Discover the Most Eerie Shacks in RDR2 That Will Leave You Speechless!

In the game Red Dead Redemption 2, you’ll come across numerous quaint shacks and cabins that serve as intriguing landmarks for players to explore, gather collectibles, and make advancements in their Compendium. For trophy hunters, locating five specific shacks is essential for earning trophies, but there are many more hidden gems worth discovering to enhance your gaming experience.

Adventurers should mount Arthur’s steed and venture into the untamed wilderness of Red Dead Redemption 2 to discover peculiar shacks and cabins. Each structure carries its own narrative, often filled with elements of despair, sorrow, unease, or a blend of these emotions.

8. Bayall Edge

A Creepy Cabin That Tracks Arthur’s Moral Choices

  • Location: East of the Kamassa River within the Bayou Nwa, Lemoyne

One intriguing rephrasing for your text could be: “Bayall Edge in Red Dead Redemption 2 is undeniably one of the spookiest spots, offering a chilling experience that’s sure to make your hair stand on end. If you’re seeking an eerie sensation, don’t miss exploring Bayall Edge. While it isn’t dangerous per se, the atmosphere seems otherworldly due to the haunting limericks and stories of Arthur Morgan inscribed on its walls and wooden structures using white paint.

As a gamer, I keep tabs on Arthur’s choices in Red Dead Redemption 2, and it’s essential to drop by regularly to check on the center painting. Although the final version of the painting isn’t revealed until the Epilogue, always remember to glance at the mirror whenever you enter a new location…just to catch a sneak peek of the progress!

7. Meteor House

A House with a Lootable Meteorite to Reduce Hot Temperature Damage by 10%

  • Location: Found South of Doverhill, just East of Roanoke Valley in New Hanover

At first glance, The Meteor House in Roanoke Ridge appears rather ordinary. However, the strange occurrences hidden within are far from it. Inside this seemingly innocuous shack, you’ll discover a group of individuals who were peacefully living their lives before an unexpected and deadly event occurred – a piece of meteorite crashed onto their dining table, tragically ending their lives in grotesque fashion.

Besides being a disturbing scene, Arthur has an extraordinary ability: he can handle a strange metal found inside a hole in the ground, which is actually a meteorite fragment. This item can be sold and offers a significant advantage – it reduces the damage caused by extreme heat temperatures by 10% when kept in Arthur’s satchel.

6. Robard Farm

Discover a Deadly Affair

  • Location: North of the Southfield Flats, near Mattock Pond in Scarlett Meadows, Lemoyne

In Lemoyne, another deserted building is discovered, leading to Robard Farm. Although the farm offers an Oxen to slay for the Compendium and a Laurence Dunn Cigarette Card, it’s the chilling murders inside the cabin that draw players here most intriguingly.

Stepping into the small cabin, players will discover a profusion of bloody footprints and two individuals who have been tragically murdered in their sleep on a bed. Trace the path of these footprints back outside to encounter a woman who took her own life with a revolver, together with a letter begging her husband to halt his infidelities.

5. Dodd’s Bluff

Discover a Gold Nugget That Caused the Death of Two Men

  • Location: South of Window Rock, found far North of Valentine in Ambarino

At Dodd’s Bluff, there’s a secluded cabin where intriguing events unfolded. Players can sneak into this quiet hideaway to discover the bodies of two men who appear to have engaged in a violent altercation that ended fatally for both parties. The deadly weapons used – a hammer and crowbar – are still nearby, suggesting a brutal and forceful end to their lives.

Stepping into Dodd’s Bluff isn’t just about viewing the deceased miners; it’s also about seizing a valuable Gold Nugget kept nearby. This suggests that these men were indeed gold prospectors who had finally hit a rich vein, but couldn’t decide who should reap the rewards. Fortunately for Arthur, he is the one who ends up with the reward, amounting to a quick $25.

4. Osman Grove

The Corpses of a Small Family Remain Inside

  • Location: East of Emerald Ranch and Emerald Station in New Hanover

At Osman Grove, adventurers seeking to fulfill certain Companion Item Requests at the Van der Linde camp may find some helpful items. Inside the shack, you’ll discover a storybook meant for Jack and a fountain pen intended for Mary-Beth. However, for those who make it inside the cabin, the scene that awaits might be quite melancholic.

Inside Osman Grove lies a group of deceased individuals – a tiny household who shared this space, ultimately succumbing to suffocation when a pipe burst and confined them within the cabin. A young child engrossed in playthings, accompanied by a mother, father, grandmother, and grandfather – this family tragically perished, and Arthur may be the last living remnant of their existence.

3. Hermit Woman

A Hostile Witch and Her Dogs Hold a Great Secret

  • Location: North West of West Elizabeth, following North from Little Creek River and Hanging Dock Ranch

The Hermit Woman possesses an undisclosed cabin that promises an inhospitable environment for Arthur’s visit. Not only does the Hermit Woman eschew social interaction by deploying her aggressive guard dogs to bite and mangle Arthur, but she will also actively engage in confrontations herself to drive away unwanted visitors, often without granting them any time to depart.

The enigmatic Hermit Woman, despite her humble abode, possesses part of a treasure map linked to the infamous outlaw, Otis Miller. Some believe she could be his widow, while others like Arthur view her as a sorceress. Whatever her true identity, acquiring her half of the treasure map promises an exciting haul.

2. Manito Glade

A Hermit’s Dwelling Who Holds a Treasure Map and a Rare Shotgun

  • Location: North East of Annesburg in Roanoke Ridge, New Hanover

In the northeastern part of New Hanover lies a forest where adventurers can traverse, eventually reaching Manito Glade, a secluded cabin. Several warning signs dot the front, signaling that the inhabitant within may not be amiable. If any player ventures too near, the man wearing an extra-large hat will emerge and vocally demand them to depart.

If Arthur doesn’t depart or shows aggression towards the hermit, there could be a shootout, but if Arthur wins, he’ll find a unique Rare Shotgun to plunder, and inside the cabin lies the missing part of the Torn Treasure Map, which will help players discover the Otis Miller Treasure in New Austin.

1. Watson’s Cabin

An Easy Cabin for Isolated Loot and a Semi-Auto Shotgun

  • Location: West of Wallace Station in West Elizabeth, and North of Little Creek River

In the rural outskirts of West Elizabeth resides an old woman named Mama Watson, far from being sweet or innocent. Should explorers venture into her cabin, they’ll encounter this gruff elderly lady. If Arthur follows her demands and stashes his plunder in the cellar, he will discover a trove of useful items hidden away there. The reasoning behind Mama Watson’s behavior is that she suspects him to be connected with her notorious sons, the Watson Boys.

In Watson’s Cabin, there’s a collection of jewelry, coins, and notably, a Semi-Auto Shotgun – a weapon that players can acquire prior to purchasing it in Chapter 4. This presents an accessible opportunity for looting, but be mindful of returning here later as a potential ambush may lie ahead.

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2025-03-10 19:36