Concord Freegunner Tier List

Concord Freegunner Tier List

As a dedicated Freegunner fanatic with countless hours spent traversing the galaxies of Concord, I must say that this game has truly captured my heart (and wallet). The roster of heroes is diverse and visually stunning, but there are some areas where it falls short.

In essence, what makes a hero shooter stand out is the diversity and uniqueness of its characters, or heroes. A decent hero shooter must offer an array of visual styles and skill sets, while an exceptional one should introduce something fresh and intriguing to the genre. Concord boasts 16 playable Freegunners, providing a broad range of playstyles, but its band of rogues could still use some improvement.

Although Concord stands out with its retro Sci-Fi ambiance compared to other games, some of its character designs appear rather commonplace, and several of the game’s abilities lack distinctiveness. This results in an uneven balance within Concord’s roster, where certain Freegunners are exhilarating to control, while others can feel like a burden.

S-Tier: The Best Freegunners in Concord

  • Roka
  • Teo
  • IT-Z
  • 1-OFF

Among the top-notch Freegunners in Concord, I find myself particularly captivated by Roka, Teo, IT-Z, and 1-OFF. Each of them boasts a robust primary weapon, enticing abilities, and an appealing visual style. Roka’s jetpack and rocket launcher combo transforms her into a formidable force on every map and game mode, making her a terror to behold. Teo might seem the simplest Freegunner in the game, but his prowess is undeniable. His assault rifle delivers a substantial punch, while his grenades provide excellent offensive and defensive potential.

In the realm of Concord, I can’t help but be captivated by IT-Z, whose visual design stands out like no other. Her abilities to teleport and clone are truly exceptional, setting her apart from the rest of the roster in a way that’s both intriguing and impressive.

As a dedicated gamer diving into the dynamic world of Concord, I’m always ready for the shifting sands of leaderboards. With each balance tweak and patch, the landscape of my gaming experience is reshaped, keeping me on my toes and the competition fierce!

A-Tier: Some of Concord’s Most Efficient Freegunners

  • Daw
  • Star Child
  • Haymar
  • Lennox
  • DaVeers

Five Freegunners are nearly as effective as those in the higher tier, yet their skills have certain restrictions that may not make them ideal for every situation. Daw serves as Concord’s main support character, utilizing his dome shield and healing pads to significantly impact battles. However, Daw’s healing pads aren’t flawless; teammates must stay in one location for extended periods to benefit from them, which isn’t very effective in Concord’s more fast-moving game modes.

1. Star Child is a strong tank character, boasting a potent shotgun and charge ability, yet his size makes him vulnerable to attacks, unlike 1-OFF who has more defensive capabilities. Haymar excels at causing chaos among large groups with her fiery crossbow that explodes, but her longer reload period can put her in a precarious situation swiftly.

1. Lennox’s revolver and pistol are excellent primary weapons, especially when they can quickly be reloaded, making them lethal in the hands of an expert player. However, his explosive knife isn’t particularly useful. In conclusion, Lennox’s tools may not all be equally effective.

B-Tier: Useful, But Limited Freegunners

  • Jabali
  • Vale
  • Kyps
  • Lark

Four Freegunners are valuable assets on the battlefield, yet potential drawbacks could dissuade players from selecting them. Currently, Jabali is the sole healer in Concord, and his healing orb ability is acceptable, while his damage orb takes many by surprise with its strength. However, his main weapon leaves much to be desired. Vale’s sniper can be devastating when wielded skillfully, but mastering her abilities requires a high level of expertise.

Kyps functions similarly to Concord’s interpretation of Overwatch’s Sombra, with the ability to become invisible and infiltrate enemy territories. However, her stealth time is rather brief and her pistol lacks power, which makes her a less effective hit-and-run character, often leading to disappointment.

In the game Concord, Lark’s visual style stands out, yet mastering its skills can be challenging when first starting out. Lark’s Spore Seeds have the potential to greatly aid teammates and hinder enemies by affecting an area, but using them effectively relies on a player’s familiarity with the map to strategically place the seeds for maximum effect. Similarly, Lark’s teleportation power is another valuable tool, but it too necessitates knowledge of the map layout and leaves the player exposed during a lengthy wind-up period.

C-Tier: The Least Efficient Freegunners in Concord Right Now

  • Duchess
  • Bazz
  • Emari

While they aren’t necessarily problematic, these three Freegunners may not be the most effective in Concord’s initial build. Duchess’ protective wall is seldom beneficial, often causing inconvenience to teammates as well as opponents, and her Ruinous Blast area-of-effect attack doesn’t deal a significant amount of damage and can usually be dodged easily.

Bazz’s throwing knives serve as an engaging main weapon with a unique flair, yet they require considerable expertise to handle effectively and deal less harm than anticipated. Additionally, landing Bazz’s Scourge Star skill can be quite challenging.

At the initial release of Concord, it’s quite likely that Emari isn’t the strongest tank, as her armor skill seldom matters in fast-moving battles, and her shield doesn’t offer much protection for her team or herself for extended periods. To add to this, Emari’s movement speed is exceptionally sluggish.

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2024-08-30 13:54