourself. You play a crucial role in helping everyone progress, but just like real life, mourning affects people differently. Navigating the aftermath of loss can be tricky, and what you say or do can impact not only the individual but also those around them. It’s a delicate journey indeed.

Closer the Distance review

As you witness the effects unfold, Galya’s growing desperation to aid Angie’s parents might lead her to gradually overlook her partner, which is a potential concern. Remember, no one can save everyone and every situation, a fact we often forget in similar circumstances. This narrative reflects real-life situations remarkably well, and while “Closer the Distance” isn’t exactly a fun game, it’s captivating due to its reliance on your empathy to guide the storyline.

While deciding on tasks, you have the ability to switch among various characters to observe how they each handle Angie’s passing. Characters not directly under your control may also have significant stories unfolding, adding a sense of realism as if the town of Yesterby is bustling with life. You can choose to spend time simply observing the daily routines of the townsfolk, but taking actions allows you to influence how they cope with Angie’s death and strive for progress.

Closer the Distance review

In “Closer the Distance,” you’ll find yourself immersed in numerous conversations and observations. Occasionally, there are interactive segments that might seem game-like, but these were my favorite parts. The writing is meticulously crafted, making for a compelling experience. You’ll laugh at times, only to be reminded of the sorrow that initially unfolded. You’ll become engrossed in tasks, then remember who you’re assisting – someone who has just lost their daughter. Grief permeates every aspect, yet listening to those in distress and helping them cope with their grief is part of its poignant allure.

As a dedicated player, I’ve found “Closer the Distance” to be an exceptionally heartfelt life-simulation game that resonates deeply with me. It’s like The Sims, but with a soul, where each character contributes uniquely to the narrative. This game tackles grief in a profoundly real and unapologetic manner, never shying away from the harshness it brings, yet also highlighting the goodness in people even amidst the most devastating losses.

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2024-08-05 11:16