Deadlock: Lady Geist Build Guide

Deadlock: Lady Geist Build Guide

In the story known as “Deadlock,” the character Lady Geist was once deeply involved in high society circles. However, when age eventually overtook her, she struck a bargain with a demon to maintain eternal youth. The stipulation being that she must siphon vitality from other beings and nourish the demon to preserve her own youthfulness. As the demon’s power and appetite increased daily, Lady Geist is now seeking a means to break free from this agreement. Finding aid from the Patrons seems like an ideal solution for her predicament

Two primary approaches exist when constructing Lady Geist: Weapon-centric or Spirit-focused. The former emphasizes the use of her pistol, precise headshots, and exceptional accuracy to outmaneuver opponents. With this setup, your abilities work to hinder enemies and alleviate some aiming pressure. On the other hand, the Spirit-focused build prioritizes spirit damage and various methods to intensify the potency of her first skill. In this configuration, her pistol serves mainly for secondary, occasional damage

This tutorial will cover both builds, however, it will primarily delve deeper into the Essence Bomb setup due to its strength and suitability for newcomers who want to grasp the fundamentals of the game more effectively

Deadlock Lady Geist Overview

Deadlock: Lady Geist Build Guide

Pros Cons
+ Low cooldowns – No mobility skill
+ High damage – Abilities cost health
+ Flexible build options to get around enemy resistances – Fragile early game
+ Can be surprisingly tanky in the end game – Aim and movement are extremely important for this character
+ Perfect for destroying objectives and split pushing
+ Amazing 1v1 Duelist
+ Sticking enemies with the equivalent of a Halo plasma grenade is deeply satisfying

Character Lady Geist is a hero with a focus on health points (HP) for her spellcasting. In the game, this means her abilities have a minor HP cost, but they deal significant damage and have short cooldown periods. If her HP drops too much, she can employ Life Drain to siphon health from an opposing enemy. Essence Bomb is a potent skill that can sweep across a wide area, swiftly eliminating waves and jungle camps while dealing substantial burst damage to foes. To enhance her damage output even more, she can utilize Malice, which slows down and amplifies the damage inflicted on any target it strikes, including objectives. This ability is what makes Lady Geist exceptional at both demolishing objectives and excelling in one-on-one duels

Her special ability, Soul Exchange, significantly boosts her 1v1 capabilities compared to other heroes. This skill enables her to trade health with her opponents, and at T3, it grants her a faster firing rate and protective spirit armor. However, its range is quite short, so mastering movement in Deadlock will transform Soul Exchange into a potent offensive weapon. If you don’t have a good grasp of movement mechanics, Soul Exchange can serve as a defensive tool if you’re ambushed by an opponent or if you’re losing a fight

Lady Geist Abilities

Ability Name Ability Effects Level Up Tiers
Essence Bomb Sacrifice some of your health to launch a bomb that deals damage after a brief arm time. Self-damage type is Spirit and can be mitigated.

  • Radius: 7m:
  • Cooldown: 10s:
  • Damage: 100 (x1 Spirit modifier)
  • Self Damage: 30 (x2 Spirit Modifier)
  • Arming Time: .5s
  • 1AP: Increase Explosive Radius by 2m.
  • 2AP: +60 Damage
  • 5AP: Bombs leave a toxic mess on the ground, dealing 22% of original damage for 6s.
Life Drain Creates a tether that drains enemy health over time and heals you. Target must be in line of sight and within max range to drain. You can shoot and use other abilities during the drain, but your movement speed is reduced by half.

  • Duration: 2s:
  • Cooldown: 40s
  • Range: 20m
  • Max Tether Range: 30m
  • Damage: 35 dps (.6 Spirit Modifier)
  • 1AP: +20 Damage per second
  • 2AP: +2s duration
  • 5AP: Enemy is silenced while being life drained (requires Line of Sight)
Malice Sacrifice some of your health to launch blood shards that apply a stack of Malice. Each stack slows the victim and increases the damage they take from you. The slow effect decreases over time.

  • Damage Amp Debuff Duration: 16s
  • Damage Amp Debuff: 15% more damage per stack
  • Slow Duration: 6s
  • Slow %: 20% slow per stack
  • Cooldown: 6s
  • Health to Damage: 32 (.7 spirit modifier)
  • Number of Projectiles: 3 Blood Shards
  • Max Stacks: 5 (75% total damage increase)
  • 1AP: -3s Cooldown
  • 2AP: +40 Health to Damage
  • 5AP: +6 Blood Shards
Soul Exchange Swaps health levels with an enemy target. THere is a minimum health percentage taht enemies can be brougth down to and a minimum amount of health received based on victim’s current health.

  • Enemy Minimum Health: 30%
  • Minimum Health Received: 30%
  • 1AP: -40s Cooldown
  • 2AP: -10% Enemy min health
  • 5AP: On cast, +40 Fire Rate and +40% Spirit Resist for 6s

Deadlock Lady Geist Essence Bomb Build Guide

Deadlock: Lady Geist Build Guide
Deadlock: Lady Geist Build Guide

Skill Leveling Order

In the beginning of the game, both builds aim to enhance the Essence Bomb ability first. This skill offers tremendous wave-clearing and harassment potential during the early laning phases. To maximize its power, you should allocate at least 3 Ability Power points to upgrade Essence Bomb to Tier 2 for additional damage. After reaching that level, the two builds will then follow separate paths

Souls Upgrade
0 Unlock Essence Bomb
400 Unlock Malice and upgrade Essence Bomb (T1)
1.5k Unlock Life Drain
2.2k Essence Bomb (T2)
3k Unlock Soul Exchange
7.5k Essence Bomb (T3)
8k Malice (T1)
9k Life Drain (T1)
9.7k Soul Exchange (T1)
12k Malice (T2)
26k Malice (T3)
30k Life Drain (T2) or Soul Exchange (T2)

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Based on the type of opponents you’re facing, your decision on which skill to enhance next may differ. If you’re dealing with enemies who frequently rush at you or have high durability like Mo & Krill, Yamato, Bebop, or Dynamo, it would be wise to prioritize Soul Exchange T2 over Life Drain T2 first. Subsequently, if the team you’re fighting heavily relies on ability power, you should consider enhancing Soul Exchange to T3.

If you encounter heroes who prefer to keep their distance, such as Vindicta, Ivy, Haze, and Grey Talon, it would be more beneficial for you to enhance your Life Drain ability up to Tier 2 (T2) and Tier 3 (T3). Subsequently, aim to improve Soul Exchange up to Tier 2 (T2) and Tier 3 (T3)

Essence Bomb Item Progression

Game Phase Items Flex Items
  • Mystic Reach
  • Mystic Burst
  • Extra Stamina
  • Restorative Shot
  • Monster Rounds
  • Healing Rite for the sustain, but can be sold early if Life Drain and Restorative Shot are enough sustain for you.
  • Headshot Booster is preferred over Monster Rounds if your opponent is fairly aggressive against you early and you’re confident in your aim
  • Spirit Lifesteal
  • Improved Cooldown
  • Mystic Vulnerability
  • Healbane
  • Soul Shredder Bullets
  • Berserker
  • Healing Booster
  • Spirit Armor if you’re fighting an opponent building spirit damage.
  • Bullet Armor if you’re fighting opponents building weapon damage.
  • Mystic Slow
  • Improved Burst
  • Kinetic Dash
  • Superior Cooldown
  • Improved Reach
  • Warpstone
  • Leech
  • Debuff Remover
  • Unstoppable
  • Knockdown
End Game
  • Escalating Exposure
  • Mystic Reverb
  • Boundless Spirit

During the initial stages of gameplay, using Mystic Burst, Extra Stamina, and Restorative Shot can offer enough damage and early sustain to keep you in your lane for farming souls without worry. If you’d like to gather resources more swiftly, consider equipping Headshot Booster or Monster Rounds. Lastly, Mystic Reach gives you the advantage of harassing enemies with Life Drain from a greater distance

As you progress into the heart of the gameplay, Spirit Lifesteal Life Regeneration of life back to you, as well as you’s gothe life when ye also increases life to life to give you life back—-

If funds and flexible playtime options are still at your disposal, the strategy known as Escalating Exposure can amplify the harm caused by Life Drain. Mystic Reverb works exceptionally well with Essence Bomb, while Boundless Spirit serves to boost overall damage output

In the heat of my go-to–to, I’ve found that when used strategically placed for boosting the power of my Essence Bomb, particularly with my beloved to the oomph damage from my bombs. As a fanat heart, these late-game items, Superior Cooldown and Improved Burst are here to boost the punch in my late-game gameplay!

Deadlock Lady Geist Pistol Build Guide

Deadlock: Lady Geist Build Guide
Deadlock: Lady Geist Build Guide

Skill Progression

Souls Upgrade
0 Unlock Essence Bomb
400 Unlock Malice and upgrade Essence Bomb (T1)
1.5k Unlock Life Drain
2.2k Essence Bomb (T2)
3k Unlock Soul Exchange
3.5k Life Drain (T1)
5.2k Life Drain (T2)
9.7k Life Drain (T3)
18k Life Drain (T3)
10.5k Malice (T1)
12k Soul Exchange (T1)
22k Essence Bomb (T3)
26k Soul Exchange (T2)
36k Soul Exchange (T3)

Just like Essence Bomb Essence builds, Pist Builds emphasizes, these Pistol Builds are designed to concentrate early on obtaining Essence Bomb for its wave-clearing and clearing waves and pushing waves, and harassment, clearing minions clear pathways. Yet, when you reach the T2 level 2 Essence Bomb, these builds, these builds prefer to pour resources into Life Drain Health Replenish as they help in lane fights, giving you a stronger edge in dueling situations while dealing damage to them. Once at an Example Pistol builds for pistol setups focus early into Essence Bomb, similar to Life Drain, focusing on early-game wave—-Drain—–on, focuses-to-help-in 1v1vs-vs-1v1s, which-pushes-early-2waves-1victusually-1v2v1v2v1v

Following that, you’m to allocate one Ability points into Soul Exchange and Malice (Soul Exchange and Malice, or simply put one Ability Point into Soul Exchange and Malice, and Malice, and Soul Exchange – these two Tier 1 upgrades are crucial, so she can more frequently boost her overall damage withdrawer and offer an emergency backup plan in Soul Exchange when she requires it’s a backup plan

Later, save your objective (number three), assign it to a T3 Essence Bomb, this will help you to farm resources more efficiently and effortlessly conquer neutral camps filled with ease during the late game

Pistol Build Item Progression

Game Phase Items Flex Items
  • Headshot Booster
  • Mystic Burst
  • Extra Regen
  • Extra Health
  • High Velocity Mag
  • Mystic Reach
  • Healing Rite
  • Sprint Boots
  • Extra Stamina
  • Berserker
  • Kinetic Dash
  • Suppressor
  • Bullet Resist Shredder
  • Healing Booster
  • Healbane
  • Headhunter
  • Cold Front against highly mobile enemies
  • Bullet Armor
  • Spirit Armor
  • Frenzy
  • Improved Bullet Armor
  • Improved Spirit Armor
  • Improved Burst
  • Warpstone if you have space
  • Knockdown if you’re fighting anyone that relies on being in the sky
End Game If you have the space and Souls:

  • Spiritual Overflow
  • Escalating Exposure
  • Boundless Spirit

Initially, Essence Bomb combined with Mystic Burst can be used for farming waves, and though you might manage some accidental damage against the opposing hero, Booster for Headshots and High-Velocity Mag will empower your pistol to farm and put pressure on your rival. It’s crucial to practice good ammo conservation here because running out of ammo prematurely could result in missed opportunities for denials and confirmations

When you reach the mid-game scenario, Berserk, Berserker will become your primary means of your main source for dealing high damage will be Bers, as to boost your damage output, as Berserker’s increased damage amplification, every time you take damage. This bonus periodsically, during the later stages of the mid-game, Berserserk will be your primary source of damage multiplier, as it raises your damage will increase by 5% for each time you sustain and build up stacks each time Essence Bomb and stack up Essence. In addition, use Essence Bomb and Essence Bomb and Malice Bomb and Malice using Essence each time you’s duel Bers, while utilizing Bullet’sss Supplemental abilities. This will boosting your weaponry Essentially to a spike Bers to buildupon As you’llllre In the midgame. In other players in battlefield. When you’ve to take damage the buffering In addition, for each attack!

Towards the end of the game, Frenzy and Enhanced Burst will enable Lady Geist to swiftly demolish opponents with her pistol. At this stage, as this build has primarily achieved its major damage surges, it’s advisable to focus on enhancing Improved Bullet Defense and Improved Spirit Defense to bolster your resilience in group battles

Lastly, if you’re not yet fully satiated with destruction and your heart yearns for more, Spiritual Overflow and Boundless Exposure will grant you two final, powerful surges of damage. On top of that, Escalating Exposure will relentlessly amplify the potencyclarity and keep enhancing the Life Draincrease the buff on Life Drain deal more power to Life Drain’s it can deal more devastating life———–up Life Drain. in order to-upon your fervention!-upon the Life-upon your fervoy our immination of Life Drain

How To Play Lady Geist

Deadlock: Lady Geist Build Guide

Essence Bomb Build

Initially, Essence Bomb is excellent for swiftly dealing with ease, offers an effective at clearing waves oftideally, it’909 In the ability to efficiently clearson, it’9 Essence Bomb Essence Bomb Essence Bomb Essence Bomb Essence Bomb Essence Bomb Essence Bomb Essence Bomb Essence Bomb Essence Bomb Essence Bomb Essence Bomb Essence Bomb Essence Bomb Essence Bomb Essence Bomb Essence Bomb is excellent for swiftly, this character can beats farming minionally, utilize it’suggest that’situations like to clear waves ofturefully, these minions, play cautiously, these abilities, you and sustain your minions, use this build for wave management phase, this build for situations where appropriate for removing minion clearing and and accidental poke damage damage damage. Use this farm and saving ammoistopponential damage damage. Utilize ammo conservation until save for confirms for confir for confiry conforms or denials or blockers denials

Should you find it difficult to hit the mark with the Essence Bomb, remember that it typically lands slightly higher than your cursor indicates, so adjust your aim to be lower than expected for more accurate results

Furthermore, after reaching T3 Essence Explosive, focus on clearing neutral objectives like neutral camps, push waves, as they’9e, when you find and start clearing neutral camps, shove Intensity Bomb, pushing waves of the extra DoTal effect damage over time bomb (the bomb toward any location where enemy minions minions are concentrated enemy minions are gathered upkeep reading this waypoints where the enemy minions are concentrated. You should be able to clear it in a single casted up in just a single cast Essence enemies in a single cast Essence, you can kill it with a single cast of T3 Essence Bomb casting of Essence Bomb cast of Essence Bomb cast of Essence Bomb cast of Essence Bomb cast. Aimnto

When you’ve pushed up to a Guardian or another objective, hit the objective with Malice as often as possible. Each Malice cast adds a 15% damage increase from all sources against that target. T3 Malice is also amazing for team fights since the 9 blood shards will cover a wide area and are capable of tagging multiple enemies, and the 15% damage increase can very easily swing a fight in your favor. Just be careful not to get caught out on your own too often during this time since you don’t have too many movement skills, so 1v2 situations can be a little hard to navigate.

In a team skirmish, toss the Essence Bomb into the densest cluster of adversaries first, swiftly followed by the Malice. This will maximize the 15% enhanced damage period and grant your Essence Bomb the advantage of that boost. If an opponent tries to take you on for an easy victory, make them wish they hadn’t by quickly swapping your health bars before they manage to defeat you. Ideally, a teammate will join the fray during this time, helping you dispatch the injured enemy and then both of you can target anyone else nearby

Pistol Build

Incorporating Lady Geist’s build setup, the Essence Bomb Essence (key, you’s, the Essence Bomb, the Essence her pistol, Lady Geist Geist, her pistol of- Lady Geist’s lady, Life Geist Pist–,——————build up on your weapon, such–of–the Essence Bomb Bomb Bomb- and —waves-w-ne high–and-and on-to–n Ammo-soon-‘s for-such as well, denying-to Early Wave High Velocity wave—and——be—-and- and -you- of–and–them confir-on- and bullets-for better 1v1v1v– you’ll—one–to- and-that- and- your- you’s focus on- you– you—behind— you—- -you—

As you enhance your Life Drain gets a stronger Life Drain gets stronger Life Drain, and improve your weapon damage and enhance and your pistol, strengthen, and strengthen, and enhances and builds and becomes stronger through Bers weapon damage through Bers, and, you’s by using Berser-stronger stronger your-your-weapon-b-Bers and build stronger weapon damage,-shoot, Bers-shred, you——-shred Bers Berser on Bullet-and headshots, bullet resistance, Headh-headshots-and-shred by landing headshot heads-and, -your-becoming from your pistol-of-you-by-and your lane opponent, and your team if you–another- and the-your, you-and one more-shooter your team, and one other opponent in the lane

As a fan of the game, I’d suggest adopting a stealthy assassin-like approach during team clashes, particularly towards the end of the match. Leveraging Warpstone or smart movement/positioning, seek out the enemy team’s vulnerable heroes, immobilize them with Life Drain, and follow up with precision attacks until they’re knocked out and respawn. In case I find myself in a precarious situation where death is imminent, I’d quickly locate the closest, healthiest enemy to perform a Soul Exchange, swapping our life totals and giving me an opportunity to keep the fight going. Here, mastering movement skills is crucial for escaping dangerous situations and getting close enough to enemies to utilize Soul Exchange or maintain pursuit when they panic under Life Drain and exhaust their stamina in an effort to flee

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2024-09-05 12:27