Deadlock: Pocket Build Guide

Deadlock: Pocket Build Guide

As a seasoned veteran of the Deadlock battlefield, I’ve had my fair share of encounters with the elusive Pocket. This agile, swift-footed sniper is not one to be underestimated, my friend! His arsenal of abilities is as versatile as a Swiss Army knife, making him a formidable force in any team composition.

Pocket‘s repertoire specializes in up-close combat situations, showcasing an aggressive playstyle that leverages his Flying Cloak and Enchanter’s Satchel for rapid enemy encounters and swift escapes when needed. Despite a comparatively low spirit resistance stat, which might make him seem vulnerable against heroes emphasizing spirit damage, judicious use of abilities enables him to outwit opponents and survive seemingly fatal engagements. Discover the optimal ways to utilize Pocket’s adaptable skill set in the following discussion.

Pocket Overview

Deadlock: Pocket Build Guide

Characterized by a wide range of adaptable skills and an exceptionally potent shotgun, Pocket is a versatile figure capable of effectively utilizing a vast array of items. His collection of flexible abilities not only offers strong offensive bursts but also enhances mobility and defensive strategies, particularly when multiple objectives are addressed simultaneously. To offset this versatility, Pocket begins each game with a 15% reduced spirit resistance, forcing players to strategize carefully in terms of ability usage and item selection for victory.

Pocket Abilities

Ability Name Ability Effects
Barrage Channel to start launching projectiles that deal damage and apply movement slow’ around their impact point. Each projectile landed on a hero grants you a stacking buff that amplifies all of your damage. If you cast it while in the air, you’ll float and maintain any horizontal momentum you started with.

Radius: 6.5m
Cooldown: 30s
Amp Per Stack: 7%
Damage Per Projectile: 35 (0.4x Spirit)
Movement Slow: 40%
Projectile Amount: 4
Slow Duration: 1.5s
Amp Duration: 15s
  • 1 AP: +15 Damage Per Projectile
  • 2 AP: -15s Cooldown
  • 5 AP: +5% Amp Per Stack
Flying Cloak Launch a sentient cloak that travels forward and damages enemies. You can press [Ability 2] to teleport to its location.

Radius: 5m
Cooldown: 30s
Damage: 90 (x1.1 Spirit)
Lifetime: 3.2s
  • 1 AP: -15s Cooldown
  • 2 AP: +80 Damage
  • 5 AP: +7 Weapon Damage for 10s after teleporting with Flying Cloak
Enchanter’s Satchel Escape into your suitcase. When the duration ends, deal damage to nearby enemies. Duration can be ended early by performing any action.

Radius: 12m
Cooldown: 16s
Escape Duration: 2s
Damage: 100 (x0.7 Spirit)
  • 1 AP: -5s Cooldown
  • 2 AP: +80 Damage
  • 5 AP: Applies 40% Fire Rate slow for 4s
Affliction Apply damage over time to all enemies nearby. Affliction’s damage is non-lethal and does not apply item procs.

Radius: 14m
Cooldown: 120s
DPS: 23 (0.4x Spirit)
Debuff Duration: 18s
  • 1 AP: -30s Cooldown
  • 2 AP: Suppress targets’ healing by -60%
  • 5 AP: +27 DPS

Pocket Build Guide

Deadlock: Pocket Build Guide

With the substantial base damage of Flying Cloak and Enchanter’s Satchel, enhanced by their 2AP bonuses, choosing Spirit items first in the early and mid-game allows for swift enemy elimination through rapid bursting. These abilities not only serve as Pocket’s main defensive and escape tools but are also popular choices even when he’s behind in a game. For enemies who manage to withstand this initial onslaught, Affliction’s potent damage over time effect can weaken them before a full-fledged attack or while pursuing them, while Barrage’s damage multiplier can be applied ahead of time to boost all types of damage Pocket can inflict.

As the game advances and opponents acquire items that enhance their survivability against Pocket’s burst of spiritual damage, players should start using strategic shots from their shotgun more frequently to deal additional damage. This can be bolstered by obtaining items such as Soul Shredder Bullets, Mystic Shot, and Spiritual Overflow to boost Pocket’s spiritual damage, or by improving his weapon damage with items like Close Quarters, Point Blank, or Pristine Emblem.

Pocket Ability Build

Deadlock: Pocket Build Guide

Initially in the game, Pocket’s skill development stays mostly unchanged. At first, Barrage is a useful weapon for annoying opponents in the lane. Later on, focus shifts towards acquiring Flying Cloak and Enchanter’s Satchel, which amplify Pocket’s attack power and provide an escape route. Additionally, one point is added to Affliction when it’s suitable to enhance its usability.

After equipping Flying Cloak and Enchanter’s Satchel, each with their respective 2AP bonuses, the versatility of Pocket’s ability progression increases significantly. Players can now choose AP bonuses that best suit their team’s needs. For instance, Enchanter’s Satchel’s fire rate slow is beneficial against damage-dealing characters such as Wraith and Haze who heavily rely on their weapons. On the other hand, Affliction’s healing suppression can be effective against healing-reliant heroes like Abrams and Kelvin. For a more offensive approach, both Flying Cloak and Barrage’s 5AP bonuses are excellent options to boost Pocket’s damage output.

Pocket Item Build

Deadlock: Pocket Build Guide

With skillful play, Pocket’s adaptable equipment can frequently prevent harm, enabling players to focus predominantly on enhancing offensive items that boost his potential to transform encounters into kills. As the need arises for Pocket to acquire essential defensive items, he can choose options that offer extra functionality to counteract the enemy team’s advantages, such as Enduring Speed, Debuff Reduction/Removal, or Reactive Shield.

Early Game

  • Mystic Burst
  • Extra Spirit
  • Close Quarters
  • Improved Cooldown
  • Enduring Spirit
  • Sprint Boots


  • Improved Burst
  • Superior Cooldown (Imbue Flying Cloak)
  • Mystic Vulnerability
  • Warp Stone/Majestic Leap (Based on preference, Warp Stone is more offensive, Majestic Leap is better mobility out of combat)
  • Bullet Armor/Spirit Armor (As needed)
  • Enduring Speed
  • Soul Shredder Bullets
  • Point Blank
  • Kinetic Dash (Optional)

Late Game

  • Diviner’s Kevlar
  • Spiritual Overflow
  • Escalating Exposure
  • Improved Bullet Armor/Spirit Armor

In the game Deadlock, it’s essential to customize certain items based on the heroes in the enemy team. For instance, Decay could be a powerful replacement when dealing with a pesky Abrams. Ethereal Shift is beneficial for avoiding targeted abilities without affecting Enchanter’s Satchel’s recharge time.

How to Play Pocket

Deadlock: Pocket Build Guide

Pocket excels when utilizing his diverse skillset to play offensively and secure kills. To harass enemies, make the most of Barrage’s broad area of effect, allowing you to fire at opponents even around corners or while chasing them, dealing damage as you float after using a zipline or performing a jump dash. Flying Cloak is another useful technique for poking enemies or pushing the lane, enabling players to strike their opponents before deciding whether to teleport in for an attack attempt. Enchanter’s Satchel is an exceptional tool for changing the course of a battle by absorbing damage and dishing out high amounts of spirit damage as you leave it. A sequence involving Flying Cloak, teleporting onto an enemy, then deploying and immediately exiting Enchanter’s Satchel is a potent strategy for swiftly setting up a favorable engagement.

The Flying Cloak is exceptionally potent due to its mobility advantages, enabling Pocket to catch enemies off guard and then evade pursuing adversaries in the heat of battle on Pocket. For instance, attacking enemies with a dash jump or tools such as Majestic Leap can enable Pocket to send the Flying Cloak towards safety, releasing a burst of damage before teleporting back toward his own base. When escaping from opponents, sending the Flying Cloak in one direction while running down another path causes the opponents to choose whether to chase the Cloak or Pocket themselves. This strategy allows Pocket to determine whether to teleport to his Cloak or keep running on foot based on the enemy’s decision. By using the Flying Cloak creatively, Pocket can outsmart opponents and escape from situations that no other hero can manage, so make sure to experiment with it.

With his exceptional agility, Pocket often catches opponents off guard by setting traps. Keeping an eye on the minimap for exposed enemies offers chances to move around and score kills, which brings advantages like souls and lane dominance to the team. Capitalizing on these moments while transitioning between lanes to conquer neutral creatures amplifies Pocket’s soul advantage even more and allows him to purchase the many items required to maintain his edge over the opposition.

As the game advances beyond the laning stage, Pocket will frequently have to expand his burst attacks to claim kills, such as using Barrage to boost its damage amplification, applying Affliction’s powerful damage over time effect, and shooting enemies with his shotgun to trigger items’ on-hit effects and finally eliminate them once his abilities run out.

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2024-09-09 02:35