Control: Ultimate Edition Gets Surprise Update


  • Control: Ultimate Edition has received a new free update for March 2025, with PC players gaining access first and PS5 and Xbox Series X/S users at a later time.
  • The update adds three new outfits to Control: Ultimate Edition, which were formerly pre-order perks for the base game, as well as a mission that was previously exclusive to its PS4 version.
  • Technical upgrades include HDR support, an Ultra Ray Tracing preset, FOV settings for gameplay camera, improved SDR, texture streaming fixes, and more.

Control: Ultimate Edition from Remedy Entertainment has unexpectedly rolled out a fresh update encompassing additional content, visual improvements, and bug corrections without any extra charge. Players using PC have already experienced this new version, while those on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S will need to hold on for a bit longer before enjoying the update.

Introduced at the start of 2021, “Control: Ultimate Edition” enhanced the original game technically and included all its downloadable content for contemporary gaming platforms. In February 2021, this edition was also part of the PS Plus monthly selection, and it’s now found in the PS Plus Extra games collection. However, certain elements from the base game, such as pre-order bonuses, digital deluxe benefits, and even a mission exclusive to PS4, were initially excluded from “Control: Ultimate Edition“. But starting now, these previously missing features have been added.

Control’s former locked content is now being opened up to players of Control: Ultimate Edition through a fresh update on all platforms, with the exception of PS4 and Xbox One. This update, available for free, adds three new outfits that were initially exclusive to pre-orders – the Astral Dive Suit, Tactical Response Gear, and Urban Response Gear. Additionally, a mission previously only accessible in the Digital Deluxe edition of Control on PS4, Dr. Yoshimi Tokui’s Guided Imagery Experience, will now be playable by all Control: Ultimate Edition players. To unlock this mission, collect the Dr. Tokui Tapes in the Extrasensory Lab of the Research Sector. Notably, this mission includes voiceovers from renowned game creator Hideo Kojima.

Regarding the technical aspects, the latest update for “Control: Ultimate Edition” brings High Dynamic Range (HDR) compatibility, an Ultra Ray Tracing setting, and ultrawide monitor support up to 48:9 for computer gamers. Players using PS5 and Xbox Series X/S will notice a new Field of View scaling option for the game camera, enhanced Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) visuals (from 8-bit to 10-bit), fixed texture streaming issues, and improvements in screen resolution selection and rendering resolution beyond 4K. Additionally, Remedy has addressed audio mixing problems in the cutscenes of “Control: Ultimate Edition” and patched numerous bugs and crashes to boost stability.

For enthusiasts of the game “Control”, this recent update is certainly a delightful unexpected development. Those who didn’t get the exclusive content that came with the game’s initial launch in 2019 will find this update particularly appealing. The following months are shaping up to be quite intriguing for them, as Remedy Entertainment is preparing to roll out “FBC: Firebreak”, their inaugural cooperative multiplayer game. This upcoming game will take place within the same universe as “Control” and the “Alan Wake” series, making it intriguing to speculate whether the multiplayer experience might offer any clues about Remedy’s forthcoming “Control 2”.

Control: Ultimate Edition Free Update March 2025 Patch Notes

New Outfits

Can be found in the Control Point in the Central Executive Sector area.

  • Astral Dive Suit
  • Tactical Response Gear
  • Urban Response Gear

New Mission

  • Dr. Yoshimi Tokui’s Guided Imagery Experience

Graphical Upgrades

  • Added HDR support
  • Added new Ultra ray tracing preset, which gets you more rays per pixel and higher temporal stability
  • Added ultrawide monitor support for up to 48:9 monitors
  • Added an FOV scaling setting for the gameplay camera
  • Updated SDR to 10bit (from 8bit), which reduces visible color banding
  • Improved graphics adapter detection at startup, with automatic selection between DX11 and DX12
  • Implemented screen aspect ratio fixes for ultrawide monitors
  • Your current monitor resolution can now reliably be selected from the screen resolution and rendering resolution menus
  • Added rendering resolution support beyond 4K
  • Implemented texture streaming fixes
  • Ray tracing bug fixes

General Changes

  • Updated the audio on cinematics and end credits to remove unintended channel mixing
  • Several bug and crash fixes

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2025-03-10 20:54