Delicious in Dungeon: How Did Senshi End Up in the Dungeon?

Delicious in Dungeon: How Did Senshi End Up in the Dungeon?


  • Senshi’s traumatic history in the dungeon with his mining group reveals the dark reality behind their quest for ancient treasures.
  • Ambition and greed led to the group’s downfall, as they became trapped in a transformed dungeon filled with deadly creatures.
  • Senshi’s haunting fear of cannibalism arose from a mysterious soup he once consumed, sparking a chilling mystery that finally finds resolution.

As a seasoned adventurer with a lifetime of experiences under my belt, I cannot help but feel a deep empathy for poor Senshi as I read his harrowing tale. The pain and fear he experienced in that dungeon are palpable, and his struggle to come to terms with the events that transpired is heart-wrenchingly relatable.

In the captivating realm of Delicious in Dungeon, I, a seasoned dwarf named Senshi from Izganda, have found myself dwelling within its enigmatic depths for quite some time now. Countless adventurers from the surface have been lured by the dungeon’s allure to delve through its dark corridors. As for me, I’m not here for glory or treasure – just survival.

All That Glitters Is Not Gold

Young Senshi walks into something he shouldn’t

Delicious in Dungeon: How Did Senshi End Up in the Dungeon?

In his youth, Senshi was part of a compact band of dwarves who specialized not in mining for ore, but rather unearthing ruins predating the war, which were significantly more valuable. Unlike other mining groups, their focus wasn’t on riches deep beneath the earth, but on the treasures hidden within the remnants of the past. Their diligence eventually bore fruit as they stumbled upon an ancient castle shimmering with gold in the same subterranean labyrinth that Laios and his team are currently exploring.

The castle, believed by some to be merely a tale from an old kingdom, was found to have genuine gold, thrilling the dwarves. Yet, young Senshi suggested cautiously that they might need to return to the surface first, to ensure they were fully prepared for their upcoming expedition.

His idea was rejected by his peers because it seemed unclear or impractical to them, as he lacked the necessary experience or expertise.

Gillan, the leader of their group, was the only one who showed kindness towards Senshi. He comforted him by letting him know it was okay if he didn’t feel like participating in gathering the castle’s gold, and that he could step back while the others continued. Overwhelmed by the prospect of being left alone and possibly feeling ashamed, Senshi fibbed, claiming he too wanted the gold. This led him to rush into the castle to join his fellow group members.

Senshi’s gut was firing on all cylinders about the castle. He did not like it at all, however his colleagues were blinded by ambition and wealth, so much so that they became a little too ambitious. As they explored deeper into the castle, their eyes began to glow in the dark. Senshi described it as if they were hypnotized, drawn in by something lurking inside. It turns out, he was not wrong.

The nightmare begins


Delicious in Dungeon: How Did Senshi End Up in the Dungeon?

The team stumbled upon a fallen dwarf, wounded and lifeless, with one member asserting that a monstrous bird-like entity emerged from the darkness and was responsible for the death. He further declared that the castle had transformed into a labyrinthine dungeon. This revelation snapped them out of their gold-seeking stupor. Upon attempting to flee, they were unable to locate an exit. Since dungeons are connected to the surface, there must be a means of escape somewhere; thus, the group ventured forth to find it.

Initially, the young warriors started noticing peculiar occurrences within the labyrinth. When they felt thirsty, a well miraculously appeared. As exhaustion set in, they stumbled upon resting spots. A comrade even swore he spotted a woman in the maze, tempting them. Regrettably, their search for an exit was running short on time and rations were dwindling. To prevent anyone from succumbing to hunger, Gillan prioritized finding food, regardless of whether it meant taking lives. The elders among them then devised a strategy to procure food, defend against monsters they had previously avoided, and launch offensives when necessary. Senshi was assigned the duty of mapping out the labyrinth in great detail.

Unfortunately, the strange bird-like creature struck again, claiming another dwarf’s life. Trembling with fear, Senshi volunteered to join the search for sustenance, but Gillan declined, fearing Senshi would only be a hindrance. It was later discovered that they had already located some food, which Senshi consumed guiltily, having failed to find it. Over time, the dwarves neglected their quest for escape and instead concentrated solely on finding food. The bird continued to harass the group, causing casualties with each return. As their numbers dwindled and fear mounted, even their horse Anne became a source of food out of desperation.

The mysterious “bird”

Delicious in Dungeon: How Did Senshi End Up in the Dungeon?

Over a meal of horsemeat, the three remaining group members were hypothesizing over what the bird creature is. Gillan thinks it was a Griffin. Senshi can’t understand why the Griffin does not eat it’s victims, it only kills and leaves the bodies. Gillan thinks it is because the beast must simply enjoy killing, it does not matter that it is not hungry, just monster instincts. Next time the monster came around, Gillan promised that they would kill and eat it.

On that particular night, Senshi struggled to sleep due to a dispute between Gillan and Brigan. Brigan was vocalizing his displeasure towards Gillan for providing the majority of their remaining food supplies to a young, seemingly ungrateful dwarf (Senshi). He accused Gillan of being foolish for doing so. However, Gillan countered by emphasizing that as responsible adults in their group, it is crucial to care for and nurture the younger generation, lest they fail in their duty to raise the future dwarves.

In a heated moment, Brigan accused Senshi of concealing food one evening, having discovered Senshi attempting to eat stones due to severe hunger. Once more, Gillan intervened, proposing they move their disagreement outside and away from the frightened Senshi. Their argument grew increasingly intense, eventually reaching a peak. From within the quiet resting room, Senshi heard the sounds of fighting, struggles, agonizing shouts, and then a deafening silence.

Gillan came back, appearing beaten and injured, with his head down. He informed Senshi that the Griffin attacked once more, and although Gillan was able to slay it, Brigan met a tragic end. However, Senshi spotted an unusual hole in Gillan’s helmet, suggesting he might have been struck by a weapon. Shocked, Gillan instructed Senshi to remain indoors while he went to gather the Griffin meat for cooking purposes.

Gillan prepared a soup from the meat by simply simmering it in water. The flavor and aroma were revolting, yet Senshi managed to consume it despite the difficulty in chewing the tough meat. After Gillan departed to relieve himself, he never returned, leaving Senshi all by himself. As a result, Senshi developed agoraphobia, becoming too fearful to venture outside.

Senshi’s escape

Delicious in Dungeon: How Did Senshi End Up in the Dungeon?

In the end, he concluded it was necessary to devise an escape strategy. He conserved the remaining meat, scrutinized the maps he had drawn, deciphered the symbols on the dungeon walls, and eventually left the room to find Gillan’s helmet and weapons, but there were no dead bodies present.

In an attempt to flee, he was apprehended and confined by orcs. Despite this, he developed a rapport with them, growing fond of them. He shared his knowledge of ancient Dwarvish language with them, while learning from them about edible mushrooms and combat strategies against monsters. Eventually, they granted him freedom under amicable conditions, and he used their instructions to navigate back to the surface.

After the harrowing ordeal I faced in that dungeon, going back home felt nearly impossible. Instead, I found myself settling near the dungeon’s entrance, even delving into its shallower realms. Over time, an unusual connection formed between the dungeon and our town, turning it into a bustling hub for adventurers. Now, I can’t help but watch as they journey through the very place that once held me captive.

The big unanswered question

Did Senshi actually eat him?

Delicious in Dungeon: How Did Senshi End Up in the Dungeon?

A memory from his time in the dungeon continues to torment Senshi: the unique, dreadful taste of the soup Gillan prepared, which he believes was made from griffins, keeps resurfacing each time he eats something.

No monster he has eaten has come close to tasting like it. He pieced it together in his mind, and given that he wasn’t able to go outside the resting room and the heavy argument between Brigan and Gillan, he is terrified that what he consumed was Brigan’s flesh. It is the reason that Senshi ran away from the Griffin that Laios and the gang encountered, he is afraid to learn the answer to the question that has plagued him all these years.

Laios suggested they make the same soup using the Griffin they had slain to help ease Senshi’s troubled mind. Regrettably, the flavor was completely unlike the original. Despite this, Laios remains certain that it was a Hippogriff that attacked their group previously, and that is what he consumed.

As a gamer, I’d rephrase that as: “It seemed clear the beast was chasing after the horse instead of attacking anyone, thanks to its equine-like hooves like a Hippogriff. Unlike Griffins with their lion-pawed feet, these hoof prints were probably what dented Gillan’s helmet. Using magical Changeling mushrooms, they swapped the Griffin meat into that of a Hippogriff’s and prepared it for consumption. Fortunately, this confirmed Laios’ theory, giving Senshi some well-deserved peace of mind after all these years.”

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2024-08-06 00:04