Dragon Ball Legends: Best Characters

Dragon Ball Legends: Best Characters


  • Dragon Ball Legends
    offers fans visually-pleasing battles with a vast character roster from the franchise for epic combat experiences.
  • Characters like Legends Limited Super Saiyan Broly and Revival Nappa offer unique gameplay mechanics and power boosts for strategic gameplay.
  • Unique abilities and features like counter attacks, power boosts, and team support make
    Dragon Ball Legends
    a must-try game for fans of the series.

As a seasoned Dragon Ball Legends player with countless hours spent mastering each character, I must say that these three units truly stand out among the rest. Each one brings something unique and powerful to the battlefield, making them essential additions to any team.

Enthusiasts excited for an action-packed mobile version of the classic series Dragon Ball can find satisfaction in Dragon Ball Legends as it offers combat reminiscent of the show’s legendary battles. While it may initially seem like a collectible gacha game, Dragon Ball Legends stands out as one of the most visually stunning Dragon Ball games available. Additionally, the game features an extensive character development system that is among the best in its genre.

It’s worth noting that this game boasts a vast array of characters to collect, enabling players to utilize their preferred ones from the entirety of the Dragon Ball universe in exhilarating battles. With over 100 characters available, you might be wondering which are the top picks in Dragon Ball Legends.

19 Revival Nappa (Purple, LL)

Long-Ranged Tank To Switch With A Decent Heavy-Hitter

Dragon Ball Legends: Best Characters

As a longtime Dragon Ball Z fan and strategy game player, I find “Revival Nappa (Purple, LL)” to be a thrilling addition to my collection. Having grown up watching the original series, I can appreciate the nostalgia this unit brings with its apparent reenactment of Nappa’s death scene at the hands of Vegeta. As someone who enjoys building a strong Purple unit kit, this character fits perfectly into my roster due to his impressive abilities.

However, when he “dies” and switches to full-health Vegeta, this unit becomes a powerhouse. During the switch-up, Vegeta gets a limited +80% Damage boost while inflicting a -30% special moves debuff. The Prince also has a Cover Change punisher in the form of destroying one card with a draw speed debuff. As Vegeta, he can inflict three substitution counts on all Son Family opponents. While it can take a while to eliminate Nappa to secure a Vegeta revive, players can use this time to earn Special Skill Arts (Green) to maximize the unit’s effects.

18 Legendary Super Saiyan Broly (Purple, UL)

Immensely Useful Punishing Tank When Leveled Up

Dragon Ball Legends: Best Characters

It’s no wonder that even mighty warriors like Goku and Vegeta are intimidated by Broly transforming into the Legendary Super Saiyan. Players can witness these advantages themselves with Legendary Super Saiyan Broly (Purple, UL). What makes this form of the Legendary Super Saiyan particularly daunting is the immediate boosts and penalties that occur during battle as soon as it appears on the field.

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but marvel at the incredible powers this character possesses! Right from the get-go, his primary ability grants him access to his ultimate move, coupled with a clever health and energy rejuvenation feature. To make things even more formidable, he can also significantly reduce an opponent’s energy, on top of inflicting a massive -100% debuff on their energy regeneration.

17 Final Form Cooler (Red, SP, LL)

Decent Unit For Any Anti-Saiyan Team

Dragon Ball Legends: Best Characters

In contrast to the notion that Cooler resembles Frieza, Final Form Cooler (Red, SP, LL) brings a fresh dynamic to the gameplay of Dragon Ball Legends, primarily because of his self-reliant abilities. Essentially, Cooler is an assertive combatant who excels at exploiting enemy weaknesses, such as securing a two-timer count lock-in every time he employs Strike Arts, making him an effective countermeasure against potent Yellow fighters.

His toolkit’s cornerstone is the Lock-In ability, which not only immobilizes Yellow fighters but also sets up the swift elimination of opponents with less than half health, or even finishes off a Rising Rush combo. Furthermore, his Type Neutral adapts his character type when the opponent fields a Super Saiyan character – essentially neutralizing their benefits – and it’s particularly effective against metas dominated by Saiyans.

16 Super Saiyan Gohan (Yellow, SP, LL)

Saiyan Built For Tanking To Support The Team

Dragon Ball Legends: Best Characters

After players successfully transform their characters into Super Saiyan Gohan (Yellow, SP, LL), also known as Zenaki Awaken Gohan, the fierce determination on his face when he defeats Cell with a broken arm is the same intensity he gives to players through his impactful role in the Dragon Ball Legends meta. Fundamentally, his Blast and Ki Recovery enhancements for both Son Family and Hybrid Saiyans make him an excellent support fighter. Moreover, his Cover Change ability significantly increases his defenses against more formidable opponents.

Apart from noting, the current form of Super Saiyan Gohan boasts an impressive arsenal of damage-dealing moves that blend harmoniously to create intriguing combos. Central to his arsenal are skills that amplify his damage output when using a Blast Card and even grant a 100% boost to the power of his Ultimate Arts Card. With suitable enhancements, this Super Saiyan Gohan can hold his own against a meta filled with regenerating characters and relentless adversaries.

15 Pan (Red, SP)

Powerhouse Team Buff, Enemy Debuffer

Dragon Ball Legends: Best Characters

Before becoming renowned as Goku’s dependable granddaughter in Dragon Ball GT, the character known as Pan (Red, SP) was initially introduced in Dragon Ball Super as an energetic grandchild, and interestingly, she was born before Vegeta’s youngest child, Bulla. Similar to her unique ability’s name, “Earth’s Strongest Little Girl,” Pan is a radiant character who can hold her own in the game for her strong support capabilities.

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but marvel at Pan (Red, SP)’s exceptional abilities. With a swift strike, she eliminates two of her adversaries’ cards, instantly unlocking her Special Move and Arts Card. This also triggers Ki restoration, reduces sub count requirements, accelerates uncancellable Arts Draw Speed, and nullifies unfavorable elements against her. This tactic seems to evoke sympathy from her enemies, compelling them to yield before her relentless assault. And oh boy, does she pack a punch! Pan’s unique abilities endow her with significant boosts, particularly since they not only enhance her own damage output but also impose attribute downgrades on her foes, making them suboptimal for extended battles.

14 Super Saiyan Trunks (Adult) (Blue, SP, LL)

One Of The Game’s Heaviest-Hitters When Prepped Properly

Dragon Ball Legends: Best Characters

As an adult, Trunks continues to be a skilled combatant, choosing a life of adventure, always carrying a sword like his future self. In the world of legends, Adult Super Saiyan Trunks (Legendary Version) is renowned for his extraordinary defensive prowess, boasting one of the strongest defense abilities in the game, featuring a unique blue sparkle effect that distinguishes him from other characters.

Super Saiyan Trunks was constructed like a tank and possesses an exclusive meter that amplifies his attack power when fully charged. Moreover, his Ultimate Skills have some of the highest potential damage in the game due to not only a high damage multiplier but also a 90% boost for Ultimate Moves.

13 Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta (Green, SP, LL)

Built For Endurance For Teams Patient Enough To Let Him Cook

Dragon Ball Legends: Best Characters

In the climactic battle against the malevolent Black Goku in his Super Saiyan Rose form, Vegeta ultimately reveals the full potential of his Super Saiyan God powers, transforming into this form with an intensity that even Goku can’t match. Known as the Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta unit in Legends, this Green Sparkling (Limited Edition) card is a competent fighter who contributes effectively to his team with substantial damage output.

Fundamentally, Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta is a solid defensive character, offering a 60% reduction in damage when covered and a 20% reduction otherwise. Moreover, he possesses an ultimate Arts Card that allows him to turn the tide in seemingly lost battles by locking in.

12 Final Form Frieza (Blue, SP)

Nifty Revive That Can Tank Powerful Hits

Dragon Ball Legends: Best Characters

As the initial true antagonist in “Dragon Ball Z,” it’s logical that Frieza would possess more than one form, each showcasing his destructive potential. Yet, it’s his fourth and ultimate form that truly unveils his full power. In legend, he is referred to as “Final Form Frieza (Blue, SP)” or the “Blue Sparkling” character, who stands out among the top revival fighters in the game due to his immense power.

As a gamer, I’ve found that Final Form Frieza shines when it comes to dealing heavy burst damage. Despite not having solid defense like other top-tier teams, Final Form Frieza can hold his own by surviving a Rising Rush and coming back with a fierce counterattack thanks to his revival component. His clever self-resurrection abilities and aggressive potential make him an excellent addition to the Lineage Of Evil team.

11 Perfect Cell (Purple, SP, LL)

Fully-Kited For Anti-Revivals, Anti-Saiyans

Dragon Ball Legends: Best Characters

When Cell successfully assimilated the three Androids, he achieved his self-proclaimed “Perfection,” transforming into what is referred to as the Perfect Cell (Purple, SP, LL) form in legends. In the game, this character is a Purple Sparkling (Legends Limited), excelling at countering numerous units due to his vast array of techniques. He’s particularly renowned for his anti-revival abilities and serves as a counterpoint to Hybrid Saiyans, making him powerful against many Saiyan-based strategies.

Beyond just his powerful Ultimate Arts, Perfect Cell also has a distinctive gauge on top of it, amplifying the damage he inflicts, making him an extremely dangerous combatant for his team. He serves as the vital purple balanced member that aggressive Android teams require, but he must have all his stars aligned to unleash his full damage potential at maximum capacity.

10 Frieza: Full Power (Yellow, SP, LL)

Anti-Son Meta Is A Powerhouse As A Last Stand Unit

Dragon Ball Legends: Best Characters

During their initial clash, Frieza, pushed to his maximum capacity, unleashes his final, overwhelming attack against Goku before his death. This form is known as “Final Form Frieza: Full Power” in the Legends game, and it represents Frieza’s second Legendary Limited card under the Yellow Sparkling classification.

As a gamer, I can vouch that Full Power Frieza is an impressive all-rounder on my team. He’s always ready to aid in battles. If I’m the last one standing, he gets a whopping 60% damage boost, and his Arts Card draw speed kicks into overdrive too! Oh, and let’s not forget his Anti-Son Family ability. It makes him an absolute game-changer against any units connected to Goku and his kin.

9 Angel Golden Frieza (Green, SP)

Glass Cannon Nature Countered By Constant Heals

Dragon Ball Legends: Best Characters

During the Tournament of Power, the destroyed Golden Frieza returns, now known as Angel Golden Frieza (Green, SP). Having transcended, this first arch-enemy of Goku delivers a stronger blow. Labeled a Green Sparkling unit, he can be found in the All-Star Banner, making him easily obtainable for strong Lineage Of Evil and Universe Survival Saga teams.

Fundamentally, Angel Golden Frieza stands out for his unique ability to recover as long as he plays cards. Unfortunately, this doesn’t offset the fact that his Blast Damage is significantly higher than most others, and in critical situations, he can transform into a type-neutral form to deal less damage with certain attacks. However, it’s important to note that his main disadvantage lies in his defensive weakness, making him susceptible to aggressive combatants.

8 Ultra Instinct Goku (Red, SP, LL)

Punisher Unit With Constant On-Entry Debuffs

Dragon Ball Legends: Best Characters

Right now, the form most powerful among Goku’s is Ultra Instinct Goku (Red, SP, LL), which has been eagerly anticipated since the launch of Legends. As a Red Sparkling (Legends Limited) character, this version of Goku certainly delivers. Essentially, Ultra Instinct Goku can shift the course of a battle by bombarding opponents with debuffs upon arrival, forcing them to engage him directly without any use of cover-based special moves, healing at 0-Health, or counteractive abilities.

To add to that, this version of Goku is quite powerful. Many of his abilities and attacks replenish his different energy bars temporarily, offset disadvantages briefly, and even raise the substitute timer of his team members when necessary.

7 Super Gogeta (Blue, UL)

Double Ultimate Arts For Double The Punishment

Dragon Ball Legends: Best Characters

Occasionally, Vegeta and Goku don’t collaborate to fight a common enemy but instead fuse together using the Fusion Dance to become a single powerful entity. This is precisely what Super Gogeta (Blue, UL) represents: a super Saiyan transformation of their fused form, specifically crafted for dealing with specific dangers. In the world of legends, this character is classified as a Blue Ultra unit, being the sole fighter capable of using its Ultimate Arts not once but twice and the only one boasting an Attack Unique Gauge.

Additionally, he boasts multiple skills, including instantaneous damage reduction of 50-70% upon entering combat or charging his gauge. Super Gogeta operates optimally as a supporting character, as he immediately locks the current adversary upon entrance and eliminates type disadvantages for up to 10 timer counts.

6 Super Saiyan God SS Kaioken Goku (Yellow, UL)

Counter Enemies Quickly With High-Speed Draws And Card-Sealing

Dragon Ball Legends: Best Characters

In the narrative, Goku’s ability to achieve a more potent Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form, along with an enhanced Kaioken, is significant. This powerful combination is known as Super Saiyan God SS Kaioken Goku (Yellow, UL), categorized as a Yellow Ultra unit that significantly influences the gameplay dynamics in Legends.

Fundamentally, this unit functions by utilizing clever features to transform into a self-sustaining combatant. These include advantages like post-elimination draw enhancements, immediate vanish recovery, and even the sealing of opponent’s Strike cards. Furthermore, his remarkable drawing pace allows him to prolong his attacks significantly, making him an exceptionally powerful fighter, unless someone exploits the Saiyan-like advantage property against him.

5 Android 17 & 18 (Red, SP, LL)

Natural-Born Meta Saiyan Counters

Dragon Ball Legends: Best Characters

Fresh additions, Android 17 & 18 (Red, Special, Limited Legendary), promptly stir up the game’s Saiyan-centric meta. As Red Sparkling, Limited Edition characters, these twin Androids are offensive powerhouses, designed for persistent and aggressive attacks. They work wonderfully with other support-oriented builds, serving as an effective frontline unit for a team.

From a strategic standpoint, Androids appear to be an effective response to the Yellow combatants who have been overpowering Player vs. Player battles. Their Red classification and Saiyan-aligned counterattacks contribute significantly to this. Moreover, their combination of inherent defense enhancers and frequent skill interruptions make the dual Androids highly resilient in team encounters.

4 Super Baby 2 (Blue, LL)

Clutch Machine Against Saiyan Setups

Dragon Ball Legends: Best Characters

When the Neo Machine Mutant Infant absorbed Vegeta, he gained previously unknown abilities that could potentially allow him to carry out his objective: seeking retribution against the Saiyans who destroyed his Tuffle ancestors. This is depicted in Dragon Ball Legends as Super Baby 2 (Blue, LL), which might be a wish fulfilled for gamers aiming to counter the powerful Saiyan strategy in Player vs Player battles.

Thanks to dealing +40% damage with GT and healing from allies, while also increasing damage by +40% specifically against Saiyan and Hybrid Saiyan enemies, Super Baby 2 proves a valuable addition. Typically paired with Super 17, he’s often placed as a counter for Saiyans. With his straightforward ability to boost allies and weaken Saiyans, Super Baby 2 is best utilized in a supporting role for high-damage dealers.

3 Ultra Instinct -Sign- Goku (Yellow, UL)

Powerful Snipe Unit To Finish Off Foes

Dragon Ball Legends: Best Characters

It’s no wonder that the character Ultra Instinct Goku rules the gameplay in Dragon Ball Legends, as the unexpected inclusion of Ultra Instinct -Sign- Goku (Yellow, UL) as a Yellow unit adds to this dominance. Ultra Instinct is depicted in the story as a form with exceptional defense, and this Yellow version of Ultra Instinct -Sign- doesn’t disappoint. It comes equipped with a Unique Ability that automatically dodges a lost Dokabaki Impact, plus boosts and mitigation on start and switch, as well as unique and health gauge restorations while idle. To top it off, this Goku can even force a long-range knockback onto opponents who attempt to Cover Change during his Strike Arts attack.

Instead of relying solely on standard attacks, players might find it beneficial to utilize Goku’s special Evade move more frequently. This ability allows Goku to dodge Tap Actions, Blast Arts, and Strike Arts, in addition to increasing his substitute count and dealing extra damage. Furthermore, due to the aggressive nature of this Yellow UI Goku that attracts Red counters, it’s suggested to keep him in reserve and switch to him only when your opponent switches out their Red characters.

2 Super Saiyan 2 Gohan – Youth (Green, UL)

A Counter Force To Reckon With

Dragon Ball Legends: Best Characters

In the game Dragon Ball Legends, the aggressive and destructive power of Super Saiyan 2 Gohan – Youth (Green, UL) mirrors the fury that erupts within Gohan when he decides to fight, following the tragic destruction of Android 16 by Cell. This iteration of Super Saiyan 2 Gohan boasts immense power, and it’s no wonder it can obliterate a “perfect” lifeform. In the game, this character embodies a reliable path to victory, with special abilities that enhance damage and offer protection, along with unique draw mechanics linked to the number of cards in play, remaining battle members, and successful Strike or Blast Arts hits.

The mechanics of this character revolve around its primary asset – the multiple counters it possesses. Specifically, SSJ2 Gohan’s Main Ability temporarily disables an opponent’s Rising Rush and Main Abilities. Moreover, using Strike or Blast Arts causes him to cancel out special effects during cover changes and card destruction. This unit also has a long-range knockback ability when countering Strike Arts while changing covers, and it can counter enemy Strike Arts and advancing Specials when its 30% Unique Gauge is active. To top it off, his Special attack can be activated as a counter with an added boost to the damage dealt.

1 Super Vegito (Yellow, UL)

Perfect Stall Despite Survivability Setbacks

Dragon Ball Legends: Best Characters

In the game Dragon Ball Legends, while many dominant characters typically depend on their Zenkai Awakening stats to adhere to the meta, this isn’t always true for Super Vegito (Yellow, UL). He stands out due to introducing a unique Counter Gauge that permits him to counter Blast attacks with Strikes if this meter surpasses 30%. This feature allows him to stall as required. His inherent debuffs make him an offensive force to be reckoned with, particularly when teamed up with Super Gogeta (Blue, UL).

The “Ultra Yellow” version of the Goku-Vegeta Potara Fusion is powerfully effective before undergoing Zenkai boost, and becomes even more so when he imposes a 15% debuff on enemies each time he uses Strikes or Blast Arts. Additionally, his Ultimate Moves can penetrate Damage Reductions, making him a formidable adversary to encounter.

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2024-08-18 00:55