Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

As a seasoned player of Crusader Kings 3, I can’t stress enough the importance of strategic planning and diplomacy in this game. Having spent countless hours navigating the complex web of alliances, rivalries, and political intrigue, I’ve learned that war isn’t always the best option to expand one’s realm.

In simpler terms, Crusader Kings series, including the latest Crusader Kings 3, offers RTS enthusiasts a detailed portrayal of medieval warfare. Upgraded elements and engaging mechanics in Crusader Kings 3 make strategic gameplay even more exciting for players. Previous Crusader Kings 2 fans will find familiarity with the new release. For those who enjoy games like Civilization, enhancing their Crusader Kings 3 experience could significantly boost their gaming hours.

As a seasoned grand strategy gamer with countless hours spent on political simulations, I can attest to the richness and complexity of Crusader Kings 3. With its multitude of features designed to foster realistic political gameplay, it’s no wonder that many players become engrossed in this immersive world. However, for those looking to elevate their Crusader Kings 3 experience to new heights, I have some invaluable tips gleaned from my own journey as a player.

Focus On Men-At-Arms

Their Upkeep Is A More Practical Investment Compared To Levies

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

In the strategic role-playing game “Crusader Kings 3,” it’s almost unavoidable that wars will break out as you manage your dynasty. This is particularly true for players whose in-game families find themselves at odds with adversaries or actively pursuing territorial expansion. Although the importance of army size in the game might tempt you to call up peasant militias through Levies, raw numbers won’t always be sufficient in later stages. Instead, consider gradually developing different Regiments of Men-At-Arms to address various conflict scenarios and terrain types.

In the long course of a war, amassing thousands of troops through Levies comes with a significant cost of 3 Gold per thousand soldiers each month. Although Men-At-Arms Regiments might seem more expensive initially due to their specialization, the advantages they offer in stats and smaller numbers can result in quicker victories and ultimately save money in the long run. Players are recommended to employ Men-At-Arms units in their preferred terrain during the early stages of the game, while modifying them based on domain bonuses as the mid-game unfolds. In the late stages, a focus on Knights and Sieges is suggested for more decisive, aggressive strategies.

Transform A Spare Heir Into A Realm Priest

Capitalize On Religion To Secure The Dynasty’s Survival

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

As a devoted fan of “Crusader Kings 3,” I can’t emphasize enough the significance of heirs in shaping my gaming experience. They are the vital link that ensures my journey continues, as they determine the succession of my dynasty and ultimately, my ability to progress through the game.

Players could consider setting their Clerical Appointment Doctrines as Temporal and Revocable, allowing their monarch to appoint and dismiss Realm Priests similarly to any other vassal. This arrangement provides players with the flexibility to “bench” an heir by removing their claim, enabling the other heir to take the throne instead. This tactic prevents the need to divide an empire or have an heir outperformed by a more capable sibling in the future. If the alternative heir were to pass away unexpectedly, the domain would have a backup heir ready to assume power.

A Concubine Can Become A Ticket To Power

Heirs Not An Issue If They Work On Both Sides

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

In Crusader Kings 3, the adaptable monarchy structure enables users to establish matrilineal or patrilineal lineages. The political complexity deepens with the intricate Marriage and Line of Succession rules, empowering players to customize who can have multiple spouses and which offspring can claim titles. Under favorable conditions, this versatility can be employed tactically by players.

A player’s character may choose the Consorts & Concubines Marriage in place of a less restrictive Polyamorous Union, providing added depth and excitement to gameplay. When a player’s character enters into a relationship with a Concubine from a lineage with Agnatic-Cognatic and Absolute-Cognatic Inheritance systems, the spouse gains a title within that realm. Offspring born between the player and this new titleholder are recognized as heirs to her dominion, while the character continues in their Concubinage role. Unlike Polyamorous Marriages, players can amicably part ways with a Concubine – with their children retaining the right to inherit their mother’s lands.

Prioritize Theocracies As Vassals

Faith Is Easier To Control

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

In “Crusader Kings 3,” managing Vassals can be an intricate part of the game, particularly when unhappy Vassals consider rebellion against rulers. Yet, clever players can gain loyal and devoted allies through Theocratic Vassals. These Vassals contribute based on Devotion, allowing for a maximum of 55% Tax and 50% Levies. Advantages include Theocratic Succession, which influences the player’s heir selection, Chastity Doctrines that prevent them from forming rival factions, and their randomly-generated traits that ensure they don’t make unexpected claims on the realm.

As a gamer, I’ve discovered an alternative method to establish Theocratic Vassals in Crusader Kings 3, even though creating a faith-centric Theocracy isn’t directly supported due to the game’s focus on dynastic succession. One approach is to bestow a County with a Temple as its capital upon an unlanded character. Another option is to employ a Temporal and Revocable Doctrine for Clerical Appointment, then pause the game right before dismissing a Realm Priest. By granting them the same land during this pause, the game doesn’t have time to update their status, effectively transforming the ousted Realm Priest into a Theocratic Vassal.

Giving Up, Holding On Can Be Strategic

Losses Are Fewer In The Short-Term, Worthwhile In The Long Term

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

For those who have experienced the intensity of “Crusader Kings 3”, battles can mean the difference between survival and extinction, with significant territories, lives, or heirs on the line. As newcomers strive to master the game, it is essential to adopt a tactical approach when engaging in conflict. In addition to exploiting Plots and skillfully navigating political complexities, players must assess carefully which battles are worth the risk and which ones they should avoid.

In general, it’s more beneficial for players to hold onto contested counties or duchies, even if it requires more manpower and resources in the short term, because doing so can save them a significant amount over the long term. Similarly, players who can minimize their gold loss per turn can extend wars as long as they want, as the AI eventually gives up.

Get Free Skilled Labor From Courtier Marriages

Use The Skills Of Spouses

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

If players are desperately seeking a talented new addition to their team, they might consider arranging a “courtier marriage” instead. In this scenario, the spouses being married bring their entire entourage with them. By carefully selecting and marrying off members of their own court, “Find Spouse” for the essential skills they require.

I’ve discovered that this approach is versatile and effective in diverse situations. For example, as a player, I can seek out wise mentors for my heirs, not just from my own culture but from others as well. This could be particularly beneficial for those aiming to have their heirs embraced by unfamiliar cultures. Regarding knights, I can arrange marriages between the ladies of my court and those with the most impressive “Prowess” statistics.

Take Advantage Of General Swapping At War

Different Generals For Different Purposes

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

Just as in the practice of courtier marriages, where parties exchange spouses to form alliances or acquire new skills and resources, players can strategically switch out their military commanders during times of war. Given the diverse terrain and requirements of different battlefields, it’s essential for players to train their generals and military leaders to adapt to various situations. By swapping commanders, players can gain access to a broader range of experienced and skilled military personnel with high “Martial” abilities.

Instead of that, consider this: Players seeking to wage sea battles against new targets may find it advantageous to have a “Forder” commander who eliminates the hindrance on ships for disembarking. On the other hand, commanders with the “Unyielding Defender” trait can lessen casualties during land conflicts. In the realm of leadership, a “Flexible Leader” can weaken enemy fortifications, while an “Open Terrain Expert” grants advantages on diverse terrains. Lastly, for siege operations, having a commander with the “Military Engineer” trait can accelerate the process by 30 percent.

Siege Army Should Split From Main Armies Most Of The Time

Maximize Benefits By Splitting Resources

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

When discussing sieges in a game context, it can be advantageous for players with sufficient resources to divide their primary and siege forces. This tactic allows them to reap greater rewards. However, prior to splitting your armies, it’s important to build up your siege contingent as robustly as possible to expedite the sieging process without incurring excessive costs.

From a strategy enthusiast’s perspective, assigning a primary force for both guarding our rear and engaging the opposition in battle, while designating another specialized group to concentrate on objectives’ seizure, can be incredibly effective. This tactical maneuver keeps enemies at bay, allowing us to establish a robust defensive line that effectively wards off counterattacks.

Multiple Schemes Do Work

Better Two Than None At All

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

In the game, it’s clear that schemes play a significant role. To provide further clarification, let me note that players have the ability to simultaneously execute multiple schemes. For instance, they could be working on one scheme against an enemy while pursuing another scheme for their own benefit. This increases the potential opportunities for manipulating foes into serving their interests.

In simpler terms, players have the ability to plan an assassination and work on winning someone’s trust or affection all at once. This is particularly beneficial for players who excel in social maneuvers and have strong Spymasters to support their efforts.

Difficult Assassinations Are Not Impossible

Try The Assassination Anyway

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

For individuals harboring the desire to assassinate a powerful figure or one who is heavily protected, the sight of a supposedly low probability of success may deter them from carrying out their plan. Nonetheless, it’s important to remember that a “low” chance does not equate to an impossible feat – it merely signifies that the process of executing the assassination remains feasible.

Players may discover it beneficial to explore various approaches when planning to eliminate a strong character. For example, players could attempt to win over that character’s spymaster using a bait, enabling them to uncover vulnerabilities and enhance their assassination prospects. To locate such a vassal, players should examine the list of vassals in the Vassals tab, focusing on those with high “Intrigue” scores, while also seeking out the one with the strongest defense against hook fabrication.

Capitalize On The Spouse’s Support Mode

Choose A Spouse That Fills In A Weakness

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

As a dedicated gamer, I’ve noticed an intriguing aspect of the game’s politics: just like in real life, rulers have their spouses by their side in the inner circle. This feature mechanically translates into some perks for us, the players. In simpler terms, having a spouse in the game can boost my ruler’s stats – let’s call it the “Support Mode” bonus. This buff comes in handy during challenging situations where specific stats are crucial, such as gaining an edge in combat with a Martial bonus.

As a devoted player, I’d like to share an essential tip: don’t forget that you have the power to change which stat your spouse enhances for you. This flexibility allows me to adapt my strategy by switching my spouse’s Support Mode and focusing on the stat required for a particular objective. For intricate schemes, I can utilize the Intrigue boost. And when managing vassals or forming alliances, a Diplomacy boost comes in handy, enhancing my ruler’s fame and recognition.

Fabricate Claims On Counties First

Minimize Losses With County Claims

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

As a gamer in this captivating game, I can tell you that there’s an intriguing way for rulers to expand their territories without engaging in actual warfare. By making use of the “Claims” feature, they can officially legitimize rumors and bolster their authority in certain regions. The Bishop is a valuable ally in this process, enabling players to create Claims that may or may not solidify their rule over an area. And let me add, the beauty of Crusader Kings 3 lies in its flexibility. Players can opt to claim a humble county or even aim for a more substantial duchy.

To simplify matters, it’s beneficial for players to regularly make Claims on counties belonging to a duchy. At a certain stage, the bishop will present the player with an opportunity to claim the duchy itself. Monetarily speaking, this decision spares the player from spending Gold on creating Claims for the remaining counties. Additionally, instead of dealing with separate conflicts for each county, leading to lengthy truces between wars, players can focus on just fighting for control of that specific duchy.

Manage Vassal Titles Effectively

Avoid The Chances Of Hostile Vassal Factions

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

When a ruler amasses significant power during their rule, it’s normal for dissatisfied vassals with sufficient influence to band together and challenge the ruler. To prevent this, rulers can limit the power they grant to vassals in the first place. One effective method is to deny vassals their de jure titles, which are typically bestowed by granting them lands beyond their usual jurisdiction. An alternative approach is for rulers to award these titles instead to a ducal relative or a duke with a child, making the relative the direct liege of the vassal. This way, the vassal will have less incentive to rebel against the ruler.

If a player observes that their Duke or Count is building a powerful faction, they have the option to switch their fealty to a superior official instead. This move prevents the Duke or Count from creating hostile factions against the player due to the absence of a direct bloodline connection. Having Dukes oversee multiple Vassals and their titles de jure can be an effective strategy for reducing potential conflicts with the player.

Tap The Liege’s Court For Secrets

Take Time To Develop A Spymaster

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

As a passionate fan of this captivating game, I’d like to share a strategy with fellow vassals starting out on their journey. Keep a keen observation of your liege’s court to unearth hidden secrets. It’s essential to know that your liege often presides over the court in the company of a few other vassals, serving as councilors. To amplify your secret-seeking endeavors, consider waiting a couple of years. This timeframe will allow these influential court officials to create intrigues and secrets that could potentially benefit or harm us all.

To get the most out of being a Spymaster, players should take the long view and dedicate about ten years to refining this role. This will enable them to effectively amass as many secrets as possible. Furthermore, it’s recommended that players strive to join the ranks of more influential figures within the organization to expedite their secret-gathering process.

Use Sway Or Dread To Maintain Loyalty

Use Executions Properly

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

As a dedicated gamer, I’ve discovered a powerful way to secure loyalty in-game instead of relying on luck. By utilizing the game’s Sway or Dread mechanisms, players can actively strengthen their influence over specific areas. This strategy not only enhances the gaming experience but also helps prevent unwarranted conflicts throughout the journey.

As a passionate fan, I’d put it this way: When playing the game, I discover that effectively carrying out actions is the quickest method to instill fear, or Dread, in other characters. It’s recommended to maintain a group of pious captives in your jail and occasionally execute some of them when Dread levels dip. This strategy becomes essential during successions, as having an ample amount of Dread can help prevent factions from forming during the transition of power.

In contrast, Sway is a recommended personal scheme to give boosts regarding opinion. As such, it’s recommended for players to use Sway on their liege (if they’re a Vassal) and their own Vassals, their personal Bishop, and their Religious Head.

Remember Secrets, Intrigue, Schemes

Avoid Wars With Intrigue

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

As a seasoned strategy game player with countless hours spent on the throne in “Crusader Kings 3,” I can confidently assert that wars aren’t always about brandishing swords and charging into battlefields. Contrary to what many believe, most conflicts actually unfold long before soldiers are even drafted into the army.

As a seasoned game master with decades of experience under my belt, I firmly believe that uncovering the secrets and hidden agendas of other characters is an essential aspect of strategic gameplay. Over the years, I have witnessed countless players overlook this crucial element, only to find themselves at a disadvantage in the long run.

Careful With Trust After War

Prisoners May Be Traitors

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

As a gamer, I’ve learned that trust is a rare commodity in political games, especially when loyalties can shift rapidly and subjects can be turned against one another. In the heat of war, trust isn’t only put to the test through alliances and reinforcements, but also with prisoners. You see, a prisoner of war who makes it back home could be sent as a spy for the enemy, gathering valuable intel that could be used against you. So, be cautious when dealing with returned prisoners, as they might be trying to gather information for their former captors.

Players have the option to obtain prisoners through different methods, such as kidnapping or capturing in small battles. By doing so, they gain valuable time to try and win over these prisoners to their side before they are sent back to their original territories. This presents players with a potential leverage or bargaining chip when dealing with their adversaries.

Keep Incompetent Vassals In Line

Blackmail Incompetent Vassals

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

In the game “Crusader Kings 3,” rulers are supposed to oversee their realms with the help of loyal vassals. These vassals, including council members, are expected to effectively manage their territories and fulfill their responsibilities to support the player in governing. However, unpredictable elements like rules of succession and random events can result in vassals who are less than competent for the player to handle. Although it’s advisable for players to get rid of these ineffective vassals, they must be aware of their potential risks and benefits first.

As a seasoned ruler with years of experience under my belt, I can tell you that even an incompetent vassal holds some power over their territory. This is a bitter pill to swallow for any player striving for complete dominance over their realm. The discontented vassal, with the right alliances and support, can pose a significant threat to my rule.

Cripple Supply Lines

Eliminate Enemy Reinforcements

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

As a devoted fan of Sun Tzu’s wisdom, I believe that exploiting an enemy’s vulnerabilities is the key to achieving victory with minimal losses. In Crusader Kings 3, this concept translates to securing territories by identifying and targeting our enemies’ weaknesses. We can wear down an overconfident foe through persistent harassment, unsettle a complacent adversary by causing disruptions, or undermine a well-supplied enemy by starving them of resources. By capitalizing on their fears, we force them to stumble and ultimately surrender control over the land.

As a seasoned military strategist with years of battlefield experience under my belt, I strongly believe that the key to a successful war campaign lies not only in defeating the enemy but also in winning over their reinforcements. I’ve seen firsthand how crucial it is to weaken an enemy’s support system before engaging them in full-scale combat.

Spread The Bloodline

Consider A Matrilineal Marriage

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

In “Crusader Kings 3,” family power can be wielded through strategic marriage and succession. Marriage was a contentious issue in ancient times, as having an illegitimate heir could disrupt the established order among the nobility. Therefore, players should utilize their potential heirs to ensure their family’s continued influence. To maximize power, consider marrying into royal families that allow matrilineal marriages. This way, a player’s daughter (or even themselves, if they are female), can assume a position of authority in the upcoming generation.

In matrilineal families where multiple generations live together, players ought to guarantee the birth of grandsons or sons to secure their lineage. This enables their clan to expand its influence gradually and potentially rule over other realms.

Play As The Character

Roleplaying Adds To The Fun

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

In Crusader Kings 3, players have the ability to manage characters with distinct personalities and lifestyles that shape their skill sets. Grasping the essence of each lifestyle not only helps players effectively run their own realms but also provides insight into how other rulers behave, allowing for strategic interaction.

  • Diplomacy focuses on building relationships between people and between realms.
  • Martial focuses on warfare and combat.
  • Stewardship focuses on earning money, while Learning focuses on knowledge and religion.
  • Intrigue focuses on schemes and manipulation.

Players ought to keep in mind the concept of “Pressure” as well, which mounts whenever they act contrary to their values. It’s essential for them to remember the strategies their ruling group adopted as backup solutions for future application.

Decisions Should Affect Tomorrow, Not Today

Plan Things In Advance

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

In contrast to other strategy games, the Crusader Kings series allows players to manage entire dynasties instead of just ruling individually. Consequently, when the current monarch passes away, the game doesn’t conclude; it carries on as long as there is an heir. This fundamental concept remains consistent in Crusader Kings 3. Therefore, although the game mechanics may appear intricate, it’s essential for players to keep in mind that their choices will influence their successors rather than just their present position.

Based on my experiences working as a political advisor for several ruling families over the years, I strongly believe that adaptability is key to ensuring a smooth transition of power. Changes in religious and political systems should be designed with future heirs in mind, taking into account their unique personality traits and potential playstyles. This approach not only makes it easier for them to rule effectively but also reduces the likelihood of internal conflicts or instability within the dynasty. As someone who has witnessed firsthand the challenges that come with implementing reforms during times of generational change, I cannot stress enough how crucial it is for players to prepare well in advance and set the stage for a successful succession.

Secure The Capital First

A Stable Capital Builds A Better Future

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

As a Crusader Kings 3 gamer, I’d like to share this tip regarding inheritance and dynasties: my character’s lands are the ones that matter most in this context. You see, the majority of realms start the game with the Partition succession law. This means that after my demise, all eligible heirs will receive a portion of each type of title – County, Duchy, Kingdom, and Empire – in equal shares. Effectively, the primary heir stands to gain one of each kind of title.

Rulers could prioritize enhancing their capital’s prestige by allocating resources towards constructing new temples, cities, and essential infrastructure. Once achieved, they would then have the freedom to address other matters, given they have obtained control over those areas.

Make Life Easier For The Heir

Essentially Planning The Next Playthrough

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

Instead of just focusing on the capital, it’s beneficial for monarchs to make things as convenient as they can for their successors while they are still alive. A common practice is to establish a clear succession plan that favors the firstborn heir. For families with more than one child, rulers might consider assuming additional titles with lower ranks to distribute the titles equally among all offspring. If feasible, they could also expand their territory to cater to each child’s needs.

Rulers need to address potential issues with succession early on. If there are an excessive number of heirs, one can disinherit or eliminate rivals as an option. Conversely, having insufficient heirs can be remedied through recognizing bastards, enhancing fertility, or interchanging spouses or engaging in concubinage.

Satisfy Threats To Use Them In The Short-Term

Someone’s Rise To Power Can Be Beneficial

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

Based on my own experiences in both competitive environments and interpersonal relationships, I firmly believe that it is crucial for individuals to be mindful of how they handle active and potential threats. In essence, I’ve found that endeearing yourself to potential adversaries can make future conflicts less daunting and easier to resolve. This concept, often referred to as the old adage “keep your friends close, and your enemies closer,” holds true in many aspects of life. By building bridges rather than walls, you may find that potential threats become valuable allies or even disappear altogether. Of course, this doesn’t mean being naive or compromising your values – it simply means approaching potential conflicts with a mindset geared towards understanding and resolution, rather than confrontation.

As a seasoned strategy game player with years of experience under my belt, I’ve learned that sometimes it pays off to be cunning and tactical in managing my vassals. For instance, there are moments when a vassal may make a claim to a title below my rank. While it may seem counterintuitive to support someone who is not as powerful as me, I’ve found that this approach can be beneficial for several reasons.

Keep Allies Happy To Benefit In The Long-Term

Reduce The Chances Of Threats

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

Instead of just focusing on potential threats, players should also monitor their allies and prospective allies closely. By checking their faction screen, players can identify any issues or complaints from their Vassals towards them. It’s advisable to stay informed about your allies’ current sentiments to prevent unexpected uprisings later in the game.

In addition, it’s important for players to maintain similar beneficial connections between their heirs and the allies of their predecessors. Keep in mind that alliances and influence often disappear upon a ruler’s death. To address this issue, consider arranging strategic marriages between your children and powerful families or releasing imprisoned vassals to secure new alliances with them.

Let Vassals Do The Work

Maximize The Benefits Of Same Religion

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

In the game “Crusader Kings 3,” a ruler’s counties may have varying attitudes towards their leadership based on their religious and cultural differences. Fortunately, the Steward and Realm Priest can promote the ruler’s faith and culture to unaligned counties, though this may result in some resistance.

As a devoted player, I’ve discovered an effective way to facilitate religious conversions in my realm using Vassals. Instead of personally dealing with every county, I can delegate this task to trusted Vassals. For counties that align with their faith, players can appoint these Vassals as rulers. In return, the Vassals can be compelled to convert to the player’s religion, which automatically converts all their controlled counties. This approach is particularly successful when the player enjoys a strong bond or influence over the chosen Vassal. By utilizing this method, I can ensure smooth conversions without causing unrest among my subjects.

Let Rivals Do The Work

Plan The Succession of An Incompetent Ruler

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

War isn’t the sole solution for defeating a competitor. At times, subtler strategies can lead your rival to self-destruction. For instance, when attempting to seize territory from a seasoned leader, it may not be feasible to manufacture false claims against them. Instead of confronting them directly, players could instigate the downfall of that leader, paving the way for an inexperienced successor.

Players have the opportunity to build alliances with the new ruler’s vassals, aiming to cause unrest within their court. Over time, these vassals could potentially stage a rebellion against the ineffective ruler. Furthermore, players can encourage a vassal to wage war for a particular territory. Subsequently, they can present a false claim to take control of that land without appearing oppressive.

War Is Expensive And Meticulous

Check If A Land Is Worth Fighting For

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

As an avid fan of “Crusader Kings 3,” I can tell you that declaring war isn’t as simple as it may seem. In this game, I must have a valid reason or claim, be it inherited or fabricated, to wage war over a specific territory. Additionally, there are various factors I need to take into account before making my move.

Based on my years of experience as a seasoned ruler, I cannot stress enough the significance of carefully considering one’s decisions regarding wars and territorial claims. As someone who has seen firsthand the far-reaching consequences of both victories and defeats, I can attest to the fact that a war can indelibly impact one’s reputation.

Enemies Can Do Schemes, Too

Take Note Of Potential Schemes Against The Character

Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule

In Crusader Kings 3, it’s important for players to keep abreast of both basic tactics and intricate plots they intend to execute. Bear in mind that other players could also manipulate the game by fabricating claims or extracting Favors from captives. Consequently, having a greater influence over rival characters enhances your ability to carry out schemes and defend against theirs.

As a seasoned player with years of experience under my belt, I strongly advise my fellow strategists to consider investing in the “Truth Is Relative” perk for easier management of false claims when collaborating with a spymaster. It’s a game-changer that can save you from unnecessary conflicts and potential losses.

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2024-07-16 12:56