Concord Has a Golden Cosmetic Opportunity That It Cant Pass Up

Concord Has a Golden Cosmetic Opportunity That It Cant Pass Up


  • Sony’s next big multiplayer game, Concord, faces mixed reactions due to concerns about monetization and lack of originality.
  • Concord aims to be a competitive hero shooter under the PlayStation banner, highlighting the importance of character customization.
  • Crossover cosmetics from iconic PlayStation IPs could help establish Concord as a part of PlayStation history and culture.

As a seasoned gamer who’s seen the rise and fall of numerous multiplayer games over the past decades, I can’t help but feel a sense of cautious optimism towards Sony’s upcoming title, Concord. With its competitive hero shooter format, it seems to be aiming for the stars, but concerns about monetization and originality have left some gamers skeptical.

As an eager fan, I can’t help but feel excited about Sony’s latest offering, Concord, emerging as the next big thing from their live-service multiplayer initiative. While PlayStation has been synonymous with captivating single-player narratives for years, this new venture marks a bold step into the world of games-as-a-service, a move that has sparked varied responses among players. Some argue that these types of games often lean towards generic or interchangeable experiences, but I’m keeping an open mind and eagerly awaiting its release!

Despite some reservations regarding its monetization strategy and higher price point, Sony is pushing ahead with the game “Concord”, which boasts robust core mechanics, albeit with some unoriginal aspects. Notably, “Concord” marks a significant advancement for Sony, as it’s one of the few competitive shooters under the PlayStation brand. As a hero-based shooter similar to “Overwatch”, the success or failure of “Concord” will likely depend on its diverse cast of characters. Cosmetics could play a crucial role in this, enabling players to customize their preferred heroes with various options. Given that it’s an exclusive title for Sony, capitalizing on this opportunity is evidently a priority.

Concord distinguishes itself from Sony’s latest live-service game, the popular cooperative shooter Helldivers 2, as it lacks a Player vs Player (PvP) mode.

Concord Shouldn’t Shy Away from PlayStation Crossover Cosmetics

PlayStation Has a Rich Legacy to Draw from for Concord’s Cosmetics

In the realm of ongoing games, mixing content isn’t exactly groundbreaking, particularly after the phenomenon of Fortnite, which extensively incorporates external cosmetics and events to a nearly exaggerated extent. However, Concord stands out as it enjoys a special status being a PlayStation exclusive, allowing it wide latitude to imaginatively use the numerous iconic IPs of PlayStation in diverse ways.

It’s quite fun to envision Lennox sporting a Nathan Drake outfit or the burly Star Child adopting Kratos’ look. lesser-known Sony characters might also show up in the game, like Lark whose distinctive clicker-like features suggest a potential crossover with The Last of Us. Additionally, Concord could delve into deeper Sony IPs, creating character cosmetics based on forgotten shooters such as Resistance or Killzone. Such fan service might seem insignificant, but it could significantly boost Concord’s popularity, leveraging its ties to Sony.

Crossover Cosmetics Could Help Establish Concord as Part of PlayStation History and Culture

When it comes to the competition often referred to as ‘console wars,’ identity and brand recognition are crucial. Games such as Halo and Gears of War have been symbolic representations for Xbox, their images deeply connected with the console’s past and reputation. PlayStation has made efforts to create a similar synergy with its multiplayer games, but with less success. Essentially, Concord should aim to embody the essence of ‘PlayStation’ as strongly as Halo embodies ‘Xbox.’

Connecting “Concord” to PlayStation culture by incorporating references and Easter eggs could be an effective approach. By basing character cosmetics on other PlayStation exclusives, we establish a thematic connection between “Concord” and the heritage of its platform, making it seem like a natural addition to Sony’s extensive library, serving as a hub or nexus of their rich history.

After considering all points, Sony should exercise caution when promoting Concord. While it might not be the most innovative title in PlayStation’s current roster, critics have pointed out its shortcomings, particularly its lack of originality and unique flair. Some even perceive it as a blend of various influences, heavily imitating Overwatch’s gameplay and the witty humor from productions like Marvel. Excessive Sony-branded skins could exacerbate this image, appearing as a mere cash grab rather than an authentic, captivating gaming experience, especially if they don’t complement a strong, distinctive core game.

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2024-08-05 00:23