Dragon Ball Characters Who Are Taller Than Vegeta

Dragon Ball Characters Who Are Taller Than Vegeta


  • Vegeta’s height of 164 cm makes him one of the shorter characters in Dragon Ball, possibly contributing to his temper.
  • Height measurements from official Dragon Ball guides suggest that Vegeta is frequently looked down upon by taller characters.
  • Comparing Vegeta’s height to characters like Piccolo and Mr. Satan shows that size doesn’t always equate to power.

As a long-time fan of Dragon Ball, I can’t help but feel for Vegeta, the proud Saiyan Prince who always seems to be stuck at 5 feet 5 inches (or 164 cm for us purists). It’s no secret that he’s one of the shorter characters in the series, and it appears this may have contributed to his fiery temper.

As per the Character Detail from the Dragon Ball Super Handbook, Vegeta’s official height is 164 centimeters or approximately five feet five inches. This means he’s relatively shorter compared to many other characters in Dragon Ball, a fact that has led some fans to speculate about a possible Napoleon complex influencing his fiery temper and frequent outbursts.

Vegeta often exhibits traits similar to those labeled as ‘small man syndrome,’ reinforcing the irritable small guy persona commonly depicted in different media. This may be exacerbated by the fact that he is frequently overshadowed by other Dragon Ball characters who are taller than him.

In this article, all height and weight data come from Shueisha’s Dragon Ball: Super Exciting Guides collection (released in 2009), a publication that Akira Toriyama was part of. Because of this, these measurements are often considered accurate, even if they don’t perfectly align with the heights and weights shown in the Dragon Ball manga and anime.

1 Piccolo

Piccolo is 226 cm Tall (7’5″)

When it comes to defending Vegeta, it’s important to note that Piccolo is among the tallest characters in Dragon Ball, reaching nearly seven and a half feet. In comparison, King Piccolo towered even higher at around two and a half meters, and tipped the scales at a massive 200 kg – over three times Vegeta’s known weight of 56 kg.

2 Mr. Satan

Mr. Satan is 188 cm Tall (6’2″)

Mr. Satan might not have a lot of power compared to others, but he compensates for his lack of energy known as Ki with an impressive height and weight. Standing above many Z Fighters, even the Saiyan Prince, and tipping the scales at nearly 40 kilograms more than him, Mr. Satan’s physical stature is quite imposing.

3 Goku

Goku is 175 cm Tall (5’9″)

As a diehard gamer, let me tell you about my favorite characters, Vegeta and Goku. Since their first clash on Earth, Goku has always been ahead of Vegeta in terms of power levels. To make matters worse for the prideful Saiyan Prince, not only is he four inches shorter than his long-time rival, but Goku also carries around a 6 kg weight advantage. This isn’t exactly what boosts his already inflated ego, you know?

4 Gohan (Adult)

Gohan is 176 cm Tall (5’9″)

Though Gohan might not inherit his father’s passion for combat, they are remarkably similar in stature, with only minor differences: Gohan is one kilogram lighter and one centimeter taller than Goku. Despite this, Goku has a slight edge when it comes to weight due to his hearty eating habits.

5 Future Trunks

Future Trunks is 170 cm Tall (5’7″)

Besides Goku’s son, Future Trunks also towers over Vegeta. This is not surprising given that Vegeta was already quite tall at just eight years old, reaching 4 feet 2 inches. In fact, it’s a bit unexpected that he didn’t grow taller than 5 feet 7 inches.

6 Bulma

Bulma is 165 cm Tall (5’5″)

It’s evident that Trunks inherited his height from someone other than Vegeta. Therefore, it’s not entirely unexpected to discover that Bulma is slightly taller than Vegeta, though not by a significant margin. On the positive side, Vegeta can comfortably boast about being taller than Chi-Chi, who stands just one centimeter shorter than him, and weighs approximately 5 kilograms less.

7 Yamcha

Yamcha is 183 cm Tall (6’0″)

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but notice that Vegeta, despite being shorter than his wife, carries himself with an air of nonchalance. However, when it comes to his ex-lover, the difference in height seems to strike a chord with his Saiyan pride. Interestingly, Yamcha outweighs Vegeta by quite a margin, with his weight tipping the scales at approximately 68 kg.

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2024-08-10 10:23