DbD Killer Perks That Will Always Be Useful

DbD Killer Perks That Will Always Be Useful

Key Takeaways

  • Discordance provides valuable survivor location info for any killer, especially those with high mobility.
  • Lethal Pursuer offers incredible value for quick-starting killers, enhancing aura-reading meta perks in Dead by Daylight.
  • Nowhere to Hide proves to be a powerful, simple perk for killer builds, granting free wall hacks near generators without being overpowered.

As a seasoned survivor of countless nights in the horrors of “Dead By Daylight”, I’ve seen my fair share of perks that can make the game a nail-biting, heart-pounding experience – both for better and for worse. Among these, Bamboozle is one that has always left me scratching my head.

In Dead By Daylight, there are 124 different abilities (perks) that the 37 available characters can make use of. These perks span from basic effects like damaging generators to more eccentric ones where characters can pass their fear aura onto a survivor. Just as in any game, some perks prove to be more effective because their fundamental function and reliability outperform others.

These advantages have held their ground in the game mechanics for quite some time now, and it’s doubtful they will lose their prominence anytime soon. They are either exceptionally powerful across the board or offer crucial benefits to specific categories of killers.

1 Discordance

Sniff Out Groups Of Survivors

DbD Killer Perks That Will Always Be Useful
Released11 December 2018
Unique toThe Legion
Type of perkAura-reading
EffectGenerators in the radius of 64/96/128 meters are marked with a yellow aura if two or more survivors are working on it. When it is marked for the first time, a loud noise notification is triggered. When the generator is no longer in the radius or is being worked on by only one survivor, the yellow aura will last for four more seconds.

The advantage that Discordance offers to killers is very useful. Since its introduction, it has consistently been a key factor in gameplay strategies (meta). It’s particularly effective when teamed with mobile killers like Hillbilly, Nurse, Legion, and Oni, but it’s also beneficial for any killer because it reveals the location of survivors.

In simpler terms, using Discordance can help disrupt generator-focused strategies by allowing killers to identify potential survivor locations on the map. Since its introduction five years ago, this perk has consistently provided value and is unlikely to undergo significant nerfs due to not being overpowered or frustrating for survivors.

2 Lethal Pursuer

Start Chases Immediately

DbD Killer Perks That Will Always Be Useful
Released15 June 2021
Unique toThe Nemesis
Type of perkAura-reading
EffectThe auras of all survivors are revealed for 7/8/9 seconds at the start of the match. The duration of survivor auras being revealed by any means is extended by two seconds.

An ideal choice for aggressive killers seeking an exciting trial commencement is the Lethal Pursuer perk. This feature allows players to identify survivor locations at the game’s onset, offering a significant advantage for swift-moving killers. Additionally, Lethal Pursuer prolongs the aura-reading period of related perks like Barbecue and Chilli, making it even more popular in the current meta.

The relentless hunter, Lethal Pursuer, consistently offers significant worth, except when the survivor possesses the Distortion perk. Over time, its core mechanics have remained largely unchanged, making it highly unlikely for this formidable asset to lose its significance in the immediate future.

3 Nowhere To Hide

Consistent And Easy To Use

DbD Killer Perks That Will Always Be Useful
Released22 November 2022
Unique toThe Knight
Type of perkAura-reading
EffectThe auras of survivors in a radius of 24 meters are revealed for 3/4/5 seconds when kicking a generator.

The most recent advantage on the list, “Nowhere to Hide,” has consistently maintained its strength since it was introduced. In any match of “Dead By Daylight,” every killer will inevitably attack generators. Consequently, being able to spot survivors hiding near generators is a significant advantage.

In addition to regular play, players might find wall-penetrating abilities (referred to as ‘wall hacks’) available for free during pursuits near generators. A useful and practical perk called “Nowhere to Hide” is another option worth considering. This perk can be used effectively with most killers in the game. Furthermore, it maintains a balanced power level, ensuring it remains an appropriate choice without becoming too dominant or falling out of favor (referred to as ‘meta’).

4 Deadlock

Buys Invaluable Time

DbD Killer Perks That Will Always Be Useful
Released7 September 2021
Unique toThe Cenobite
Type of perkGenerator stalling
EffectWhenever a generator is repaired, the generator with the most progression on the map is blocked for 15/20/25 seconds. This generator is revealed with a white aura.

Deadlock, similar to Lethal Pursuer and Nowhere to Hide, is a highly dependable perk with minimal drawbacks. Although it may halt the generator that players would prefer to activate, it provides ample opportunity for them to build upon their advantage or regain momentum in the game.

In any given role, especially that of a killer, Deadlock functions flawlessly due to the importance of time sensitivity. Over the course of the game, Deadlock has been consistently present within the strategy of generator stalling, maintaining its position as one of the top and highly effective killer perks.

5 Corrupt Intervention

Ensure A Strong Start To The Match

DbD Killer Perks That Will Always Be Useful
Released19 March 2019
Unique toThe Plague
Type of perkGenerator stalling
EffectThe three generators located farthest away from the killer are blocked at the start of the match for 80/100/120 seconds. This effect ends early if a survivor is downed.

As a seasoned gamer, let me tell you that Corrupt Intervention is hands down the most game-changing generator stalling perk I’ve ever encountered. Ever since it hit the scene, this bad boy has never lost its edge and remains a formidable force in the game. The ability to block three generators at the beginning of a trial gives killers an unbelievable advantage, buying them precious time and enabling them to exert subtle pressure across the map. Plus, it functions as a tracking perk because killers can easily zero in on specific generators to catch survivors off guard. It’s a game-changer for sure!

Despite being adjusted, Corrupt Intervention continues to be a useful choice for any killer. Earlier time in the game can significantly benefit all killers, setting them up for a successful hunt from the start, as previously discussed.

6 Bamboozle

A Must-Have for M1 Killers

DbD Killer Perks That Will Always Be Useful
Released12 June 2018
Unique toThe Clown
Type of perkChasing
EffectVaulting a window blocks it for 8/12/16 seconds. Survivors cannot vault over these windows. Additionally, the killer’s vaulting speed is increased by 5/10/15%. Only one window can be blocked at a time. Vaulting over pallets does not activate Bamboozle.

In essence, the Bamboozze perk isn’t the least effective one overall; it’s quite potent in specific scenarios. It’s a game-changer for certain killers, but not so much for others who have better mobility or rely more on special attacks (M2). For killers that struggle with movement and primarily use basic attacks (M1), such as Leatherface, Wraith, Clown, Onryo, and Freddy, Bamboozle is a valuable asset to help them break loops.

For quite some time, Bamboozle has consistently been one of the premier perks. Its hidden advantage – an extra boost in vault speed – often goes unnoticed. Even skilled survivors can outmaneuver a killer by using Bamboozle and jumping through every window. However, when used tactfully, this perk can abruptly end chases. Due to its unique function without causing frustration for the opposing team, it’s unlikely that Bamboozle will be adjusted or nerfed.

7 Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance

The Best Scourge Hook Perk In The Game

DbD Killer Perks That Will Always Be Useful
Released30 November 2021
Unique toThe Artist
Type of perkGenerator regression
EffectFour Scourge Hooks are spawned on the map and revealed with a white aura. This perk starts with four tokens. Whenever a survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook, this perk applies the following:

  • The generator with the highest progress explodes and regresses by 10/15/20% of its total progression.
  • Afterward, normal generator regression is applied.
  • Survivors repairing the affected generator will scream but will not reveal their location.

Although there have been some adjustments, Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance remains the preferred choice for most killers seeking a generator regression perk. Even though it’s not as dominant as before, Pain Resonance continues to pose significant challenges for survivors.

In the game Dead By Daylight, killers have the ability to heavily penalize generators up to four times during a match, which can give them extra time to focus on other parts of the map while also having a survivor trapped on a hook. However, it’s important to note that the location where Scourge Hooks appear is random, which could potentially be a disadvantage. Pain Resonance, at present, is quite balanced and unlikely to undergo significant changes soon, making it an extremely useful perk for all killers in Dead By Daylight.

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2024-10-20 09:34