Dead by Daylight: Best Builds for The Hag

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds for The Hag

As a long-time Dead by Daylight player and a dedicated Hag main, I can confidently say that the add-ons she wields are not just mere cosmetics but essential tools to enhance her unique playstyle. Having spent countless hours in the swampy realm of The Hag, I’ve come to appreciate her add-ons for their subtle yet impactful buffs.

In the popular game “Dead by Daylight,” The Hag is among the least frequently used killers due to her challenging nature and steep learning curve. Equipped with the capacity to place Phantasm Traps around the map, The Hag can instantly teleport to any activated trap within a 40-meter range. This feature enables her to apply substantial pressure on Survivors at a distance and keeps them constantly on edge.

In this “Dead by Daylight” handbook, we’ll demonstrate some top-performing perks ideal for The Hag, encompassing both instructable and inherent perks that complement her abilities.

The Hag: Best Build (2024)

Using perks from The Artist, The Trickster, and The Plague, this build is designed to hinder generator repair and escalate tension for a fatal finale in the late game.

  • Corrupt Intervention (The Plague) – At the start of the trial, the three generators furthest from the killer’s starting location are blocked for 120 seconds or until the first survivor is downed.
  • Hex: No One Escapes Death (General Perk) – After the final generator is completed, all survivors suffer from the Exposed status ailment and users gain a four percent Haste effect until the Hex Totem is cleansed.
  • No Way Out (The Trickster) – At the end of the trial when a survivor interacts with an exit gate, users will receive a noise notification, and the exit gates will be blocked for 12 seconds, plus another 12 seconds for each survivor hooked.
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance (The Artist) – The Killer starts with four tokens. For each different Survivor hooked on a white Scourge Hook, lose one token and explode the generator with the most progress, causing it to lose 25% of progress.

The Hag: Best Beginner Build (2024)

For new players or those without additional content for “Dead by Daylight,” this character build effectively utilizes the Hag’s unique native perks. Hex: Ruin can decelerate generator progress, while Hex: The Third Seal causes temporary blindness to Survivors.

  • Hex: The Third Seal (The Hag) – After hitting a Survivor, that Survivor is inflicted with the Blindness status effect until the Hex Totem is cleansed. This effect can be active on all four Survivors at once.
  • Hex: Ruin (The Hag) – As long as the Hex Totem remains standing, all Survivors not working on progressed generators will immediately begin to regress. This effect is removed once the first Survivor is killed.
  • Sloppy Butcher (General Perk) – Basic attacks cause the Mangled and Hemorrhage status ailments, slowing down healing by 25% and regressing healing progress when left unfinished.
  • Hex: No One Escapes Death (General Perk) – After the final generator is completed, all survivors suffer from the Exposed status ailment and users gain a four percent Haste effect until the Hex Totem is cleansed.

The Hag: Best Add-Ons

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds for The Hag

Although the Hag is considered a less powerful and less favored Killer, her add-ons provide significant enhancements to her ability to monitor and control territory. In this section of the guide, we’ll discuss the Hag’s most effective add-ons, listed in order from least to most rare.

Rope Necklace

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds for The Hag

The Rope Necklace, which is a typical addition, enhances the rate at which The Hag sets her traps slightly. This minor advantage can be beneficial for swiftly capturing loops and maintaining pressure on Survivors.

Dead Fly Mud

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds for The Hag

A somewhat larger area can be covered by The Hag’s teleportation with the addition of The Dead Fly Mud, enabling her to move further away from her network of traps without being confined to it, thus continuing to pose a threat to those setting off the alarms.

Pussy Willow Catkins

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds for The Hag

As a Dead by Daylight gamer, I can tell you that getting teleported to a Phantasm Trap can be quite confusing, especially for beginners like me. But don’t worry, every experienced player has been there! The Pussy Willow Catkins, which appears when a Survivor triggers one of The Hag’s traps, helps clarify things by revealing the auras of those Survivors for a brief 3 seconds. With this information, I can better predict their next moves as they try to escape the Phantasm’s reach.

Dragonfly Wings

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds for The Hag

A enhanced form of Dead Fly Mud, named Dragonfly Wings, expands The Hag’s teleportation capacity by approximately one quarter (25%) the original range. Since The Hag is limited to teleporting to traps within a 48-meter radius by default, using multiple Dragonfly Wings can broaden your strategic options on the map.

Cypress Necklet

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds for The Hag

As a fan of the game, I can tell you that the Cypress Necklace, similar to the Rope Necklace, boosts trap-setting speed by an impressive 15%. With The Hag’s recent buffs, the quicker setting speeds translate to deadlier traps and less hassle overall.

Willow Wreath

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds for The Hag

As a gamer, I can tell you that the Willow Wreath is an upgraded version of the Pussy Willow Catkins for me in the game. Instead of just revealing the auras of those setting off traps for a brief moment, the Willow Wreath makes those auras visible for five whole seconds. I know it might not seem like much, but trust me, this additional time can make a huge difference in my strategy.

Swamp Orchid Necklet

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds for The Hag

With the Swamp Orchid Necklet, trap setting speeds are buffed by 20%.

Dried Cicada

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds for The Hag

The Dried Cicada grants The Hag an extended teleportation reach, accumulating which allows her to traverse the entire map.

Cracked Turtle Egg

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds for The Hag

An excellent enhancement for chases, the Cracked Turtle Egg prolongs Phantasm Traps’ active duration by approximately one-third, enabling you to relocate to them more frequently during pursuits. This comes in handy when trying to contain Survivors in chase and activating traps situated at a distance while engaged with other Survivors.

Rusty Shackles

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds for The Hag

The Rusty Shackles, The Hag’s top accessory, render Phantasm Traps absolutely silent. This feature significantly enhances The Hag’s ability to approach Survivors undetected, as they remain oblivious to the triggered trap.

Mint Rag

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds for The Hag

For Hag players looking to pursue chase tactics rather than focusing on specific generators across the map, consider using the Mint Rag add-on. This perk enables The Hag to instantly move to any trap site on the map, but at the expense of a longer cooldown period.

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2024-07-24 02:24