Crime Scene Cleaner: All Secrets & Cassette Tapes in Trial by Blood

Crime Scene Cleaner: All Secrets & Cassette Tapes in Trial by Blood

As a seasoned player of Crime Scene Cleaner, I have to say that Trial by Blood mission is a rollercoaster ride of blood, gore, and suspense! The game developers have truly outdone themselves with this one. It’s like they took all the best elements from the previous missions and cranked it up a notch.

In the game “Crime Scene Cleaner,” the second mission is titled “Trial By Blood.” This mission intensifies the gory elements of the initial task. You’re embarking on your inaugural assignment for the criminal underworld, where you are required to tidy up Miko’s Spa & Wellness Center, a location that has become a crime scene. Your responsibilities include removing blood stains, disposing of bodies, and collecting all the incriminating evidence that the mob has carelessly left behind during their activities.

Similar to the Bad Call mission, the Trial by Blood is brimming with mysteries waiting for you to discover. Here, we’ve gathered every last one to make sure you don’t overlook any!

All Secrets & Cassette Tapes in Crime Scene Cleaner Trial by Blood

Crime Scene Cleaner: All Secrets & Cassette Tapes in Trial by Blood

In the “Trial by Blood” mission of the game “Crime Scene Cleaner,” you’ll find three hidden cassette tapes and two concealed spots. Here’s a guide on how to uncover them all:

Cassette Tape #1

Crime Scene Cleaner: All Secrets & Cassette Tapes in Trial by Blood

Upon entering Miko’s Spa & Wellness, proceed to the door on your left which leads to the Men’s Locker Room. Observe the locked lockers with red lights along the way; you’ll need them later. For now, pass through the door on the left from the locker room to reach the Relaxation Zone.

As soon as you step outside, there’s a red keypad right on the door. If you take a closer look, you can make out the shape of a hidden door too. Approach the keypad and give it a try. Solve the mini-hacking puzzle that follows, and the door will magically swing open for you.

Step inside the room, and toward the end, you’ll spot a cassette tape sitting on the table.

To hack the keypad, you’ll need to click on the numbers as the moving line aligns with them.

Cassette Tape #2

Crime Scene Cleaner: All Secrets & Cassette Tapes in Trial by Blood

1. Once you grab Cassette Tape #1, turn around to locate a switchboard emitting a red light. Interact with it, and the blood-filled pool outside will be drained. Return to the Relaxation Zone and retrieve the MO17 Locker Card from the now-empty pool’s center.

1. Holding your Locker Card, retrace your steps to the Men’s Locker Room. In there, locate the locker labeled MO17. Once found, use the card to open it and retrieve the Second Cassette Tape for your mission, as well as a crucial piece of evidence that will help you achieve a flawless score in Trial by Blood.

The MO17 Locker Card can be found near the pool drain.

Secret #1: VIP Zone

Crime Scene Cleaner: All Secrets & Cassette Tapes in Trial by Blood

To uncover the initial secret spot for this mission in “Crime Scene Cleaner”, you’ll have to gather a few more Locker Cards first. Make your way back to the Relaxation Zone, which is found through the right door in the Men’s Locker Room. In the Tanning Room, you’ll find a WO24 card on the table waiting for you to pick it up.

1. To locate the Women’s Locker Room, head to the opposite end of the Relaxation Zone. Interact with the WO24 locker door there, retrieve the MO34 Locker Card, and then return to the Men’s Locker Room. Use the MO34 Locker Card to unlock a corresponding locker, where you will discover the VIP Card.

Return to the secretive Room containing the initial Cassette Tape, and engage with the high-ranking Control Panel situated there. Doing so will unveil another room beyond the Tranquility Area adjacent to the swimming pool. Proceed into this freshly exposed room to discover the first concealed truth.

Engaging with the Exclusive Panel hidden away grants you the “Gold on the Ceiling” achievement when playing Crime Scene Cleaner.

Cassette Tape # 3

Crime Scene Cleaner: All Secrets & Cassette Tapes in Trial by Blood

The third and final Cassette Tape for the mission is located in the newly unlocked VIP Zone. It’s sitting on top of the cabinet with the Lion Statue.

As a gamer, I notice there’s a stack of cash lying around in this chamber. Don’t forget to mess with those statues to make off with ’em too!

Secret #2:

Crime Scene Cleaner: All Secrets & Cassette Tapes in Trial by Blood

As a crime scene enthusiast, to uncover the ultimate mystery in this round of ‘Crime Scene Cleaner’, I need to grab the WO18 Locker Card lying on the table first. Then, I should make my way back to the Women’s Locker Room and engage with the locker that matches the card for some exciting revelations!

After gathering all the hidden secrets and cassette tapes for the Trial by Blood case, it’s now time for you to tidy up the area and gather all the scattered clues. Proceed with Crime Scene Cleaner.

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2024-08-20 14:03