Deadlock: Abrams Build Guide

Deadlock: Abrams Build Guide

As a seasoned Deadlock veteran with countless hours under my belt, I must say that Abrams is a gem for newcomers and veterans alike. With his balanced kit and tanky nature, he’s like the Swiss Army knife of heroes – versatile and reliable.

In simpler terms, Abrams serves as the primary tank in Deadlock, excelling not only in close-range combat but also boasting a shotgun and strong melee damage. His unique trait is that he can partially recover from the damage he receives, making him a formidable force in many high-risk battles at the forefront. Despite being less agile, Abrams isn’t phased when he can disperse enemies using his Ultimate and attract their focus, thereby giving his teammates an opportunity to inflict damage without interference.

To fully realize Abrams’ capabilities in Deadlock, it’s crucial to understand his functions, suitable items for purchase, and optimal usage methods. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you master playing Abrams in Deadlock.

Deadlock Abrams Overview

Deadlock: Abrams Build Guide

  • Can dominate targets in close range combat
  • A simple kit makes him beginner-friendly
  • A powerhouse in the early games, with the passive ability to regenerate health
  • An unshakable tank in the late game with access to a self-healing passive
  • Excels at team fight with decent crowd control
  • Gets countered by parries and crowd control abilities
  • Struggles against ranged heroes like Vindicta and Grey Talon
  • Isn’t cut out for isolated battles
  • The lack of mobility makes him a stationary target.

Detective Abrams is equipped with a shotgun for close combat, and he enjoys landing punches on his foes. He’s aggressive in battles, seeking to establish control quickly. However, this aggressive style leaves him susceptible to parries and harsh crowd control abilities within the game Deadlock. Therefore, players of Abrams need to be mindful of their surroundings and strategically engage in team fights, as they must balance the riskiness of their actions.

Regardless, he has a straightforward yet powerful kit, which makes him appealing to beginners and veterans at the highest level of the game. With the proper build and ability progression, he gains more bulk and sustains throughout the battle thanks to his health regeneration passive. Here’s all the details about Abrams’ kit:

Ability NameAbility Effects
Siphon Life (1)Drain health from enemies in front of you while they are in the radius. Radius: 10m Duration: 4s Cooldown: 40s Damage: 35/sec (x0.2 Spirit) Heal vs Heroes: 100% Heal vs Non-Heroes: 50%

  • 1 AP: -20s Cooldown
  • 2 AP: +2s Duration
  • 5 AP: +40 Damage/ sec
Shoulder Charge (2)Charge forward, colliding with enemies and dragging them along. Hitting a wall will Stun enemies caught by Abrams. Speed increased after colliding with enemy Heroes. Duration: 1.2s Cooldown: 37s Damage: 40 (x2.1 Spirit) Stun Duration: 0.85s

  • 1 AP: -20s Cooldown
  • 2 AP: +0.5s Duration
  • 5 AP: +5.5 Weapon Damage for 8s after colliding with an enemy
Infernal Resilience (Passive)Regenerate a portion of incoming damage over time. Damage Regenerated: 16% Regeneration Time: 18s Health Regen: +1

  • 1 AP: +1.5 Health Regen
  • 2 AP: +150 Health
  • 5 AP: +9% Damage Regenerated
Seismic Impact (4)Leap high into the air and choose a location on the ground to smash into. When you hit the ground, all enemies in the radius are damaged and stunned. Press [LMC] to crash down early. Stun Duration: 1s Impact Radius: 9m Cooldown: 159s Damage: 150 (x0.9 Spirit)

  • 1 AP: -40s Cooldown
  • 2 AP: Gain 100 Max HP and 15% Fire Rate per hero hit for 25s.
  • 5 AP: On cast, become Immune to Stun, Silence, Sleep, Root, and Disarm. Expires 3s after landing.

Deadlock Abrams Build

In the course of combat, heroes gain power by accumulating more souls, which allows them to enhance their skills and buy items that boost their performance. Similarly, adhering to a strategic build sequence is crucial for maximizing Abrams’ power as he overpowers enemies during close-quarters engagements.

Abrams Ability Progression

Deadlock: Abrams Build Guide

Ensure you initiate the first strategy with Infernal Resilience to bolster Abrams’ survivability in the lanes. This skill will aid him by restoring a portion of the damage he sustains. Given his health regeneration is less compared to tanks like Bebop in Deadlock, it’s crucial to provide him with that additional health recovery.

As a fan, I’d recommend boosting Abram’s “Siphon Life” ability next. This constant damage source can be utilized strategically to intimidate the enemy laner if they get too close to Abrams. Even if they try to evade the range, you can fire from behind, potentially securing a free kill or at least scaring them off. The following point should be invested in “Shoulder Charge,” enhancing Abram’s ability to pursue targets effectively.

The Shoulder Charge can also stagger enemies against a wall, so use it with his Heavy Melee to inflict lethal damage on opponents in the early phase. Also, upgrade this ability to one AP to reduce its cooldown by 20 seconds. While progressing towards the late game, prioritize Siphon Life before allocating the rest of the points to other abilities.

Abrams Item Build

Deadlock: Abrams Build Guide

In Deadlock, there’s a wide variety of items available for character customization, giving players more freedom during character creation. However, this vast array might confuse beginners unless they understand how each item interacts within the game. Fortunately, Abrams is a beginner-friendly hero who thrives on equipment that enhances his durability. Consequently, items providing restorative effects such as Melee Lifesteal and Restorative Shot are essential early in the game. Later, focus should be on items that boost his damage output.

Early game
  • Close Quarters
  • Melee Charge
  • Restorative Shot
  • Melee Lifesteal
  • Healing Rite
  • Extra Stamina
  • Extra Regen
  • Sprint Boots
  • Spirit Strike
Mid game
  • Berserker
  • Point Blank
  • Hunter’s Aura
  • Kinetic Dash
  • Enduring Speed
  • Lifestrike
  • Improved Spirit Armor
  • Improved Bullet Armor
  • Superior Stamina
  • Torment Pulse
  • Duration Extender
  • Bullet Resist Shredder
Late game
  • Frenzy
  • Warp Stone
  • Soul Rebirth
  • Phantom Strike
  • Superior Cooldown
  • Diviner’s Kevlar
  • Crippling Headshot
  • Rapid Rounds
  • Healbane
  • Debuff Remover
  • Metal Skin
  • Curse
  • Knockdown
  • Ethereal Shift
  • Silence Glyph
  • Suppressor

Instead of opting for lifesteal items, choose the ability Spirit Strike for Abram’s Siphon Life empowerment. Spirit Strike reduces a target’s spirit resistance whenever hit by a Light or Heavy Melee attack, which Abram can activate often to maximize his passive benefits. Moreover, he can trigger the Melee Charge with his heavy punch, enhancing the damage of this attack and instantly reloading his weapon simultaneously. Additionally, Spirit Strike is effective against minions too, ensuring that Abram won’t run out of ammo for a weapon with a slow reload speed.

Furthermore, select Sprint Boots to boost Abrams’ agility as he is among the slower characters in the game and could benefit from increased mobility. In the mid-game, it’s essential to obtain both the Bullet Resist Shredder and Torment Pulse. The former item weakens enemies’ bullet resistance, making them more susceptible to damage by bullets and melee attacks. The latter, Torment Pulse, periodically inflicts Spirit Damage on adversaries, allowing other gear to lower the target’s bullet resistance, thus increasing their vulnerability.

Hunter’s Aura and Point Blank are powerful items to use in the late game, as they significantly improve the damage and effectiveness of the shotgun. Depending on the situation, pick Healbane to shut down life-stealers like Lady Geist and Infernus. Sometimes, Abrams might have to fight against Deadlock hero like McGinnis, who wields a minigun with a high fire rate. In that case, the Suppressor will help since it applies Fire Rate Slow upon dealing Spirit Damage.

How To Play Abrams In Deadlock

Deadlock: Abrams Build Guide

As a newcomer to Deadlock, Abrams is an ideal hero choice for you. He’s got a well-rounded kit with self-reliant abilities and a close-range shotgun that dishes out a ton of damage. His tanky persona lets him survive the initial skirmishes and amass souls for better equipment. Though blasting opponents and minions might be enjoyable, his Heavy Melee is more useful in fights, so don’t forget to use it often.

In other words, Abrams truly shines during team fights by taking on damage and controlling his aggression. His Shoulder Charge is effective at creating distance and singling out targets. However, it’s crucial to seek opportunities for coordinated attacks rather than charging into enemy lines alone, as he might find himself in a vulnerable position without backup.

General Tips

  • Avoid engaging with ranged heroes like Vindicta or Grey Talon, since they can easily snipe a reckless Abrams. Instead, play around covers and clear the minion waves to survive.
  • Abrams’s Shoulder Charge is great for chasing opponents, but try not to play too risky to get caught out in the open. Remember, he is pretty much a stationary target without items that boost his mobility.
  • Always use the Seismic Impact on multiple enemies during team fights so that allies can benefit from its stun effect.

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2024-09-16 16:14