Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

As a seasoned survivor of many a blood-soaked chase, I must say that these add-ons for The Dark Lord are indeed quite intriguing. The Blood-Filled Goblet, while not as potent as its rare brethren, is certainly a useful tool to boost those Pounces when playing as the beastly lord of the night.

2024 sees the addition of the iconic game Castlevania to the roster of licensed properties in Dead by Daylight. Introducing none other than The Dark Lord, Dracula, a relentless and shape-shifting Killer. He can stalk his victims as a Bat or chase them down as a Wolf. To keep Survivors guessing, some strong abilities (certain powerful perks) could sway the outcome of a game in your favor.

This guide will showcase top-tier Dracula’s optimal builds in Dead by Daylight, offering both veterans and beginners beneficial perks and accessories. Armed with these configurations, The Dark Lord can exert his vampiric supremacy throughout the game realm.

The Dark Lord: Best Beginner Build (2024)

This build is designed for players who don’t have the DLC Killers; it exclusively employs the perks of ‘The Dark Lord’ along with those that come as standard in the basic game.

With Dracula’s Curse: Wretched End, you can severely hamper the Obsession’s progress on generators and hinder survivors’ healing with Sloppy Butcher; Hex: No One Escapes Death will also initiate during the final phase to increase your kill count. Lastly, Spies from the Shadows enables you to monitor nearby survivors when they agitate crows, a perk that activates even in Bat Form.

  • Hex: Wretched Fate (The Dark Lord) – After the first generator is repaired, a Hex Totem lights up. For as long as the Hex Totem stands, the Obsession receives a 33% penalty to generator repair speeds. The aura of this Hex Totem is revealed to the Obsession within 12 meters.
  • Sloppy Butcher (General Perk) – Basic attacks inflict the Mangled and Hemorrhage status ailments for 90 seconds, slowing down healing by 25% and regressing healing progress when left unfinished.
  • Hex: No One Escapes Death (General Perk) – After the final generator is completed, all Survivors suffer from the Exposed status ailment, and you gain a 4% Haste effect until the Hex Totem is cleansed.
  • Spies From the Shadows (General Perk) – When within 36 meters of a crow startled by a Survivor, you gain a loud noise notification.

The Dark Lord: Best Build (2024)

As a gamer, I find that Dracula’s Hellfire might seem formidable due to its ability to pass through windows and isolate Survivors. However, it’s in his other forms where The Dark Lord truly shines. With Corrupt Intervention, I can subtly slow down the initial pace of the game and hinder cross-map generator progress. By employing The Artist’s Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance and The Clown’s Pop Goes the Weasel, I can further delay progress with their potent regression abilities. Lastly, The Clown’s Bamboozle enhances my capacity to keep Survivors at bay and land hits while transforming into Wolf Form.

  • Corrupt Intervention (The Plague) – At the start of the trial, the three generators furthest from your starting location are blocked for 120 seconds (or until the first Survivor is downed).
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance (The Artist) – You start the trial with four tokens. For each new Survivor hooked on a white Scourge Hook, lose one token and explode the generator with the most progress, causing it to regress by 20%.
  • Pop Goes the Weasel (The Clown) – For 45 seconds after hooking a Survivor, damaging a generator will remove 20% of its current progress.
  • Bamboozle (The Clown) – Your vault speed is increased by 15%, and performing a vault will block the window for 16 seconds.

The Dark Lord: Best Add-Ons Tier List

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

The remainder of this guide focuses on the top reinforcements for the antagonist in the game Castlevania, ranked from least effective to most potent. Using these enhancement options will help you reach peak Dracula power and ascend to the title of relentless slayer within Dead by Daylight.

Tier Add-On Name Add-On Description
S Killer Doll Increased Pounce charge per Scent Orb
Force of Echo Increased Scent Orb drop rate
A Traveller’s Hat Reduced post-Shapeshift attack cooldown
Clock Tower Gear Reduced Shapeshift cooldown
B Warg’s Fang Survivors’ auras revealed after grabbing their Scent Orbs
Blood Filled Goblet Increased duration of Scent Orbs
Sylph Feather Reduced Hellfire cooldown with each pallet break
Ruby Circlet Reduced Hellfire cooldown
Winged Boots Increased Teleport distance
Alucard’s Shield Exit gates consumed by pillars of flame
C Cube of Zoe Surrounded by pillars of flame each time a generator is finished
Lapis Lazuli Windows Teleported to are blocked
Medusa’s Hair Survivors close to a Teleport are Hindered
Moonstone Necklace Reduced Terror Radius in Vampire and Wolf Form
D White Wolf Medallion Increased Killer Instinct on nearby fast vaults in Wolf Form
Pocket Watch Reset Teleport cooldown after pallet/wall break
Magical Ticket Increased Teleport speed
Cerberus Talon Scent Orbs seen from twice the distance
F Iridescent Ring of Vlad Homing effect on Hellfire at a reduced distance
Sunglasses Increased Hellfire distance at an increased charge time

20. Sunglasses (F Tier)

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

These Sunglasses seem more harmful than helpful. The additional yard of Hellfire range doesn’t compensate for the 25% longer charging period, which might lead to missed shots.

19. Iridescent Ring Of Vlad (F Tier)

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

Unfortunately, the Iridescent Ring of Vlad’s homing ability is too faint, causing a decreased range for the Hellfire spell.

18. Cerberus Talon (D Tier)

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

In the form of a wolf, the Common Cerberus Talon isn’t very effective. While pursuing survivors, you gather Scent Orbs, but it’s best not to stray too much from your path when collecting them, or else you might lose ground on them.

17. Magical Ticket (D Tier)

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

Similar to how the Demogorgon’s rat tail seems out of place, this additional feature feels underwhelming. Compared to the agility granted by the Winged Boots, the extra teleport speed provided by the Magical Ticket offers minimal time reduction.

16. Pocket Watch (D Tier)

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

In the role of Dracula, it’s more fitting for you to teleport to distant locations rather than traveling through traditional means, which might hinder Survivors. Since you’ll mostly be in Bat Form, it’s unlikely that you’ll break pallets frequently. The reduction in cooldown from the add-on isn’t substantial enough to make breaking pallets a common strategy in your gameplay.

15. White Wolf Medallion (D Tier)

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

As a gamer, I’ve got to say that this add-on isn’t exactly top-notch. The Wolf Form’s additional Killer Instinct might be somewhat useful for tracking enemies, but its effectiveness is just too unpredictable. On the other hand, the Ghost Face’s perk, I’m All Ears, seems to provide a much more reliable value and tracking experience.

14. Moonstone Necklace (C Tier)

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

This Unusual Vampiric Shift supplement is quite specialized. It’s not very effective unless combined with perks that reduce Terror Radius like Monitor and Abuse. Additionally, it’s advisable to move towards distant Survivors while in Bat Form as it offers a faster approach.

13. Medusa’s Hair (C Tier)

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

This extra feature has a noticeable impact and allows you to strike survivors who are near hooks or generators when teleporting. Yet, because the Bat Form doesn’t allow for swift transformation, it isn’t particularly beneficial during pursuits.

12. Lapis Lazuli (C Tier)

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

Much like The Clown’s tricky maneuver known as Bamboozle, the Lapis Lazuli can surprise Survivors with free hits when they least expect it. However, similar to Medusa’s hair, its effectiveness is highly dependent on the situation and it can be challenging to extract value from it during a chase.

11. Cube Of Zoe (C Tier)

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

The Cube of Zoe is tantalizing but inconsistent. Since you can’t control when a generator is finished, this ability is unlikely to proc at a useful time, and the pillars of flame can be dodged. Still, if you’re lucky, this add-on can get you otherwise unobtainable injuries.

10. Alucard’s Shield (B Tier)

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

Similar to Zoe’s Cube, this Ultra Rare accessory is full of chaos and fun, but not extremely potent. Although it may help you secure a kill at the exit gates, it doesn’t offer significant advantage in most regular games as Alucard’s Shield isn’t very effective in average matches.

9. Winged Boots (B Tier)

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

To aid in calculating inter-map distances, The Dark Lord’s Bat form is unprecedented. Wearing the Winged Boots extends your Teleport range, making it easier to access remote power generators a bit quicker.

8. Ruby Circlet (B Tier)

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

The Ruby Circlet isn’t bad for its common rarity, though it’s outclassed by the Sylph Feather. Nevertheless, the reduced Hellfire cooldown can be helpful.

7. Sylph Feather (B Tier)

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

In a harmonious manner, the Sylph Feather works exceptionally well with an unconventional structure and the Ruby Circlet, significantly decreasing Dracula’s Hellfire cooldown time. Although effective, this accessory has its limitations due to Hellfire’s shortcomings; rapid cooldowns can only do so much in taking down Survivors. To overcome these difficulties, frequently transform into Wolf Form in areas where Hellfire is less advantageous.

6. Blood-Filled Goblet (B Tier)

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

In pursuit, it’s usually best to grab Scent Orbs, but the Blood-Filled Goblet can be an effective method for accumulating additional Pounces while transformed into a Wolf. However, it may not be as potent as its Rare equivalents.

5. Warg’s Fang (B Tier)

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

Using the Warg’s Fang add-on can be particularly handy when you frequently transform into Wolf Form while chasing survivors. Reading an enemy’s aura is always advantageous, as it assists in outsmarting survivors at loops, although it tends to be somewhat unreliable overall.

4. Clock Tower Gear (A Tier)

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

Mastering the speed at which you transition among forms is a significant advantage, especially when managing your abilities’ cooldowns and adapting to The Dark Lord’s various, rhythmic skill sets.

3. Traveler’s Hat (A Tier)

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

Among The Dark Lord’s top accessories, the Traveler’s Hat grants you an early 10% attack advantage upon exiting a shapeshift. This feature proves crucial for inflicting swift wounds when transforming between forms, making it an excellent investment given its Uncommon rarity.

2. Force Of Echo (S Tier)

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

Wolf Form is The Dark Lord’s most versatile and powerful shape, allowing you to Pounce on Survivors from great distances, zoning and injuring them. The Force of Echo makes Survivors drop Scent Orbs 17% sooner, meaning you get your Pounces back quicker. More Scent Orbs also means more Haste buffs as you run down your prey.

1. Killer Doll (S Tier)

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds For The Dark Lord (Dracula)

The Killer Doll serves as Dracula’s top-tier enhancement, particularly when combined with the Force of Echo. This setup significantly speeds up your power recovery by granting a 50% boost in Pounce charge whenever you grab a Scent Orb. Consequently, this rapid power regeneration intensifies the pressure on Survivors during pursuits, as your power returns quickly. The enhanced frequency of Pounces reduces the consequences of missed attacks and allows for more frequent zoning and injuring of Survivors.

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2024-08-29 07:14