Dragon Ball: Cells Big Bang Crash, Explained

Dragon Ball: Cells Big Bang Crash, Explained

Key Takeaways

  • Cell in Dragon Ball Z has access to powerful moves like the Big Bang Crash, similar to Vegeta’s Big Bang Attack.
  • Semi-Perfect Cell used the Big Bang Crash to intimidate opponents, showcasing his immense power and destructive capabilities.
  • Cell’s adaptation of the Big Bang Crash into the Kamehameha as Perfect Cell highlights his versatility in combat and strategy.

As a longtime fan of Dragon Ball Z, I can’t help but marvel at the sheer destructive power embodied by the Big Bang Crash. This signature move of Semi-Perfect Cell is a perfect example of how far one can push their limits when driven by desperation and ambition.

In the realm of Dragon Ball Z, I find myself engaged in battles with an array of characters – from human-like Z-Fighters, advanced androids, to beings hailing from far-off galaxies. Each character has distinct abilities and strengths, categorized from the mightiest to those providing support. The villains, driven by ambitions ranging from global conquest to total devastation, use their powers for evil, while the heroes strive tirelessly to thwart their plans. Some possess moves of unimaginable power, like Goku’s Kamehameha and Vegeta’s Final Flash, while others boast an extensive repertoire of techniques to keep foes guessing.

Speaking as a Dragon Ball Z fan here, let me tell you about Cell, the formidable villain from the Android Saga. Initially, he appeared on Earth as Imperfect Cell, boasting powers beyond comprehension – capable of obliterating entire cities with a mere glance and possessing a tail that could assimilate anything it touched. What made him truly terrifying was his ability to transform into two other forms: Second Form Cell and Perfect Cell. Being an android, he had the unique advantage of stealing moves from various heroes and adversaries, including Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Frieza, and King Cold. One such attack he mastered was the Big Bang Crash, a move strikingly similar to that of the Saiyan Prince.

What Is The Big Bang Crash?

Cell Second Form’s Stolen Move

Dragon Ball: Cells Big Bang Crash, Explained
First AppearanceDragon Ball Z, Episode 154, “Saiyans Emerge”
Debut DateAugust 26, 1992
Story ArcPerfect Cell Saga

Following the assimilation of Android 17, Semi-Perfect Cell significantly amplified his strength compared to his Imperfect Form. He discarded his hissing lisp and unassuming appearance, instead adopting a towering, muscular physique. This transformation also brought forth new destructive abilities that left anyone unfortunate enough to cross his path in ruins.

Despite only occasionally employing the Big Bang Crash move, it seems fitting for Semi-Perfect Cell given his imposing and slightly dramatic demeanor. For someone with this kind of personality, there’s no greater thrill than witnessing a grand spectacle like an entire area bursting into an orange glow at the flick of a hand. Although he doesn’t often use it to attack opponents, the display of Semi-Perfect Cell wielding Big Bang Crash is undeniably chilling for any combatant.

How the Big Bang Crash is Performed

Similar to Vegeta’s Big Bang Kick, Semi-Perfect Cell ascends to great heights, increasing the gap between himself and his target. With a sweep of one arm, Semi-Perfect Cell amasses a significant amount of energy in the cupped palm of his hand, generating a powerful, orange energy ball. This destructive orb is then hurled towards the designated victim by Semi-Perfect Cell, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake, reducing whatever it encounters to mere ashes.

Notable Uses Of The Big Bang Crash

Second Form Cell’s Surprise Attack

Dragon Ball: Cells Big Bang Crash, Explained

Following the assimilation of Android 17 and transforming into Semi-Perfect Cell, the following objective was to absorb Android 18 in order to achieve Perfect Cell status. However, Android 16 and 18 discovered his intentions and fled, finding refuge on a secluded island out of sight from Semi-Perfect Cell. In a desperate bid to locate them, Semi-Perfect Cell issued warnings to the hidden androids, threatening to destroy every nearby island. When these threats were ignored, Semi-Perfect Cell detonated a Big Bang Crash on an uninhabited island, obliterating it from existence.

Having destroyed a few more tropical isles, Semi-Perfect Cell set his course for the island where Androids 16 and 18 resided. If not for Vegeta and Trunks’ timely intervention, he would have annihilated that island. However, their actions only prevented him from destroying Androids 16 and 18; the damage in the surrounding area had already been done, with several islands now reduced to dust.

Oh, my friend Vegeta! It seems as if you’ve slipped up. Allow me to remind you, I hold an unforgettable memory of you. Our very cells intertwine, making you an integral piece of who I am. You, Vegeta, are an essential part of me!

In their fierce clash, Semi-Perfect Cell, the sinister figure of green, devised various strategies to unleash the Big Bang Attack. He sometimes diminished its power to launch a barrage of rapid shots, or used his mouth to fire an erratic beam of energy. With a blend of advantageous Saiyan and villain traits in his DNA, Cell’s capabilities were limitless, and he wielded formidable power. Despite not transforming into Perfect Form right away, Semi-Perfect Cell was stronger than any other enemy the team had previously encountered.

As Semi-Perfect Cell transformed into Perfect Cell, the catastrophic Big Bang Attack was superseded by the potent Kamehameha. To enhance his fighting prowess and adaptability, Perfect Cell assimilated the combat styles of any opponents brave enough to challenge him, mastering their moves along the way and employing them strategically during battles. When Perfect Cell was reverted back to Semi-Perfect form, he opted for a self-destruct sequence, exploding himself in a bid to eliminate as many adversaries as possible.

Variations of the Big Bang Crash

  • Super Big Bang Crash: Similar to Vegeta’s Continuous Energy Bullet, Second Form Cell sends out multiple smaller versions of the Big Bang Crash attack.
  • Mouth-Wave Energy: The same type of attack as the Big Bang Crash, but Second Form Cell ejects the wave of energy from his mouth instead of his hand.

Dragon Ball can be streamed on Crunchyroll.

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2024-10-04 22:03