- It’s Tough to Be a Bug closes permanently on March 16, 2025, making way for Zootopia’s Better Zoogether.
- Pixar Putt opens at Disneyland with themed mini-golf holes inspired by Pixar movies until June 1, 2025.
- Luke Skywalker joins Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge in Disneyland for an exclusive character meet-and-greet during Season of the Force.
Disney is causing a stir with some thrilling new advancements in its theme parks. Ranging from permanent shutdowns to the much-anticipated arrivals of favorite characters, here are the recent news from Disneyland and Walt Disney World.
It’s Tough to Be a Bug Closing for Good
For a number of years, It’s Tough to Be a Bug has been a well-loved attraction at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. However, starting on March 16, 2025, this favorite spot will permanently close to prepare for the much-anticipated arrival of Zootopia: Better Zoogether. This exciting new attraction is expected to debut in winter 2025 and will invite guests to step into the world of Zootopia, where they can encounter cherished characters and participate in engaging interactive experiences.

The shutdown of It’s Tough to Be a Bug signals the end of an era, as this 3D spectacle has been a mainstay of the park since it opened back in 1998. The production was helmed by Flik, the affable ant character from A Bug’s Life, who warmly greeted the audience as “honorary bugs” and acquainted them with various insect species while showcasing their unique talents. However, the performance took a dramatic turn when Hopper, the antagonist grasshopper from the film, disrupted the proceedings and accused humans of being long-standing foes of insects. This escalated into an intense “bug attack” sequence, where spectators experienced mist from bug defenses, air bursts simulating insects flying past, and an off-putting scent from a stink bug. One of the most surprising effects involved seat pokes, replicating the sensation of bugs crawling beneath the audience. In the end, Flik returned to comfort the guests and remind them of the crucial role insects play in our ecosystem, wrapping up the show on an enlightening and optimistic note.
Regardless of being closed, It’s Tough to Be a Bug continues to be cherished as a nostalgic gem by Disney enthusiasts. It was one of the unique offerings based on A Bug’s Life in Disney Parks and was renowned for its offbeat and surprising delights. The blend of humor, interactive elements, and an ecological message made it a standout and unforgettable experience within Disney’s Animal Kingdom for over two decades.
Pixar Putt Opens at Disneyland
The interactive mini golf event called Pixar Putt, which promises an engaging experience, will first appear at Disneyland, but its premiere has been pushed back from February 7 to February 11. This adjustment is being made so that Disney can further perfect the attraction. Those who had reservations between February 7 and 10 have received an email notification about this change and are given the chance to reschedule. As a token of appreciation, Disney is providing a $15 dining voucher for use at Pixar Place Hotel restaurants or quick-service outlets to those affected by this delay.

Experience a delightful, interactive mini golf adventure called Pixar Putt, where each hole is inspired by cherished Pixar films such as Inside Out 2, Toy Story, Cars, Monsters Inc., Soul, The Incredibles, Finding Nemo, A Bug’s Life, Wall-E, Luca, and Turning Red. This exciting golf course has previously visited notable U.S. cities like New York and Washington D.C., but will remain at Pixar Place Hotel until June 1, 2025. Tee times are available every half hour and can be booked on
Luke Skywalker Joins Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge
Exciting news for “Star Wars” enthusiasts: Disney has confirmed that the iconic character Luke Skywalker will appear at Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge in Disneyland later this year. A hint of his arrival was given through a social media teaser, showing Luke and R2-D2 beside the famous Millennium Falcon. Though specifics are still secret, Disney promises to share additional details on February 10, 2025. The hashtags #SeasonOfTheForce and #Disneyland indicate that this character encounter will be unique to Disneyland and part of the annual Season of the Force event, which runs from March 28 to May 11, 2025.

In the past, R2-D2 and other droids like BD have wandered around Galaxy’s Edge, but until now, Luke Skywalker hasn’t been a regular character fans could meet there. This new development is thrilling for fans! The sneak peek video hints that he will be depicted as his younger version from the time of The Mandalorian, sporting his iconic black Jedi robe and the distinctive black glove on his right hand.
First Look at Disneyland’s 70th Anniversary Costumes
Disneyland is gearing up to mark its 70th anniversary by hosting special events, engaging entertainment, and distinctive character attire. Today, an early sneak peek was given of one such costume as Clarabelle Cow donned a lively new outfit while welcoming guests on Main Street, U.S.A. Clarabelle’s ensemble consists mainly of a pink bow adorned with blue and orange stripes, a blouse that layers gold, purple, blue, and red over a salmon background, and a blue skirt decorated with gold. In celebration of this significant milestone, her traditional silver cowbell has been upgraded to a golden one.

70 years ago, I stood where I now stand, as Disneyland opened its gates to the world on July 17, 1955 – a testament to the power of imagination and creativity, built in just one year’s time. Fast-forward to May 16, 2025, when we’ll gather once more for a grand celebration marking Disneyland’s 70th anniversary. Expect an array of special events, with “Celebrate Happy” as the central theme of this milestone occasion. Throughout the summer, you’ll spot our beloved characters adorned in anniversary attire, adding an extra dash of magic to the park.
Disney has already given us a sneak peek into the Fab Five’s festive garb on social media, piquing my curiosity for even more surprises that await us. So, get ready to create unforgettable memories as we celebrate seven decades of dreams coming true at Disneyland!
2025 looks set to be a remarkable year for park visitors with all the thrilling transformations happening at Disney! As Disney unveils more details about the upcoming changes, we’ll learn about even more extraordinary experiences in store.
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2025-02-10 00:14