Cyberpunk 2077: All Snipers, Ranked

As a seasoned mercenary who’s seen more than my fair share of firefights and close calls, I can confidently say that these Sniper Rifles are nothing short of marvelous. Each one has its unique charm and utility that could make even the greenest rookie feel like a pro.

Sniper Rifles can be a handy weapon to carry in Cyberpunk 2077, and those who know where to look can find a total of 8 Iconic Sniper Rifles to add to their collection on V’s stash wall, and to use against some of the biggest threats in Night City and Dogtown. Snipers are a grand time thanks to their high Critical Hit damage, and they’re made even better thanks to a set of Iconic Modifiers.

In the game Cyberpunk 2077, the top-tier Snipers come with a unique mix of skills and enhancements that set them apart from other types of weapons. If you aspire to be an elite marksman in Night City, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the right weapon for your playstyle and learn where to locate it.

8. O’Five

Set Enemies on Fire with Explosive Bullets at the Cost of Movement

Type Power
Attack Speed 0.4
Damage 612
Reload Speed 3
Effective Range 40
Weapon Handling 3.4
Magazine Size 3
  • +50% Armor Penetration
  • +50% Crit Damage
  • +40% Burn Chance
  • Significantly reduces movement speed and jump height
  • Provides sprinting, dodging, and dashing
Iconic Modifier Set your enemies alight thanks to explosive-packed bullets. The more enemies burning at once, the faster you reload and the higher your Crit Chance.

The O’Five rifle stands out as a noteworthy Power Sniper Rifle, particularly due to its unique traits that convert it into a railgun-like weapon. Despite being entertaining because of its powerful explosive rounds, it falls short compared to other snipers in terms of the headshot multiplier. Additionally, while a quicker reload from defeated enemies is a plus, it’s important to note that users are forced to move at a slow pace when wielding this weapon.

7. Borzaya

A Burn-Dealing Crit-Loving Sniper with Great Damage and Poor Accuracy

Type Power
Attack Speed 0.4
Damage 234
Reload Speed 3
Effective Range 69
Weapon Handling 3.4
Magazine Size 5
  • +200% Headshot Damage Multiplier
  • +50% Armor Penetration
  • +50% Burn Chance
  • Fires explosive rounds
Iconic Modifier Grants a chance to inflict a unique burn on the enemy. Shooting an enemy affected by this burn always deals Crit Damage. The more enemies simultaneously affected by this burn, the more Crit Damage you deal but at the cost of accuracy.
  • How to Get Borzaya: Found within an Airdrop in the Brave Atlas, Golden Pacific, Dogtown (Phantom Liberty)

The Borzaya stands out in certain aspects within the Sniper Rifle class, as it has a chance to ignite foes, causing them to take Critical damage. This damage intensifies when additional enemies are also on fire. Unfortunately, its lower accuracy and balancing act of keeping enemies ablaze while maintaining their health isn’t suitable for a Sniper role, even though Johnny encourages V to set the city alight.

6. Sparky

Electrocute Enemies with Lethal Headshots

Type Power
Attack Speed 0.4
Damage 275
Reload Speed 2.7
Effective Range 83
Weapon Handling 3.8
Magazine Size 4
  • +250% Headshot Damage Multiplier
  • +50% Armor Penetration
  • +30% Shock Chance
Iconic Modifier Rounds fired from this weapon emit electric bolts on each headshots.
  • How to Get Sparky: Inside the Cache from Increased Criminal Activity: SCAVENGERS in ESC Explorer, Terra Cognita (Phantom Liberty)

If players prefer a high voltage gaming experience, they might want to consider the Sparky Sniper Rifle. With each headshot, it delivers a shock, making the targeted enemies electrically charged. Although this weapon doesn’t have any unique features otherwise, the thrill of zapping enemies left and right makes it quite exciting!

5. Foxhound

The Faster You Move, the More Damage You Deal

Type Tech
Attack Speed 1.8
Damage 173
Reload Speed 2
Effective Range 90
Weapon Handling 6.1
Magazine Size 3
  • +300% Headshot Damage Multiplier
  • +75% Armor Penetration
  • 1 sec Charge Time
  • Can be charged from hip-fire
Iconic Modifier Gain increased movement speed on kills and dismemberments. The faster you move, the more damage you deal. BARGHEST weapons also gain increased Armor Penetration.
  • Scope
  • How to Get Foxhound: Random chance to be looted from Airdrops (Phantom Liberty)

If you’re someone who finds it hard to stay put, the Foxhound Sniper Rifle could be perfect for you. It syncs well with the rapid movement and action-packed gameplay of Cyberpunk 2077. The more you keep moving, the greater the damage your weapon inflicts. Plus, each kill or dismemberment boosts your speed even further, making it a weapon that thrives on constant motion and frequent battles.

4. NDI Osprey

An Explosive Hip-Firing Sniper

Type Power
Attack Speed 2.9
Damage 121
Reload Speed 4
Effective Range 60
Weapon Handling 7.2
Magazine Size 12
  • +200% Headshot Damage Multiplier
  • +50% Armor Penetration
  • Slightly reduced movement speed
  • Full auto when fired from the hip
Iconic Modifier Fires a powerful series of explosive rounds. Headshot increases damage from hip firing. Neutralizing multiple enemies increases reload speed and chance to apply Burning.
  • How to Get NDI Osprey: Found inside a weapon case in Alena Xenakis’ safe house in Birds with Broken Wings (Phantom Liberty)

If players want something more like a marksman rifle than a Sniper, then look to the NDI Osprey, an oversized Sniper that can be fired from the hip, with the added benefit of being fired in full auto. While movement speed may be reduced, the explosive rounds, headshot damage, and potential for fast reloads on a hip-firing death-providing monster are too good to ignore.

3. Rasetsu

Charged Rounds Can Bend Trajectory and Hit Multiple Enemies

Type Tech
Attack Speed 0.8
Damage 221
Reload Speed 3.6
Effective Range 90
Weapon Handling 4.5
Magazine Size 3
  • +300% Headshot Damage Multiplier
  • +50% Armor Penetration
  • 1.5 sec Charge Time
  • Cannot penetrate cover
Iconic Modifier Charged rounds now penetrate through enemies and will bend their trajectory to hit multiple enemies simultaneously.
  • How to Get Rasetsu: Automatically claimed during You Know My Name (Phantom Liberty)

One could wonder if people are familiar with Air Benders, but have they encountered the concept of bullet benders? Rasetsu offers an unusual find, presenting a Distinctive Tech Sniper Rifle capable of charging shots to pass through adversaries, causing them to bend and strike multiple foes simultaneously. It’s essentially a railgun that possesses a powerful kick, with headshot damage that stands out dramatically.

2. Overwatch

Built-in Silencer and Increased Reload Speed

Type Power
Attack Speed 0.4
Damage 193
Reload Speed 2.6
Effective Range 90
Weapon Handling 4.5
Magazine Size 5
  • +300% Headshot Damage Multiplier
  • +50% Armor Penetration
Iconic Modifier Increases reload speed. Comes with a custom silencer.
  • How to Get Overwatch: Automatically given by Panam after Riders on the Storm

From the well-known Panam Palmer, Overwatch is a Sniper weapon that’s definitely worth having in your arsenal for several key reasons. Firstly, it’s an ideal Sniper due to its built-in silencer, making it perfect for stealth operations. Secondly, its quicker reload speed gives a smoother feel to its bolt-action firing, and lastly, the damage multiplier for headshots is nothing to underestimate.

1. Breakthrough

A Sniper Rifle That Can Shoot Through Walls

Type Tech
Attack Speed 1.7
Damage 151
Reload Speed 2
Effective Range 90
Weapon Handling 5.7
Magazine Size 4
  • +300% Headshot Damage Multiplier
  • +100% Armor Penetration
  • 1.25 sec Charge Time
  • Can be charged from hip-fire
Iconic Modifier Allows rounds to penetrate through walls without being charged, after which they can ricochet multiple times.
  • How to Get Breakthrough: Dropped as a Crafting Spec from Olga in New Boss, New Rules

There’s no greater annoyance than an enemy trying to hide from the power of a Sniper Rifle. Fortunately, this particular Sniper ignores conventional rules about cover and is always ready to move forward to take a shot that can pierce walls. This ability to penetrate through cover means that charged shots can bounce off surfaces, creating a deadly battlefield for most characters other than V, especially considering the high damage of headshots.

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2024-12-05 16:54