Deadlock Devs Planning Full Rewrite of One Key Feature

Deadlock Devs Planning Full Rewrite of One Key Feature

Key Takeaways

  • Deadlock dev confirms that the Matchmaking Rating system isn’t currently working well.
  • In responding to a fan on Discord, the MMR system is currently being worked on with a full rewrite planned.
  • Deadlock uses a hero and lane-based MMR system that matches a High and Medium skill player with a new and low MMR player.

As a dedicated Deadlock fan with countless hours invested in its alpha phases, I can’t help but feel a mix of frustration and excitement when it comes to the game’s Matchmaking Rating (MMR) system. On one hand, the confirmation that it’s not currently functioning as intended is a letdown, especially considering how crucial a well-functioning matchmaking system is for a multiplayer game like Deadlock. On the other hand, the news of a planned full rewrite of the MMR system has me hopeful that future matches will be more balanced and enjoyable.

In response to a question about Deadlock on its Discord channel, a developer admitted that the Matchmaking Rating system is being reworked because it’s not functioning as intended at the moment. Despite a quiet development phase over the past couple of years, Deadlock has become one of Valve’s most widely discussed projects that isn’t officially announced. The game has been under playtesting since 2023, and with leaks emerging earlier this year, it wasn’t long before Valve confirmed its existence in August.

Despite being in a closed alpha phase of development, the announcement of Deadlock has generated significant buzz, making it one of the most anticipated games on Steam. Notably, Valve’s confirmation has propelled its popularity, which is remarkable given that it hasn’t been released yet and isn’t available to all users. As the game is still in early development stages, Valve is primarily relying on playtesting and user feedback to refine it further, although some aspects may not meet their usual standards at this point.

One notable characteristic is Deadlock’s matchmaking system, which some players have expressed frustration with from time to time due to significant skill disparities in certain games, resulting in unpredictable matches. Fortunately, it appears that the matchmaking problems are not deliberate, as a Valve developer known as “Yoshi” on the Deadlock Discord channel has stated that the Matchmaking Ranking system isn’t functioning optimally. In essence, this system assigns each player a hidden number based on their playstyle, using it to group players with similar numbers together in the same matches for fairer competition. The issue of matchmaking remains a popular topic in multiplayer games like Call of Duty, with fans frequently discussing the ideal way to pair up players.

Deadlock’s Matchmaking Ranking Getting a Full Rewrite Soon

Yoshi clarified that Valve’s hero-based Matchmaking Rating (MMR) system isn’t functioning optimally at present. The team is actively revising the entire system to address numerous player concerns. As of now, Deadlock employs a hero and lane setup where a skilled High or Medium player often teams up with a new or low MMR player. Although specific flaws and alterations during the rewrite weren’t disclosed, it is important to note that Deadlock remains in developmental stages, so features may change before release. Thus, such problems should not come as a surprise.

Despite Deadlock not expected to launch imminently, enthusiasts have been digging for more information about Valve’s upcoming game. A trusted Valve source, nicknamed Gabe Follower, recently shared some intriguing details. They hinted that Deadlock was initially conceived within the Half-Life universe, set during the seven-hour war – a pivotal event where the Combine defeated Earth’s UN forces. However, it appears that Deadlock eventually evolved into a standalone title separate from Half-Life. As for any potential connections between the two franchises, that remains uncertain for now, but more should be revealed as Deadlock moves closer to its full release.

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2024-09-02 17:43