Dead By Daylight References You Might Miss in Casting Of Frank Stone

Dead By Daylight References You Might Miss in Casting Of Frank Stone

Key Takeaways

  • The Casting of Frank Stone has both obvious and subtle Dead By Daylight references, like red scratch marks and a smiley face pin.
  • Players may miss easter eggs such as creepy TV sets, mannequins, and totems hidden throughout the game.
  • Familiar elements like crows, family portraits, hatch escapes, and survivors at the campfire create a nod to the DBD universe.

As a dedicated fan of Dead By Daylight, immersing myself in this intricate lore has become akin to relishing a fine wine – each layer unveiled offers a richer, more profound understanding of this captivating universe.

In the thrilling narrative journey of “The Casting of Frank Stone,” there are clear allusions to the horror game “Dead By Daylight.” These references include frequent mentions of The Entity and occasional repairs akin to generators. However, the story might also contain hidden gems or nods to the game (easter eggs) that players could easily overlook amidst the chilling narrative.

Collectibles for “The Casting of Frank Stone” feature several entertaining references to DBD Killers, but there are many hidden ones that even the most observant fan might miss. While we’ll try our best to steer clear of major spoilers, be aware that some mild spoilers may be present, so tread carefully.

WARNING! Spoilers ahead!

13 Red Scratch-Marks

Run, Survivor, Run!

Dead By Daylight References You Might Miss in Casting Of Frank Stone

In “The Casting of Frank Stone,” the initial reference to “Dead By Daylight” is depicted by crimson scratches. As Maddi traverses a dreamlike landscape, these marks appear in her wake. If the player fails to look behind Maddi as she advances, they might easily overlook them.

Red scratch marks are usually left behind as a Survivor runs from the Killer in Dead By Daylight. These marks are meant to help the Killer track the Survivors as they attempt to flee, so why are they following Maddi? Who is tracking her down?

12 Smiley Face Pin

An Icon Of The Legion

Dead By Daylight References You Might Miss in Casting Of Frank Stone

In the Curiosity Shop, Chris stumbled upon a minuscule Dead By Daylight token, almost too tiny to notice. This pin badge was so petite that it might have gone unnoticed if not for a keen-eyed player who ventured to the right side of the store and took a peek at the table nearby.

Among the assortment of extra accessories, the Legion’s cheerful pin stands out as a chilling symbol among the ruthless band of teenage killers. The sarcastic grin carries an ominous message for any Survivor, as it induces a debilitating blindness effect. Could this be a sign that Chris is oblivious to the impending perils?

11 Creepy Television Sets

Expecting Sadako To Crawl Out At Any Moment

Dead By Daylight References You Might Miss in Casting Of Frank Stone

In the antique store called Curiosity Shop, there’s a television that serves as a window into Gerant Manor. Experienced Dead By Daylight gamers might notice the vintage design of this TV, reminiscent of those often seen within the domain of The Entity.

Players can discover these set-ups not just within authorized maps like Halloween’s Haddonfield and Saw’s Gideon’s Meatpacking Plant, but they are also integral to The Onryƍ’s gameplay in Dead By Daylight. While players will recognize these sets, they would prefer that nothing emerges from them.

10 Ominous Mannequins

Straight From Shelter Woods

Dead By Daylight References You Might Miss in Casting Of Frank Stone

Glancing at mannequins in a thrift store might not seem particularly intriguing initially, but considering the peculiarities of this universe, it’s wise to assume everything could be a nod to “Dead By Daylight“. Early on in the game, Chris comes across these unsettling figures in the Curiosity Shop.

At the heart of Shelter Woods lies the lair of the Skull Merchant, where lifelike statues stand idle, seemingly poised for a shooting range. These figures are unsettling and unnerving, much like the common perception of mannequins, don’t you agree?

9 Emergency Med Kit

Heal Up, Head Out

Dead By Daylight References You Might Miss in Casting Of Frank Stone

Be careful out there, grab a first-aid kit! Sadly, that first-aid kit Chris reached for isn’t functional at all. It was discovered in a pharmacy while the group was searching for a place to repair their camera.

In the thrilling game of “Dead by Daylight,” the instantly recognizable red first aid kit bearing a white cross is indispensable. When a player urgently needs to restore a teammate’s health, it performs admirably. However, since its adjustment some time ago, it’s not as effective at healing oneself.

8 Lightbringer

(And Other Brief References)

Dead By Daylight References You Might Miss in Casting Of Frank Stone

In “Dead By Daylight,” certain references can be easily overlooked unless players pay close attention to specific areas like bulletin boards, or listen attentively to dialogues. Additionally, a quick hint about Lery’s Institute (the domain of The Doctor) is subtly included later in the gameplay.

In the game ‘Dead By Daylight’, the Lightbringer emblem is given exclusively to players who successfully accomplish their primary goal. This might serve as a caution, while Lery’s Institute is an enclosed map in ‘Dead By Daylight’, modeled after a fictional medical facility. These elements could easily be overlooked if a player isn’t closely attentive.

7 Huntress Lullaby

Singing You To An Eternal Slumber

Dead By Daylight References You Might Miss in Casting Of Frank Stone

Some players of “Dead By Daylight” may not have caught the subtle audio signal when they initially encountered “The Casting of Frank Stone”. However, as Chris handles the adorable bunny mask owned by The Huntress, a chilling lullaby can be heard in the game’s background.

In the story “The Casting Of Frank Stone“, visitors of Augustine’s museum will have a chance to view the infamous Killer’s mask, which is reminiscent of an artifact from the game “Dead By Daylight“. However, unlike earlier encounters, they won’t get to experience the chilling lullaby again.

6 Trickster Music Box

He’s Light On His Feet

Dead By Daylight References You Might Miss in Casting Of Frank Stone

In this chapter, one might not immediately assume that Augustine is a fan of K-Pop, but there’s Ji-Woon Hak in the music box nonetheless. The music box holds significance within the story, although the character inside it could have gone unnoticed initially.

The Cunning One swiftly brandishes his blades towards the Escaping Ones, displaying both elegance and flair, thus fitting perfectly as the central character in a musical toy. While his hairstyle has changed, his coat and trousers remain distinctively familiar.

5 Crows

Spies From The Shadows

Dead By Daylight References You Might Miss in Casting Of Frank Stone

In the universe of “Dead By Daylight”, it wouldn’t feel quite right without the presence of crows. These birds seem to hold a special place in The Entity’s affections, appearing in every map and playing a significant role in The Artist’s domain. This forlorn stuffed crow can be found in the Curiosity Shop, hoping to find a new home.

These avian allies signal player locations, proving useful to both Killers and Survivors if attentive enough. Crows screech when a player passes by or hover above them in circles when the players remain stationary for an extended period.

4 A Totem On Coldwind Farm

If It Glows, It Goes

Dead By Daylight References You Might Miss in Casting Of Frank Stone

In the miniature setting of Coldwind Farm within Gerant Manor, this totem is skillfully concealed. Upon Maddi and Linda cracking open the case, they’ll encounter a minor enigma that requires solving. Inside, they’ll find these radiant skeletal remains.

In the game “Dead By Daylight“, both Killers and Survivors interact with artifacts known as totems. The Killers place a curse on these totems, making them emit a red glow, while the Survivors can either cleanse or bless them. When a totem is blessed, it takes on a blue glow, signifying that it has been successfully purified. However, the reason behind this blessing and who performs it remains unexplained in the game.

3 Familiar Family Portraits

A Picture Paints A Thousand Words

Dead By Daylight References You Might Miss in Casting Of Frank Stone

These women depicted in the portraits at Gerant Manor exude both a sense of pride and an eerie foreboding. Notably, most of the portraits show Augustine herself, but not these particular three.

In the game Dead by Daylight, one character is known as The Artist, a notorious killer. Who else might be in this group? It’s thought that another could be Evelyn Thompson, the Hillbilly’s mother. Could it also be Sally Smithson, the Nurse?

2 Hatch Escape

Who Brought The Key?

Dead By Daylight References You Might Miss in Casting Of Frank Stone

While investigating parts of the ancient mill, Chris and Jaime stumbled upon a hasty exit. This might subtly remind avid Dead by Daylight fans, but even casual players will appreciate a smile as they recognize the nod.

In the heart-pounding world of “Dead By Daylight,” I’m often found scrambling to find the hatch, a last-ditch escape route for Survivors when their team has met an unfortunate fate or successfully fled. Finding this elusive exit can turn the end-game into a thrilling cat-and-mouse chase as both the final Survivor and the relentless Killer are hot on its trail!

1 Survivors At The Campfire

Claudette, Is That You?

Dead By Daylight References You Might Miss in Casting Of Frank Stone

The sight of the campfire carries a mix of joy and sorrow. While it’s heartening to see that someone has managed to survive, it simultaneously signals that a new challenge ordeal lies ahead.

At the campfire, players may spot several familiar outlines. These figures remain silent, indicating they’ve dwelled there for a while.

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2024-09-06 19:34