Destiny 2’s New Exotic Auto Rifle Breaks a Huge Tradition

Destiny 2's New Exotic Auto Rifle Breaks a Huge Tradition

<img class=”contentimg” src=”‘s-a-a-to-a-one, the final act of <b Destiny Echoir-a-the third and final act ofDestiny-oholiciously cameo One, players will finally confront the mysterious Conductor and attempt to secure the Echo of Command. In this thrilling episode, players will you self as a season pass holder and new Vexotic-a Destiny-the new story details, two new story details about-themed seasonal weapons and the new Exotic Mission: Encore. Upon completion, players can unlock the powerful new Exotic Auto Rifle, Choir of One, marking the first time an Auto Rifle utilizes Special Ammo in Destiny 2!</p>

In the concluding chapter of Destiny 2’s initial Episode, titled Echoes, the long-awaited third act has been unveiled, marking the culmination of the battle for Nessus. This is where players engage in a showdown with the enigmatic Conductor, aiming to acquire the elusive Echo of Command. In addition to new narrative revelations, a veritable hoard of fresh content has been introduced. Among the offerings are two seasonal weapons themed around the Vex, the Solar Light Machine Gun Speleologist and the Void Trace Rifle Chronophage. Furthermore, there’s the new Exotic Mission: Encore, which players can complete to unlock the unique Exotic Auto Rifle, Choir of One. However, this Auto Rifle deviates from the norm as it is the first in Destiny 2 to utilize Special Ammo

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Destiny’s Auto Rifle History

In the context of Destiny’s timeline as a series, primary weapons have traditionally been the first choice, encompassing Auto Rifles. However, special and heavy ammo would be more challenging to bring into play on the battlefield or on the battlefield or on the battlefield or on the Crucrucrude, so players have had to employ their limited-ammo weapons judiciously, or risk losing them in the heat of battle or Crucible

However, one Destiny weapon merged the concept of primary Auto Rifles and special Fusion Rifles together to create one of the most powerful weapons in the franchise. This weapon is the Vex Mythoclast, Destiny’s first raid Exotic weapon to be obtained only by beating a raid’s final boss on Hard mode. While the Vex Mythoclast is classified as a Fusion Rifle, it doesn’t use special ammo and instead uses primary ammo. In terms of gameplay, the Mythoclast acts more like an Auto Rifle than a Fusion Rifle, shooting rapid-fire beams instead of bullets.

Destiny 2’s New Exotic Choir of One Explained

In contrast to Mythoclast, the Choir of One is a unique weapon slot-based weapon, unlike others in its class. Unlike regular Auto Rifles, it employs specialized ammunition for the first time ever within this family. The Choir of One has two firing modes: when aimed through sights, it functions like an enhanced precision Auto Rifle, but when hip-fired, it discharges five spread shots at once, resembling a cross-like pattern that detonates upon impact, acting somewhat like an explosive shotgun, similar to Wyverns’ signature attack. However, when using the ADS, it fires 225 bullets per minute, outperforming other Auto Rifles such as the SUROS Regime and even legendary guns with RPMs ranging from 360-720. Instead, it resembles a semi-auto Scout Rifle like the MIDA Multi-Tool, which has an RPM of 210

In PVE (Player vs Environment) situations, the Choir of One is a formidable tool, but in PVP (Player vs Player), it can be an exceptional weapon too, if players are skilled at managing Special Ammo. At close range, you can swiftly eliminate opponents with just three body shots and one headshot using Choir. However, as the distance increases, the damage dealt by Choir decreases significantly, so it’s not recommended to use it like a Sniper or Scout Rifle, despite the increased headshot damage. When fired from the hip at close range, Choir of One can take out enemies in a single shot. However, keep in mind that its hip-fire speed is still relatively slow, so it’s best to use this technique only in close-quarters combat

Choir of One’s Potential Impact on Destiny 2

In the game, Choir of One being the first weapon to employ Special ammunition could spark a trend among other main weapons adopting this kind of ammunition too. For instance, Eriana’s Vow and rocket sidearms are already utilizing such ammo in the game, but the impact of chain effect might be more significant. Currently, it seems that this feature may only apply to Exotics, with Destiny 2’s upcoming episodes Revenant and Heresy potentially introducing new Scout and Pulse Rifles that make use of special ammunition. It is speculated that each episode could follow Echoes’ precedent by introducing a fresh Exotic primary weapon using special ammo in its third act, though this remains uncertain for now

Those who successfully finish the Encore Exotic Mission and receive the Bravissimo Triumph badge before October 8th will be able to buy an authentic reproduction of the Sculpt of One from Bungie’s Rewards shop

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2024-09-05 19:29